I'm terms of absolute immorality and total disregard for human life...

I'm terms of absolute immorality and total disregard for human life, which race/ethnicity takes the cake and why is it the Slavs?

Do not reply to paki threads

Give me a break.
Go read on gook atrocities.

Slavs are just the roughest white people which is still very nice on global scale

eyy what about us?


In order from worse to best
Chinks > Niggers > Sand Niggers > Slavs > Spics > Whites > Hindus


>Slavs > Spics >
Slavs are not that big on torture either.

All Slavs are brick head peices of shit who will stab you for 0.1g of Krokodil. Modern day gooks are weak.

I dunno, I think spics are the worst of the bunch, at least in terms of disregard for life

If British men think raping little blonde girls is wrong, why do you let it happen by Pakistanis in Rotherham?

I would put Nips ahead of Chinks and muslims ahead of blacks

>Modern day gooks are weak.
In what way are they weak?

Nor on group public rape. Hindus are trained to be tolerant due to overpopulation, but they are still Asian.

Muslim lie thread. You Muslims are by far the most evil group on the planet. You struck too soon. Now you bastards will pay for your insolence.

Maybe but that doesn't say much. I was in the outskirts of Moscow about two weeks ago and some rough guys came up harassing some random girl... I ran away like a pussy. Truly the most scared I've felt in a long time

Yes, but you are a Scandinavian, also known as the most cowardly of all males on earth.


True on that

Incels desu

Oh relax mate

Kek, brits have no regard even for their own kin. Tens of thousands children abused by paki grooming gangs in the UK but no sign of tens of thousands angry fathers going on a rampage. Britons are intimidated to the point where their daughters rape does not move them. Britis male is an imbecilic, spineless, gutless lowlife abomination. A parody of man, who weclomes, enables, appeases and protects alien exploitation of his children

When a nation puts benefits ahead of childrens safety, you know it is cucked to the max.


You have your roach meme already. Take it and fuck off.

The average weeb gook would get absolutely slain by Ivan.

>Incels desu
No they're not. They do have lower birthrates though.

Brits, Americans, Chinese

Germanics are way worse, especially Germans, who are the most savage nation in Europe

>Ruled by Vikings, Mongols, Germans

>The average weeb gook would get absolutely slain by Ivan.
That doesn't matter at all. Having good leadership, intelligence, nationalism and things like are more important for a country.

Actually, anglos top us, considering all the world wide dictators and "democractical" overthrows you scum have orchestrated all over the world.

but Thank Allah those days are finished




I will admit, I forgot about hindu penchant for gang rape.

Easily the Chinese. It's not even a contest.

Ooooooh, cosmocommie burn.
>remove kebab first


If you want that, it was the Belgians.

No, really. Read up on the Congo genocide. People just don't give a shit because it was millions of dead Africans.

Congo is overblown. Brits or Germans did much worse, Congo was just your typical 100% exploitation colony.


Interesting, coming from a toothless inbreed responsible for the inception of concentration camps and first industrial scale genocide.

did he walk it off?

>asking which race
>then saying which race it is
pick one and only one
and its not the slavs its the jews, look at what they did to your country britbong

its like this brits > itallians > mongols > japs > americans > australians > south africans > chinks

the germans arent really germans post WW2. i think its mostly fins and french who moved in and the germans are in australia,america, brazil and argentina

and any total kill count of 1 world leader isnt factored in . repeat offenses needed. its why the russians arent even on the board

We need to slap a Hillary logo on that spicy propaganda.

probably like ukraine or fucking russia. Where all the tweakin looking inbreds live

Dat filename, top KEK

>What is unit 731?
Seriously, jap have some seriously repressed issues that they took out on the Chinese, made the Nazi and USSR prisons seem tame
>round the clock torture and experimentation in the most ridiculous ways
>live vivisection
>replacing body parts with animal parts
> replace organs with random shit
>removing all organs one by one with the subject very much alive

thats a weird way to get a shirt off

am I Slav

wut u tak abrout we no comit krime! we pecful kuntry

This made a good reaction image

He would be one lucky bastard if he did.

>I'm terms of absolute immorality and total disregard for human life, which race/ethnicity takes the cake
The Anglo.
>why is it the Slavs?
Because the Anglo wants white people to fight each other for it`s satanic profit.

Did HE walk it off?

this. thanks for neutering them america


A chinaman can live up to a week without its head.

>what is Katyn massacre

> polacks gas the whole Russian towns, help install communism in russia trough red terror, implement korenization earlier, than even soviets did > nonissues
> during war about 300 of polack military officers got killed by soviets or germans > reee massacre!111, russians apologize!

slav kill slav

All these assmad Slavshits on my board? Get the fuck out. Literally all Slavs are descendants of gulag human garbage.
Fuck off gook.

Niga pls.

Should you not be out making sure your sister does not get raped by a Pakistani?

He IS a pakistani

Pakistani girls also get raped, just by family members.

> you are slavs and you are assmad
Anglo never changes.

okay muhammad

Original Slavs before Russia:

'Oh big blonde viking man, we keep fighting all the time, please come and rule us. We're not worthy'

Your whole country is born of cuckoldry faggot.
Even the name Russia is based on your invited Swedish rulers. Peasants through and through.

Will admit a lot of fellow 'Englishmen' are complete faggots nowadays, ever since the BBC and Consv. started shaming everyone as sexist, transphobic, racist, xenophobic etc. just for taking the piss out of some little faggot or pointing out the muslim scum and their ways.

Do not listen to this pakibasher, he is creating a diversion in the White Race.

I forgot slavs were the apex of humanity.

Farewell, old good England. Shitskins are now talking on behalf of you.

Salam aleykum, Mohammed-bhai. Glorious taqqiya you tell to the kuffar

15 year old /brit/lads
Not an ounce of morality among them. Give it 40 years and we'll be Russia.


kek at least they know their place. When they start getting houses in Surrey it's time for the reconquista