Is wrong that I think this is the worst "origin" movie on MCU yet? Even Hulk and Thor were better

Is wrong that I think this is the worst "origin" movie on MCU yet? Even Hulk and Thor were better.

Give me a page long essay faggot

Besides for the Iron man factor, the movie is way too long and has too many pointless characters and pointless scenes

The whole academic thing was pointless
Spiderman basically jerking off in damage control for 10-15 minutes was pointless
Fake MJ is pointless to the movie
Flash thompson is pointless and has no effect on Peter what so ever

From what i remember the whole Washing DC part could be cut from the movie and nothing would be lost

I'd argue that it's not an origin movie at all - he's already Spider-Man at this point, he's just trying to become an Avenger. It's the worst origin movie if you examine it as one, which it isn't.
Not that that's necessarily a good thing. The advantage of the movie not reestablishing the origin is that we don't have to waste time on the third Spider-Man origin story on the big screen in less than 20 years. I feel like its absence takes away an important part of Peter's on-screen character.

Probably, because it's not an origin movie.

It was too generic, the only thing that make spiderman unique was hoe his decisions had realistic consequences,uncle ben death,fucking his love life etc. This spiderman follow the MCU formula where there is no real consequences at all at least not for him.

Liz moving away indefinitely as a direct result of his decision to fight Vulture isn't fucking up his love life? Did she need to die or something?

>literally given the choice between walking away with the girl of his dreams and doing the right thing
>does the right thing, loses the girl in the process

Yep, no consequences or themes regarding responsibility. Noooope, none of that here...

I agree. The movie was very boring and had really annoying characters with forced unfunny jokes. Honestly, im getting bored with the MCU. Part of it is because of my anger at current marvel comics writting out their heroes for shitty teen feminist characters, and prt of because im getting older im realizing that the MCU wasnt that good to begin with. I enjoy the new movies from fox more, and i never grew up as an x men fag. I think it has to do with getting older and taking off your nostalgia glasses and realizing what you liked from your childhood was shit.

MCU Liz was already a senior. She would have left Peter at the high school after graduation anyway, besides, Liz was as forgettable (and throw away-able) as the extremis guy from Iron Man 3

Yes, because it isn't even an origin story.

>Even Thor was better
Of course it was. Thor was amazing.

True. His origin story was in a fucking captain America movie of all things. This is the respect Feige has for Spider-Man. Not only is he a bitch boy for Tony, he also doesn’t even have an origin uniquely his own. He doesn’t even have Uncle Ben for Christ’s sake. Oh, but he certainly has Robert Downey Jr.

You remind me of the user that said dead, rocket, everyone except quill was pointless in gurdians 2. So should Peter just have no friends, do everything by himself, interact with noone and have a 30 minute long movie? Not everything needs to have setup to something else or be a big deal.

What was ironic about that statement is the fact that this movie was just set up for another team up movie, like every other MCU movie

Bitch we don't need another fucking origin story for Spider-man.
We don't need to spend a whole 'nother movie watching Peter cry around Uncle Ben or re-discovering his powers.

but it didn't show Uncle Ben dying in live action for the third time, literally unwatchable

I never said we needed another origin story. I said his origin isn’t his own. It’s been permanently tied to Tony Stark.

It's one of the best marvel movies, top 3 imo.

Pretty sure it was established early on in Ultimate Spiderman (which the film was supposedly based on, although I use that term extremely loosely) that Peter idolized Stark and that he was one of the reasons that he went into science. Out of curiosity what new origin would you give Peter, not trying to be one of those "u can't judge if u can't write urself" fags but I'm genuinely curious what non Uncle Ben origins people would use for movie Spiderman

Not an origin persay, but yeah, it kinda sucked. And before anyone says it, I've liked every MCU film up to it except IM3, Thor 2 and AOU.

I think it wasn't that bad. It was a high school movie after all. And for some reason I like The Voltron Villain in this movie more than all the other 1 off villains.

The movie would be better if it was about Stark and cut out all the Midtown bullshit.

MCU is not a cinematic ultimate universe, is actually far closer to mainstream marvel.

