Will it happen?
Will it happen?
Haha fuck no
I'm from PA and voting Hillary BTW
Keep crying Trumpniggers
Nice b8 cuck
No, a red NH and NV will happen though.
Will it happen?
PA fag here. Yes it will happen Mark my words. Screen cap this. 25x the amount of trump support even in my extremely liberal college town, West Chester. Which is basically the San Francisco of PA
what part of pa? why should i vote for her?
why not?
NV will not be red.
Another PA fag here. Screencap this.
PA is going red.
Hillary has NO CHANCE. There's ZERO support for her in Philly and Pitt. Outside of those two cities, Trump signs everywhere. Trump hats everywhere. People openly talk about him. So many former Bernbros, Obamafags now switching to him.
As a reminder, Obama beat Romney in PA by only 300,000 votes out of 6 million. PA was always a swing state, people just voted dem because they really didn't like the Republican candidates.
Not a chance.
Kek says so
The place I live has hillary signs everywhere
But Trump will win
Erie, PA checking in. Even the blacks here hate Shillary.
Allentown here.
Everyone is (reluctantly) voting for Hillary here in the Lehigh Valley. Add Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and it's simply impossible to flip PA to red.
Pittsburgh here.
Pretty sure we'll be swinging the state red.
Philly and Pittsburgh should be nuked
Fuck off you cunt. Here in pittsburgh the only reason we'll be blue is the japs and students. Old polish people love trump
Pretty sure they will be if we go to war with Russia.
A lot of people might not realize that Pittsburgh is a significant logistical hub kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was even one of the hubs in the original ARPANET.
>Lehigh Valley
literally New Jersey
What the fuck is that?
New Hampshire?
I think it just might. Last Sunday I was driving around Western PA (near Ohio line) a couple hours east into the state. I am not joking, I only counted 9 clinton signs, it was awash with Trump signs. Saw LOTS of Hillary for Prison and Trump that Bitch signs. I was really expecting more clinton signs but they are not "there". My wife made a very astute observation as well, these signs are not littering the highways and major junctions, these signs are in individual people's yards and property so its not like activists are driving around planting them left and right.
I say PA is Trump country.
Where are you at (county is fine). Just curious..I am in Allegheny County north of PGH but travel all over. Even over in Squirrel Hill 9As liberal as it is) Trump seems to edge out quite well
edit-ish...driving from western pa close to the ohio line a couple hours east into the state
Except for patches of Pittsburgh, I can't off the top of my head think why you would expect to see almost any blue representation at all in Western PA or Central PA.
I hear there's a pocket of blue in Altoona, but it wouldn't be surprising to see that in any regionally-significant metropolitan area.
The Hill, outside PGH (union strongholds), Squireel Hill (heavy Lib), Homewood, etc...They are all dem voters. I was really thrown off in homewood seeing Trump signs. That is solid sons of obama country..
I work for a shop with a large Union, guess what they are throwing up on the COMPANY trucks ( a big no-no), trump bumper stickers. Walk the parking lot, sea of Trump with, of course, the coexist stickers but they tend to have bernie stickers on their ride so I am betting a Trump vote.
>Finnish geography knowledge
Homewood, eh? Fuck yeah; that's exactly the kind of demographic I figured would flip to Trump.
I saw a whole punch of pepes painted on a building on the corner of CMU's campus the other day, among them a Trump pepe. I was very much not expecting to see such a thing right next to hardcore Hillary Squirrel Hill.
CMU...wow, that is impressive. I know the nutters of Sq. Hill all to well, worked in the heart of that area for 18 months. Think I'll take a drive there tomorrow night (great Vietnamese restaurant out there) and survey. If thread is still up I'll check back in..
>Temple University
>nogs and sjws everywhere
>But possibly too lazy to vote
It's right on Forbes. So now all the rush hour traffic is getting whacked by it.
I bet your wife's son will vote for Trump you pussy.
Probably the only election where it is possible.
Sorry lad. I don't feel it will turn red this year.
fantastic, gonna check that out as it HAS to be setting off triggers and filling up safe spaces...
Doubtful, Philly loves Hillary and Pittsburgh likes Hillary
god I hope so
>san francisco of pa
west chester isn't even the fresno of pa
Just north of the border in NY, and frequent the Scranton / Wilkes Barre area and PA will go red. I've been to two Trump rally at the Mohegan Sun arena and both times there were only four protesters. The same ones in April and October. Coal country will make sure PA goes red. Fucking screencap it.
Reminder: There is no law against taking as much time as you need in a polling booth. Heck I think some Philadelphia voters might need to sit in there ALL DAY to make up their minds. Too bad Philadelphia democrats walk away when the lines are too long.
There's going to be a massive outpouring of support for Trump, just the FBI thing put him at +6. #spiritcooking is goint to scare a lot of NO heretics into voting for Trump, and make the evangelicucks pull every last one of their members to the polling booth.
I predict at least a 15% raise in christian voting. The increase in the christian vote will match the increase in Labour vote.
You evil bastard, I think I love you...
>what part of pa?
Chester Country
>why should i vote for her?
Trump wants Reaganomics on steroids.
Yer fuckin' A.
It's 46 % vs 46 % with a D+8 and female +6 sample.
Nah senpai. Philly is the most liberal followed by the burgh. I've done my diligence and sent in my absentee in Pittsburgh for Trump. I truly believe if Allegheny County is flipped, it'll be enough to put PA over the edge.
The fuck are you talking about
That's New Hope
Where in allentown?
Schnecksville reporting in
west chester is full of numale faggots and hippies. have you ever been here? it's as liberal as can be coffee and thrift shops as far as the eye can see
Oh I know user, I was just really confused how that guy thought West Chester was so important within the context of Pennsylvania
If the SEPTA strike lasts until Tuesday, it could very well happen.
This entire election might come down to this strike.
you mean nothing at all to anybody
why do people actually think this
every polling place in philly is about a 5-10 minute walk from where everyone lives
the strike will do nothing
Turns red, it is known