Canada VS Australia, best place to live?
Canada VS Australia, best place to live?
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If you arent white go to australia
If you're a
1. faggot
2. Non white
3. Non Christian
4. Cunt
5. Mega cunt
Go to Australia
Canada because fuck the heat
In which country do I find the cutest Asian girls?
because you can't live in a non-country, this is factually false
Which one has the better beer?
Australia desu
Canada is a nation of Aryan's
This is a newspaper clipping from this mornings Toronto star
Australia may have the most hellish animals on earth, but leafs are probably worse.
What is going on with this map did Canada finally float away
Neither. Ones a fucking icebox with Indians and the others a fucking oven with Abos
Do Kiwis like Germans, especially the girls there?
Yeah but we're not rapists. Honest.
They forgot to include the entire Yukon
On one hand
>no guns, murderous wildlife, most of it is wasteland, hot as fuck
On the other
>fewer guns, cuck leaders, most of it is tundra, cold as fuck
>90% white vs 55% white
easy choice, we have no future
A fucking leaf couldn't handle a month of the bantz in Australia, stop kidding yourself kiddo
Nobody likes Germans
Canada can be pretty hot. When I was in Toronto it hit 40C.
Dumb dung it was like 9 degrees celsius today stupid bitch
Yeah but only because goats can't say no
our politicians are all self-serving, incompetent hacks but it's better than weedman
Canada is full.
It's sheep for the Kiwis you bloody mong, goats are for the Mudslimes in your country.
>not a single spec of empty land
Fuck man
frig off.
>tfw I fucked up and ruined it
Don't come to our fucking country
Full of fucking snow.
Nice capture of the only day of summer Canada gets per year.
See that's your problem. Toronto is a shitty city. WHY THE FUCK DO YOUR TRAMS ONLY GO 30 IN A 50 ZONE AND BLOCK BOTH LANES OF TRAFFIC REEEEEEEE
Nope, November 4 and has not snowed yet.
We don't got no trams nigger we got streetcars
>That picture
wtf lol
Then what's the point of Canada if it's not even snowing
Australians where fucking based in real life desu. Non stop drinking and bants while I was there, everyone seemed like they would give you their shirt if you asked after knowing them for just 30 minutes.
Get a heaps more upper class white america vibe from there.
Streetcars are the worst thing I have ever seen. Death to any politician that supports them. They are just slow busses trapped on rails.
Fuck off yugonigger
I'd move to Australia in a heartbeat
Fuck winter
That's why the government should have gone with subways instead of fucking around with the powerplants
>Canada VS Australia, best place to live?
Australia by far. Have you noticed how good looking and thin Australians are? Canada has some of the most disgustingly obese/ugliest people on the planet
That picture looks /comfy af
>shake and bump
>full of smelly foreigner Filipinos heading to the suburbs
>bus driver always some angry immigrants
>smooth sailing no speed bump on the tracks
>piss of immigrants and tourists trying to drive downtown
>kill faggot cyclists who trip on the rails
>make a cool bell sound
Nah yeh fuck off cunh
Eat shit leaf
it's to have a chill time user, not everyone has to get places on time, let's just get places more slowly and gain some perspective on life, I never took a streetcar in Toronto so I don't really know
Average weight in Canada is like 120 pounds
My girlfriend is 90 pounds
>he doesn't like snow and cold
pick one
The vast majority of kiwi girls are meh or unattractive.
If you plan on moving here for girls you will be utterly disappointed.
I'm not into Macedonian cuisine
Do you even snow dance bud?
We had to plow our driveway on Halloween.
The snow will come. It always comes.
>his country is literally a hairy dangly ball sack
Trees, empty space, more trees, other than a little winter I think it is perfect for innawoods in hard times.
Just like a Canadian
Comes and leaves white all over and leaves you to clean up the mess
Now I know you're fucking lying. Australians are too poor to afford shirts.
There is only one truly temperate area of Canada, and that's southwestern BC.
>tfw Kiwi's never walk outside when it's thirty below and your boogers in your nose freeze instantly
God damned it's a disgusting feeling.
Where are you wheraboots bud? I'm in the maritimes and its cozy.
I really love my country, when I was younger I didn't understand why anybody would be patriotic. Now I know that I truly lucked out getting to live in Canada.
We're peace keepers, we have a fuckload of natural resources and land, we've beaten America back from taking our land multiple times, we have beautiful national parks and our people are known worldwide for being kind.
The only issue is that our liberal government allows too many ethnics to enter for my tastes.
