Relevant country general, relevant countries only


This thread is a discussion council for relevant countries, where we will try to work toward comity in world affairs.

Only the following countries may post: USA, China proxyfags, Germany, Brazil, and Russia. Anglo-Canadians may post as well, but only if each post begins with "O honorable brother to the south..."

> in b4 muh special history we wuz kangz

Your history does not qualify you. The irrelevant country thread is down the hall and to the left.


Nice proxy Ronaldo

Included them as continent leaders. Any sign of trouble and they're out.

We are comrades, bush.

I post this fully aknowledging that I am breaking the rules

nokias coming back

>relevant countries
>China, Germany, Brazil, Russia
You have to be kidding's me?

germanbot reporting in

If we leave EU and Germany collapse
We are relevant enough

we dont need you anyway you just cost money

First for greatest island continent nation

O honorable brother to the west...

As it happens, the Netherlands are eternally relevant.

The toothpaste below you did it right... gotta pay respect if you want honorary posting status.

To my fellow relevants, the topic of the day is: How shall we divide Antarctica amongst ourselves, when the time comes that its resources may be easily exploited?

Among the original signatories of the Antarctic Treaty were the seven countries - Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom - with territorial claims to parts of Antarctica, some overlapping.

Well, China do make or break the economy of quite a few countries, since most shit is manufactured there.

>Not Australia
>Not South Africa
>Not Egypt
João confirmed

So, all north america? im in!

Well Finland'll never be relevant ever. So you can leave now.

I know, Pajeet. The US and Russia were also signatories, reserving the right to make future claims. The existing claims from the baby countries overlap, and are unenforceable, per the treaty.

Point is, we relevants will divide up Antarctica as we see fit, at a time that we see fit, and no one can stop us.

Take your trash thread to Sup Forums you horrible little faggot.

Sorry, couldn't hear you

Destroyer of global markets, the eternal anglo reporting in.

Not a leaf in sight.


Wheres Aussies? They are my main source of entertainment they cant be excluded