God, Or No God?

Ok, let's get something straight..

Do "ANY" of you believe in the BigBang theory????

If so... WHY?

COME ON! How the FUCK did the Bigbang even happen without a powerful being backing that up??

Life is like a complex moving swiss watch... there is no way you could have all those parts in your hand and throw them up in the air and expect all the small parts to fall in the right places to make a actual functioning Watch...

Life is a masterpiece, and despite Humans being assholes a lot of the time, you can't help but notice how fucking complex we are.

Our Brains far exceed our own understanding.

So please... tell me.... WHY do you Believe in the BigBang.. and not a powerful god?

Please provide info... i am listening..

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>COME ON! How the FUCK did the Bigbang even happen without a powerful being backing that up??
For this argument to work, there has to be an infinite chain of gods creating other gods. You think that God could just exist without something else creating him, like another god? Your whole argument shoots itself in the foot.

If you threw up those pieces of an ~infinite amount of times, they would eventually create something. That's us.

fucking retard


Hey um... where did you get them parts cuck boy?

Other option seems kinda strange too.

No matter exists and then suddenly all matter exists.

I think universe does some weird expansion/contraction thing but the stuff inside has always been around.

Maybe not though, kinda arrogant to even suggest you have an answer for it.

We don't know, at least science admits that instead of making up stories to try to explain everything in the universe.

"Panentheism is the belief that the divine interpenetrates every part of the universe and also extends beyond time and space."

Problem solved >:^)!

On an infinite timeline there will be infinite possibilities leading to this moment where you, the consciousness, is observing this shit post.

>So please... tell me.... WHY do you Believe in the BigBang.. and not a powerful god?
>Please provide info... i am listening..

It's easy. You're on Sup Forums and you're a troll. Also, there is no God.