>well acted
>likeable characters
>sympathetic villain
>villain isn't a bad version of the protagonist (iron man, hulk, captain america/red skull)
>shows you what it would be like for a teenage superhero - his sacrifices were pretty small when you look at them but would be a big deal for a teenager ie. not being able to swim with his friends, dance with his crush, go to a school competition

I know, but it's been stated several times that Ultimate Spiderman was the main inspiration for Homecoming. Hell they even thank Bendis in the credits

Like most Hollywood movies it would be significantly improved if it was edited to be twenty minutes shorter

but Marvel comics are bad so everything they make must be bad even though there's very little creative overlap, same reason the DCEU must be good becuz Rebirth is good

Okay how about this make the movie about Ego turning Peter evil and seeing Ego's side and Rocket, Gamora etc are there to keep Peter grounded in "humanity"

Instead we got Cute Groot dancing and not getting the key, Drax doing nothing, Gamora doing i dont even know what, and Nebula being dumb, and gold people to set up Adam Warlock, and Stallone and the ravengers kind of just there

They should just add Stark in every movie. And everytime he isn't on screen someone must ask "Where is Tony?"

Fuck that. Those weren't even stakes. This movie is boring because nothing that happened fucking matters. Spider-Man Homecoming has all the personality of an unsalted cracker.

>Spider-Man 2
>Spider-man 1
>Winter Soldier

To be fair the movie did touch on this but not enough or executed well IMO

>well acted
Literally only the protagonist and villain, MJ was awful,flash was awful, the fattie was awful
>likeable characters
look at the first answer again
>sympathetic villain
Hardly, feelt too forced, he was a sociopath in one scene and a nice guy in another.
>shows you what it would be like for a teenage superhero - his sacrifices were pretty small when you look at them but would be a big deal for a teenager ie. not being able to swim with his friends, dance with his crush, go to a school competition
Not at all, is even less realistic than the comic, if a teenager tried to be a hero he would have his life fucking ruined, not getting some small problems

I don't think this movie was ever gonna please anybody, regardless of how good it was. People were determined to find reasons to hate it, whether it's bitching about supposedly forced diversity, the inclusion of Tony Stark, setting it in the MCU at all, the deliberate attempts to set it apart from the other Spider-Man movies. Nobody can enjoy this thing anymore, they've all got something to prove and they just wanna use this movie to do it.

Or how about this

>Marvel comics are a dumpster fire
>MCU is largely ok with a few stinkers which include Homecoming
>DC comics is overall meh, but adequate
>The DCEU is largely a mess with one gem in WW and an arguable one in MOS

Maybe not every movie, the other protagonists have things going on. They need breathing room. Spider-Man has nothing going on at all, more Tony would give this movie some direction.
The final fight should have been Tony versus. Vulture. Peter had no stakes in this fight.

>wah wah it's Tony's fault
No it's not. Tony and Toomes are the only redeemable parts of the movie. The movie should have focused on them. This movie was shit BECAUSE Keaton/RDJ weren't in it long enough to save it.

This just goes to show there's nothing you can do to please you fucking people.
>this movie would be awesome if it wasn't a spider-man movie

>I don't think this movie was ever gonna please anybody, regardless of how good it was
Maybe but we will never know since this movie is very mediocre to begin with.

Dude if Tony had anymore influence than he already had in the movie it could literally be just called Iron Man 4 at that point

You sound so much like a snyderfag trying to defend MoS

>Out of curiosity what new origin would you give Peter
I said it before. The problem is that Peter's origin isn't his own. He's essentially a legacy character to Tony. He's not Peter Parker, he's not Spider-Man, he's Tony's protege.

That said, there's no need to retell Spider-Man's origin story. Just make Peter a college student or college grad with years of e,experience under his belt, make Spider-Man a myth, a folk tale to criminals until Tony finds him. You don't need Peter crying about Uncle Ben every five minutes, but at MINIMUM, mention his name or show a family photo with his face there. Homecoming couldn't even spare that. I'm paraphrasing here, but I recall Peter said something like "after what happened to May" and that was apparently all that needed to be said about Ben? Fuck that.

>The whole academic thing was pointless
gets him to washington and lets vulture figure out who peter is

>Spiderman basically jerking off in damage control for 10-15 minutes was pointless
shows off the suits capabilities and why peter is late

>Fake MJ is pointless to the movie
setting her up for the sequel, she'll get a movie make-over near the end, dye her hair, peter will open the door and we'll get "face it, tiger, you just hit the jackpot"

>Flash thompson is pointless and has no effect on Peter what so ever
yeah, flash has been pointless in all of them though so no real change

>this movie would be awesome if it wasn't a spider-man movie
Ironic, considering Homecoming wasn't even a Spider-Man movie to begin with.

