what's with the edgy hatred of the french revolution on here?
A revolution of the people, against the decadent, wasteful, oppressive ancien regime. That's pretty volkisch to me.
It also gave us this man in its wake, one of the best men to ever live.
what's with the edgy hatred of the french revolution on here?
A revolution of the people, against the decadent, wasteful, oppressive ancien regime. That's pretty volkisch to me.
It also gave us this man in its wake, one of the best men to ever live.
It started the tend of republicanism in Europe and led to the downfall of the white man
Globalist Liberalism was born there.
>best man to ever live
>a manlet
Mfw >a >fucking >leaf makes a worthwhile post
What's with the love towards Napoleon? he didn't accomplish shit, his ,,empire" didn't even outlast him. Good commander, terrible nation leader. The war against Russia was completely unnecessary, he was just feeding his ego.
Because it was degenerate af. There's a reason the founding fathers mostly wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
That's fine
Legislated equality? Sounds like communism & modern progressivism
Degradation of the family unit. You're not allowed to prefer your own family over everyone else in the country since you're all "brothers"
He lost his head cos he was a greedy cunt an french folk then based
>mfw newfags still can't greentext
Anglo lies.
Plus =
Wasn't Napoleon a manlet
" Legislated equality? Sounds like communism & modern progressivism " Meaning equality before law, not equality of wealth or status.
You have to go back, Pedro
Fuck off
The french revolution was a degenerate nightmare
Imperial Napoleon was ok.
Killed tons of people and wrecked the nation for almost no benefit. And it failed anyway.
The only good thing that came out of it was it started the process of assimilating all the regional languages and patois into French, meaning France wasn't at risk of falling apart at some point in the future like Austria did
The rich pay shills to cheer for them on Sup Forums and in the republican and libertarian parties. Another revolution of the French sort terrifies the plutocrats raping the Earth and mankind to death to make a few billion more bucks.
Sup Forums is basically just all paid shills at this point.
shit he looks a lot like trudeau on this painting kek
>legislated equality
Citation needed
Pissing off a leaf is a sweet nectar to me.
Because it was even more decadent, wasteful, and oppressive than the old regime? Are you stupid.
vive le roi senpai
I'll duck your nigger mom and be your new white dad butch fuck off
>implying equality is a bad thing
If it wasn't for the radical emancipatory legacy of human rights and egalitarianism most of Sup Forumsacks would probably be illiterate toiling serfs. Do you really think that if the reactionary side had won you would all be kangz and royalty?
this guy gets it
The "revolution" was catastrophic mistake that made France weaker than it ever made it stronger and destroyed the fabric of Europe. Before then there was still a sense of Christendom and the revolution ruined that by creating nationalism and causing all the problems of Europe in the coming centuries.
That and French losers, peasants murdered anybody that was successful and smarter than them, allowing low IQ vermin to repopulate the land. France would never be as great as they once were
pic related
Let them eat dick!
It's not about the division of power but about its anticatholicism. Frenchies just went a bit too retard. And they still don't know how to use freedom
>Napoleon's Directoriate
>Presidential system
Napoleon was ok but the Liberal policies before him and after him is what will destroy the west. Like it is doing now.
The average retard and Tyrone who knows nothing baout how to run a country and will only vote for the thing that will give him ''free'' gibesmedat
The revolution in France was started by the wealthy merchant class to take power from nobility.
It was the highjacked by poor extremist who raped nuns and fucked people over for no reason.
>go through an economically crippling revolution
>still manage to btfo the entirety of the civilised world
Nationalism saved the day, user.
The fucking lunatics. The torture and segregation thst befell the crowned prince was unacceptable. A bunch of globalist led moloch worshippers transferring power to their ((masters))
The French Revolution was masculinist. It exalted masculine values from the Roman era against the power of women growing under the monarchy.
Also, the French revolution opened the way both for degenerate democracy and fascism.
fuck Napoleon. He was basically proto globalist
>Army came under french command
toppest of keks
It wasn't worth it though when Europe eventually drafted France and the French were left with a broken society and a bunch of fatherless, low IQ, """"free"""" peasants.
Yes! Because the wealthy merchants weren't nobility and the nobility weren't rich, right? Just like trump! He's a working stiff who really cares about the poor and middle class in this country. Because he was born rich. Or something.
Fuck off, kike.
It's the source of all degeneracy and SJWism. Decadent elites is better than decadent society and culture.
Exactly. The ability of a few men to ruin a country is no where near as bad as the ability of everyone to ruin the country.
Revolutionary France espoused some of the greatest nationalist ideals that went against the globalism of monarchist colonialism.
>implying uniting peoples together under a common country and making sure it does well is globalism
Equality, as one user already mentioned, is meant in the sense of equality before the law, a radical break from feudalistic justice systems where if you were a serf who stole a turnip you got beheaded, but if you were a noble who killed 20 serfs you get reprimanded and told to knock it off.
Fraternity was more of a French nation-building thing, before 1789 France was NOT ethnically homogenous, every province had it's own identity (occitain, aquitaine, breton etc.) where as the fraternity thing was the first step in constructing a French nation, replacing the French feudal dynastic political order (France became more than the title of a king)
The French Revolution did more for the "white man" and for mankind as a whole than almost any other event in history - it isn't considered the start of modernity for no reason.
what the fuck else is globalism? Thats the pitch that politicians sell us. "We need a strong central government because individuals cant be trusted to run their lives"
read about the (((continental system))))
That's bs, "Republican" France and Napoleon still had colonial empires and enslaved people while the British were already going against the slave trade.
