Pol forever BTFO
>How will they ever recover?
Pol forever BTFO
>How will they ever recover?
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Hitler had Arab forces too.
It's for the first world war, not the second.
>first world war
>First world war
>no planes
Who is the Red Baron?
Do you not know anything about the first world war?
is it possible kids these days do not know spitfire?
Saudi fucked everything up, IMO. People should not ignore the race element in Islam.
It is possible they know that the remembrance/ANZAC poppies represent the first world war and not the second.
>Imperialist puppets
Ok Petr.
>Spitfires, thus WW2
>tfw read it as "their potty too"
13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS „Handschar“
>implying there werent planes in wwI
are you fucking stupid
Also Rhodesians
WHATEVER.... fuck off, pakis and other shits do not belong in Britain and that is a fucking fact!
my respect to those people
i could never fight and die for this country so easily, let alone most of the emasculated men you see in my country
maybe if i was single i would join the army, i couldnt spend 18months away from fucking girls, and my gf wouldnt be able to last so long without cheating either
pakis and muslims are different my mutt friend
Missing your leaf, idiot.
Yeah I used to post this. Then I realised that there was nothing to apologise for. The three pakis who fought for us aren't upset about poppies, it's the hordes of jihadi cunts who are.
So now I sell the damn things. Fuck Islam.
I have bad news for you. If you think she'd cheat on you even you were away for awhile she's already cheated on you.
how many of them fought compared to white people? GTFO faggot
OP is a faggot
Lel, true. We were taught remembrance day was for all those who died in wars though.
the waffen ss had about 900.000 members in 1945
about 2/3 of them were "Volksdeutsche", meaning more or less voluntarily non-german soldiers
Most of them were eastern-europeans, some from skandinavia, some from france, belgium etc and even some from exotic countries like india
source: some book about the topic
>shitskins fought the what would have been the greatest empire of all time, with a pure Europe
This just makes me hate them ever more, OP.
Look at what great they did.
Those Kebabs removed some Serbs. That was before the whole 'REMOVE KEBAB' meme existed. I can't believe Hitler allowed Jihadis to murder Orthodox Christians.