> it could literally be just called Iron Man 4 at that point
This meme needs to end. Tony gets less than a fourth of the screen time and never even gets to fucking meet Vulture or find out what his problem is. He hardly did anything.
>this movie would be awesome if it wasn't a spider-man movie
Except in this case it probably would because Spider-Man is such a fucking non character. He's boring as shit, and he has no chemistry with his bland as fuck cast, except maybe Ned. Peter has no stakes in this fight and Iron Man 4 would have been better for us all.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Christian Humanism most of the Greek imagery will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Superman's Jesus imagery, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from religious scripture, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this symbolism, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v Superman truly ARE idiots and Disney Shills- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pathos in Ben Affleck's existencial catchphrase "MARTHA," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Mothers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder's genius unfolds itself on the big screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Jesse Eisenberg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

I said not EVERYTHING needs to, the user was complaining that not everything was. I never complained about setup.

>This meme needs to end. Tony gets less than a fourth of the screen time and never even gets to fucking meet Vulture or find out what his problem is. He hardly did anything.
I mean you're assuming people in these topics actually watched the movie and aren't just guessing using Wikipedia and the promotional posters

Actually its Native American.

I guess that explains why they're complaining about Tony when Homecoming's so-called protagonist is such a waste of space that the movie would be even worse if Stark wasn't in it.

Pretty much, the movie had a ton of actual flaws but these topics always devolve into "haha Iron Man 4"

Yeah is not like...
>he's using an iron man suit
>trying to impress iron man
>stopping a guy from stealing from tony
>the antagonist grudge is against tony stark

It being a stealth Ironman film is a flaw. The whole film revolved around him. Without it, there would be no Homecoming.

They said the name “Stark” more times than even just the word “Spider”

It can't be a stealth Iron Man film, he's hardly in it.
>he's using an iron man suit
No it's not. He's dressed as Spider-Man.
>trying to impress iron man
It's an attempt to give him character to go with his Steve Urkel routine that is all he is when he's not thinking about Stark.
>stopping a guy from stealing from tony
Like how Raimi's Spider-Man was stopping Doc Ock from stealing from the Bank?
>the antagonist grudge is against tony stark
No shit it's against Stark. Why would a grown ass man have a personal grudge against Penis Parker, some dumb kid he doesn't even know?

Let me call the waaahmbulance for you. This is not worse than Thor, and Hulk was a good movie. In short, go fuck yourself.

That's because Michael Keaton is a great actor. Vulture was perfect.

>He's dressed as Spider-Man.
He's dressed in a suit made by Tony using Stark tech.
>It's an attempt to give him character
Yeah. A secondary character. A background character.
>Like how Raimi's Spider-Man was stopping Doc Ock from stealing from the Bank?
Oh I'm sorry. Did I not watch the version of Spider-Man 2 where the Bank raised Peter to be a hero?
>Why would a grown ass man have a personal grudge against Penis Parker, some dumb kid he doesn't even know?
Why couldn't he simply have a grudge against a new third party? Why does it have to be Tony or Peter only?

>he thinks this is a good movie
it's offensively mediocre at best. .

B-b-but user, a lot of chinks liked it so that means it's a good movie!


>Comparing a bank robbery that Spider-man intervenes because it’s his responsibility to a robbery done with a grudge and discontent towards someone the protagonist was ass kissing hard and main source of conflict and because of that connection protagonist tries to stop it
>neck yourself you straw man using piece of shit

Are you that type of jerk that goes around people and says "STOP LIKING THIS MOVIE! IT ISN'T FUN! IT GOT FLAWS"! Christ, wonder-woman doesn't get these types of fans.

>He's dressed in a suit made by Tony using Stark tech
He's still Spider-Man.Crawling up the walls and making jokes.
>Yeah. A secondary character. A background character.
He gets a lion-share of the screen time. it's on Holland for failing to deliver a compelling performance allowing everyone else to outshine him in every scene.
>Oh I'm sorry. Did I not watch the version of Spider-Man 2 where the Bank raised Peter to be a hero?
Uncle Ben inspired him in the movies, and we don't call them stealth Uncle Ben movies. Stopping robbers is what Spider-Man does.
> Why does it have to be Tony or Peter only?
It needs to be personal and Tony and Peter are already established characters making it easier for the audience to empathize.

I didn't like it. Reminds me of live action death note. action scenes are ok.

>Uncle Ben inspired him in the movies, and we don't call them stealth Uncle Ben movies

Dr Strange is objectively worse.
