I think I discovered something.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wonder if he likes pi or e or other numbers...
How do you know if a number is prime?
I forget
Memorise the primes or run it through a checker.
I think you just memed something
Watch, now every blessed Kekpost will end in a prime number
And we will all start to notice
Are you a prophet, by chance?
There are some rules to test for primality.
I just use my home-made WP-34s RPN meme calculator and use the built in prime number checker. Only 128-bit calculator on the market.
And maybe that's Kek telling me to just let it go
Well if you noticed in the pic I posted
The comment and reply both ended in 47, which is prime.
Also my OP in this bread ended in 29 which is prime.
captcha appropriate
Ask yourself "can I only evenly divide the number by itself and one?" If the answer is yes then you've got a prime number.
>Are you a prophet, by chance?
I've been getting an awful lot of digits and my penis moves when I'm onto something.
only divisible by itself and 1
What's the point of this, so you can shitpost even harder?
kekposters are too stupid to immediately recognize a prime number. This is a non-starter.
your post ended in a prime number, 59
>23 is a prime number
I can see the fnords already
A prime number is a number can that only be divided by itself, that don't have factors basically.
Praise kek
indivisible by any number other than itself or one.
decimals don't count
3 is also prime
Atleast use this on your complete post ID, just last 2 digits isn't amazing
>Memorise the primes
you have a 1/4 chance of your last 2 digits being prime
1/10 chance of repeating digits
still something fun
Prime get
There are 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100. They are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97
11 is the most powerful meme magic prime
Election us in the 11th month
I doubt it, since dubs, trips, quads, all of them are non-primes
>Canadian education
except 11, 111, 1111, and so on.
looks like you're on to something
a fucking leaf
oohhh a prime
I take it you weren't a math person in school.
the whole number being prime must be fantastically rare though
praise kek
watchu mean ?
divisible by any whole numbers
11 senpai.
worshiping kek will destroy us in the end