Uh no
Republicanism is actually pretty good if the elites are smart and if they also share an (ethnic, national) identity with the mass. In Eurostans, you are run by out-of-touch internationalist elites who despise the people they represent. In America we forgot what nation means, AND we're run by out-of-touch elites who despise the people they represent.
The Enlightenment was a good thing in theory, but not every human is worthy of it, and it can only work in the context of a smart and identitarian European people.
>A revolution of the people
Yes the (((people)))
You're so bluepill it hurts. "Emancipation" give me a fucking break. Read some Carlyle or Kuennehlt-Leddign.
Literally all your """""""opinions"""""""" usually come from braindead Spanish Erasmus+ students/tourists, and I am not even kidding. Spaniards love shilling their dindunuffins about Napoleon. Bonaparte, as far as politics go, never did anything pointless.
>French strategy to beat UK is to devastate their economy
>To accomplish it, they have to force acien regimes to stop their trade deals with UK
>All of them get fucked except Russia, who secretly helps UK through indirect trade
>Napoleon sets out to make sure Anglos really starve
>Spain is controlled by incompetent Bourbons, who aren't exactly in good relations with the French
>Spanish king is getting old, and there's like 50% chance anti-Bonapartist inherits the throne
>Napoleon plans to do a preemptive strike instead of taking chances, also it will make knocking out Portugal less of a chore by simply not letting Spaniards to it personally
>Spaniards get BTFO and extremely butthurt, resort to cowardly tactics
Inb4 that Nappy quote, he got salty at the end of his reign and started blaming his generals for everything. Also Spain was more of a backwater where recruits, not actual soldiers would go to. We might as well take his siege of Acre quote seriously.
>the revolution ruined that by creating nationalism
Nationalism always existed, dumbass. It wasn't invented, it just got a name.
>republicanism is pretty good
Stopped reading there
You're welcome to look at most of the Empire's battles, keks galore !
No, retard, ethnic identification (a feeling people of the same ethnic group feel) is not the same thing as nationalism (a modernist ideology created in 19th century that placed the ethnic group of a nation as the rightful bearer of sovereignty)
Globalism is about the dissolution of nation-states and the destruction of nationality
A blockade against a person you are at war with is called being at war
>French revolution
>A revolution of the people
Globalist egalitarianism. Never confuse the European and American philosophic inspirations for revolution.
It was simply a way for a new elite to pave their way to power with bones of everyday people.
My fellow former subject of the Holy Crown of Hungary got this right.
Ya, support in a bunch of nigger tier poor French who rape women, shove black powder up womens vagina for fun affect.
The nobility were in most cases poorer then the wealthy merchant class. Similar to how George Washington was the richest man in the new world.
The French revolution lead to constant coups and the destruction of freedom. Churches burned, good people were slaughtered. All in the name of equality, the great lie.
I thought you faggots were against the elites?
The monarchs of europe were degenerate globalist elites out for their class, stomping on peasants. They had different legal systems for themselves.
equality meant equality under law, not equality of outcome you idiot
>Degradation of the family unit. You're not allowed to prefer your own family over everyone else in the country since you're all "brothers"
lol where did you get that insipid idea? It meant the brotherhood of the common man rather than some marxist anti-family ideal
Enlightenment and the revolution was the best thing that ever happened. I would like to see sending tens of thousands of traitors to guillotine. They didnt only forbid all religions and superstitions, they also executed all of those motherfucker clowns.
21th century needs a rationalist revolution. All the stupid fucks who whatches cat videos, listen nigger music and believes astrojew should be executed.
>tfw Austria-Hungary fell apart instead of reforming into a federation
are you the atheist turk?
He was 5'7", average for the time.
English wartime propaganda.
i am not the only atheist turk.
why did your countrymen betray ataturk for that shit tier religion?
you could have been rich and european
Are you retarded ?
Or maybe you just skipped history class ?
>3 layers in society : clergy, nobility, tiers état
>clergy and nobility are self explanatory
>tiers états is 98% of the French
>composed of peasants and rich merchants, lawyers etc. (Guess who were in this) that had no say in political power
>bourgeoisie try to gain political power
>start to feed républicains ideas into starving peasants.
>Franco-Spanish victory
>You fuckers tried to invade us
>We BTFO'd you
>You tried it again
>We BTFO'd you again
>You tried once more
>Got BTFO'd one last time
Quite a victory.
Stupidity of centre-right parties led rising of isl*mists. Isl*mists couldnt get 10% vote before the 2001 economical crisis. Erdoğan became Prime Minister in 2002 and he raised gdp per capita from 2000 dollars to 10000 dollars. Even majority of his supporters loves Atatürk yet they are believing that Erdoğan is the only one that can rule Turkey.
After constitutional referandum in 2010 he had unchecked power and he is doing whatever he wants.
The main problem is that our education system is shit. People are fucking ignorant.
>A revolution of the people, against the decadent, wasteful, oppressive ancien regime. That's pretty volkisch to me.
Hell yeah, you tell 'em Che
Source ?