>I heard you say we are not white
How do you respond?
>I heard you say we are not white
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
>brown eyes
you look white as fuck nigger
enjoy sunshine brother
Why do you even want to be called white anyway? You hate us
this fine white gentleman gets it
nice try pajeet
>with a jew pic
since they're obviously of the chosen people
not everyone within the white square is white, but EVERYONE outside of it is most certainly non-white
>Greenland natives are white!
>not everyone within the white square is white
>not everyone within the white square is white
>not everyone within the white square is white
>not everyone within the white square is white
This is where white people are from
>black hair
>brown eyes
Yeah you're """""""""white"""""""""
>Looks like an arab jew rape baby
Listen, most southern Europeans are white, but not these turk/arab/Moor/nigger rape babies. Jeez
Greeks are diet-jew zero.
Not with that jet black hair.
Europeans parroting stupid American memes, the term "Whites" is an exclusively American term, please use the word European or a nationality if you want to be specific.
A Non-White can have blonde hair, but a pure White person can never have black hair.
>vikings aren't white
Go away you fucking faggot before I cave your face in and shoot whatever remains.
Also if you're referring to Greek people like your flag indicates, then you're not White.
>olive niggers
Caucasoids are the superior race group. You are caucasoid, therefore you are superior and on par with aryans.
Are classical greeks like Plato and Pericles white?
disgusting subhuman
>brown eyes
>pointed birdlike nose
>eyes too close together
>sparse eyebrows
Oh.. and the guy on the picture is clearly Semitic.
There are white Greeks, almost all in Corfu and Ioanina, but there are.
All white people are caucasian.
Not all caucasian are white though.
All caucasians native to Europe are white.
This means Greeks are white.
Not too difficult of a concept.
I'll take you over a sub Saharan buck nigger any day.
scrubby nasty inbreds with beards like that should not be considered white
first post
blue or green eyes post
>native to Europe
>Current day Greeks
>>I heard you say we are not white
>How do you respond?
türk müsün?
I also called you a homo, but I guess you're used to that.
they basically looked like nigs dipped in bleach
That's how a Southern European would reason, by only comparing themselves directly to Negroids, thus avoiding the fact that they have Semitic blood.
literally a nigger
My brother and I are the same percent non-white, yet he has blue eyes and I have brown. You are argument is retarded.
Nice pube beard fuckboy, your boyfriend like feeling your moustache when you suck his dick?
what would german norweigian classify as?
If you have brown eyes you're a mongrel mutt. It's just how the cookie crumbles.
Heh not even I,an Alpha is considered Aryan. I have black hair, brown eyes and white skin. The Eternal Anglo and Kraut laugh in my general direction...yet the niggers and asians call me "white boi" or "craka".
I am forever alone. Stuck in a world of perpetual Olive tree picking and meatball making. i dont even like Tomatoes. i like beer and froes with gravvy and cheese on them. I sont even like fish soup. I like raw pickled haddock from a jar.
Ques que fuck? Cant europeans stick together despite rye and hair colour? im tored of the Nordic subrace picking on us "lower" whites. Its just not fair. Id pray to Odin but in not white enough.
>nigs are the creators of Western Civilization
that classic Sup Forums cognitive dissonance
>american opinion on race
the only thing you people know about race is what you learned in your school textbooks regarding world war 2
>what would german norweigian classify as?
not white
>what are the laws of genetics.
or you're the cuck baby of the family
"Who are you again?"
>If you have brown eyes you're a mongrel mutt. It's just how the cookie crumbles.
>negroid anthropologists
>i become vlad the impaler and cut your head off
fuck your dead childrens corpse and use your wife as my toilte
how so ?
>muh blue eyed pure aryan genetics
Not white at all
Definitely not white either
we get it, you are blonde with blue eyes and also ugly. No need to be mad.
You got the shitskin phenotype, sorry bud
Its grey, blue or light green
everything else is disgusting
yes its my fault for the way anthropologists and researchers modeled the exhibit.
in the nordic spectrum:
>Knowing anything about whiteness
>american once more confusing people with nation
not too surprising that this keeps happening though knowing what USA is
I like those bantz desu famalam.
Don't deny your Turkish ancestors.
>knowing anything about anything
nice rebuttal amerimongrel
Yeah, whatchu gonna do 'bout it?
t. amerikike
lol silly spaghetti niggers
Dutchfag in olivenigger land here. Been here for a week and I've literally seen zero chicks id bleach with my superior Aryan cock. Dated a very bonable Greek expat for a while but I didn't realize how subhuman Greeks are on average. Also, this place literally looks like Mexico. Nothing of value would be lost if we built a wall south of the Alps; and we should make the Greeks pay for it.
Ever notice how minorities are generally way more likely to be friendly to brown-eyed, brunette """"white"""" people? It's because they know on some subconscious level that you're in the same general category as they are. You're closer to them than you ever will be to actual white people.
fuck off mate
Im Jewish and still have light eyes, what does that tell us about you, germcuck?
Reminder that >Orestis Karnezis was replaced by pic related, a 17 year old Albanian.
>mup da doo didda po mo muhfuga
whatever you say ameriape
Yeah, because you yourselves claim not to be white at every single opportunity.
Can you spot me 5 bucks for the bus?
Like most American Jews you've received enrichment
you really have never left your country huh
Good goy, keep attacking your european brothers, they are all beneath you.
Instead, keep sucking our circumcised kike cocks and always be tolerant towards the noble african-americans, goyim.
>albanian white
Most Roman emperors had light eyes and light hair
You? Shiteyes and shitskin
You are a descendant or Roman slaves and invaders
Let's get straight to the point, listen up.
If your head size is lower than 57 cm then you're a sub-human, go get some measuring tape and tell me your result.
Yeah the inferior races have a habit of trying to replace whitey
t. stormnigger
>says the amerishart who's country enabled cuckoldry and degeneracy world wide
>dominant hair color has anything to do with your skin color
why is italy there we are not white
When you live in the greatest country on earth you have no reason to live, kid.
Nietzsche: "Jews are the most powerful, pure, and longest lasting race"
Paraphrasing of course
Anti-Nordicism is anti-white
Greeks and italicucks arent white
and im not a goy
Fuck off, she's cute.
That is not up to you faggot
>Greeks and italicucks arent white
stop stealing our history and we have a deal
You don't get to talk about ethnic replacement, the old Greeks have been assimilated like your nation will be.
>facts trigger me!!
Sorry about that, Luigi.
>says the failed aryan master race who got cucked by a few million Jews
This guy got it
are georgians white?
Its not your history though, like I said modern italians are mostly the slaves and invaders of Rome. They are NOT the light eyed/haired people who created Roman culture and comprised of it's leaders.
For you.
thanks for the laff tyrese de shawn
They can be
Enjoy delusion shitskin