There's an Australian guy I knows and he has a rainbow flag on his house
Any place is better than Australia
Canada is full of lefties fuck it
When Emperor Trump wins he's going to nuke Australia
t. chink
That's a tough call because if you like the beach life style Oz would trump us easily. It promotes a healthy-fot lifestyle. If you could give a fuck about beach lifestyle then we got them covered hands down. We have beautiful USA under us to visit and vacay to. We have a couple diverse climates. Maritime. Southern Ont. prairies. Rocky Mountains. west Coast and sub artic north. they are all different...maybe not by much but there are noticeable differences and you can see that in the landscape and in activites people do. Oz is a fucking wasteland desert. Borrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnggggggg.
There is a reason the Roastbeefs and Frogs came here to frontier, fight and die for every square inch and sent criminals to Oz.
I'm Hung-Aryan
Fuck off bro they dindu nothing.
They have some of the cutest girls in the world
Canada has the same weird censorship and legal social controls as Australia, but Australia is way worse because they have a huge inferiority complex. Fuck actually living in Canada though, way too cold.
I would die of panic If i saw that, Here I seen a grizzly once and it was fine besides keeping my distance, but that would freak me out.
If you are a "minority", Canada is probabilly going to give you free gibs.
If you are white or asian, Canada.
Homo free
>Justine Trudeau
Central BC. It's cozy enough. Are you getting any fun weather yet?
Wrong I'm a Hung-Aryan minority and I got nothing
Fuck off all homos are foreigners no Canadian Anglo is as homo
It was fun in summer with a ton of thunderstorms but right now it's nothing but rain because it's not cold enough for snow.
Canada by far.
Why doesn't you nose freeze and fall off?
Because we're white
It was 60 F in Florida today and that's fairly cold. Fuck you and your sub 50 F weather
>settled by choice for hundreds of years
>peopled by the dregs of British society who were sent there as punishment
Really makes you think.
Probably Australia
I've never experienced temperatures below zero degrees in my life.
I should visit a cold country one day to see what it's like.
Liberals don't count anyone from europe as a minority.
Have me as an example, while I am white by the single fact that I am from the country"opressed by the evil white americans", I can enter to Cucknada without visa, and I will probabilly get gibs that come from your gold reserves. Just gotta do it before they run out of it.
>sub 50 F
60 is pretty much perfect, I'm chilling in shorts and a tshirt with my windows wide open and it's 48
-30 is okay
Just wear a hat
Fuck off spic I didn't read your post I don't want dumb brownie cunts talking to me
Don't get frostbite.
100% Canada, but only if all the Canadians were slaughtered en mass. So Australia it is. Throw another shrimp on the barbie ya flamin galah. Daddy's home.
-20 C is by no means comfy m8
Wtf did his entire hand freeze and die?! That's disgusting
Whatever you say maplefaggot, remember that you chose your queer prime minister yourself, and he is allowing waves of immigrants enter.
You secretly love having Pablo and Muhamed fucking your wife on the other room, don't you?
>-30 is fine with a hat
You've gotta be joking.
The difference between 30 and zero is hot and absolutely freezing.
I can't even imagine the temperature difference between 0 and -30.
Having your eyelids start to freeze is always fun
Who would win in a war?
>Fuck off all homos are foreigners no Canadian Anglo is as homo
There's a gay porn sight that caters to guys that like that Joey McDoughy look you all have. Unsurprisingly you guys look almost the same as Australians, but the Australians tend to be thinner and uglier, I guess because of the convict thing.
Kek, not even close. Canada is much bigger (economically/population/resources) than pol realizes
yeah but australia has drop bears
>tfw you've never gone for an evening stroll in the dead of winter under Northern lights and the brightest moonlight twinkling on the hoar frost
>tfw you've never heard the snow crunching and squeaking under your foot steps
>tfw you've never felt the frozen air stinging your lungs and tip of your nose and making your cheeks so numb you can't hardly talk properly
>tfw you've never propped your feet up by the glass on the fireplace you warm your toes up while drinking hot chocolate and your dog curls up on the floor behind you to act as your pillow.
Why even live? Get your arse somewhere friggin cold this winter.
Most common world maps are highly size distorted, with any land masses located toward the poles tending to look much bigger than they really are...
Also fuck off we're full.
If you prefer:
>All banter is in jest while drinking beer
>You think it's some banter but then you realize they're actually retarded and believe in something you would consider a joke
fuck off, we're full whilst canada is very progressive and accepting of goat fuckers. Go there non-whitey.