Why do intelligent people hate Trump?

Why do intelligent people hate Trump?


intelligent (((people)))

intelligent =/= brainwashed marxist trendies

They don't.

We don't. I am highly educated. Maybe not intelligent, but definitely hard-working. I detest the criminality of Crooked Hillary and her cronies, and if the child exploitation charges are true, she should be tried and punished as severely as possible. I am one of millions who adore Trump, and we're not dumb.

High IQs don't hate him. It's just low IQs that love him.


Pick one

Because I make money off Mexican slave labor.

Because they can see the Clinton "scandals" as the National Enquirer bait they are

Intelligent people don't hate Trump. Educated people hate Trump.

They're jealous.

Being educated doesn't necessarily mean you're intelligent.

They do not understand media bias and and take Trump's speaking rhetoric literally from the script without actually watching his rallies.

self proclaimed intelligent people are idiots

"intelligent" people are heavily invested in the system that we aim to destroy. Trump and his deplorables are the real terrorists in their view.

it's almost like the "intelligent" people in high positions have their own interests or something

why do swedish kids getting raped?

Intelligence =/= Decency

Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean you'll tell the truth. Having a monopoly on information is always abused.


Because hes a fucking Guido

(((intelligent))) "people"

they don't

the most successful segments of society overall support Trump

and then there's us

Why come blacks don't wannabe smort?

Where do you cucks get this from?

Its social conditioning. I simply couldn't speak my support in certain circles, because people who are of above average intelligence, who slow-stroke it to the concept of intelligence, would have a libfeels chimpout if I did. Especially boomer women and their cucked husbands, who hold most of the social and economic power.

So I shitpost in the dark, to preserve the light. And western civilization will survive brah, win or lose this election.

Cause these "intelligent" people are just regular spastics that parrot their favorite sassy comedian, hip journalist or liberal professor

u mean mexican crackheads ?

No more gravy train

They don't

They also hate hillary

why do ghetto niggers and spics with 80 iq hate Trump?

you mean
>mexican intellectuals

>rich families, mostly inherited their wealth
>gated in their little neighbourhoods
>never dealt with niggers and other pests
>think they have the higher moral ground
>can go to good colleges because mommy and daddy pay for it
>intelligence doesn't matter, it's all about uncle Ben

There you go.

(((Educated bureaucrat))) leeches and minority welfare leeches dislike him. Everyone else loves him. Weird coincidence.

They don't. I mean I don't know how you personally quantify intelligence, but I have an IQ of ~140 and work as a Chemical Engineer, 30 years old. I have supported Trump since day one.


Are you comfortable with the fact trump is irredeemably stupid

Better than the fact that Hillary will kill us all.

Smart enough to beat all your candidates faggot

Smart enough to NUKE Israel too

And if he overcomes the entire might of the American government/media chimera in spite of that...

Maybe destroying civics, national identity and awareness in favor of hollow consumer culture wasn't a good long term plan.

so what words doesnt matter only actions does

>putting in a birther tweet

CTR comes so fucking close to making good memes/infodumps, but always fucks it up somehow.

Listen, I know the leaf post joke right now is that everyone is going along with Sup Forums but I'm an actual person so here's my honest opinion: Do you want nationalism or ethno-nationalism? Guess what, you will never get it, and your life will be ruined for trying to have it. Look at Germany, look at Zimbabwe, look at Libya, look at fascist Italy. Any time anyone says "Let's build this country for our people" the entire thing collapses. You will be facing unholy retribution, if you keep pushing for what you are pushing for. I don't know if it's because of Masons, jews, God, or because irrationality stresses the system until it breaks, but it just doesn't work. My suspicion is its one of the last two, but I don't know. Trump is punishment, more punishment than you can ever imagine. Are you ready to not eat? You think you're stock pile will do you any good in the age of complete surveillance. I seriously fucking doubt it. Hillary, is the choice you are supposed to make. That choice will be moderately challenging with some routes to make your life better. It will be slow to moderate economic improvement. But it really depends on how cooperative you are, and especially how little you harm the lives of others. In fact, your life will improve if you think of ways to improve the lives of others. I already know you will not listen to this warning, but it is a warning. You do not understand what you are about face. I'm just a solitary person that's read a bunch of books, and I'm trying to help you from making a huge mistake. But I'm also washing my hands of it, because it's really not my choice to make. God bless the USA, and may the candidate you choose bring wealth prosperity and good will--and maybe most importantly peace--to your country.

The word you're looking for is (((educated))).

(((Educated))) people hate trump because they've been (((educated))) at a public (((university))) that brainwashes them to accept (((diversity))) and (((tolerance))) and automatically hate anyone labeled a racist.

Middle class people with real degrees and real jobs overwhelmingly support Trump.

Pic related. Source is LA Times polling.


Universities are fast becoming indoctrination for left-wing agendas. The worst part of it all, is that (((they))) can label and belitte their detractors as (((uneducated)))