Really Makes You Think
Really pops my cherry....
>jared diamond book
The end game of climate change is "climate change refugees" from africa and extending the carbon tax to humans in an effort to replace them with robots.
We should have domesticated zebras and have cool stripped mules.
I really hate this cuck cartoonist.
Can we give him the Ben Garrison treatment?
Projection much? Every time it's hot out the liberals say "see global warming".
The real down side to global warming is the chance Canada becomes the next superpower.
They'll have a rough time doing that as a Chinese territory.
That's why the left-wing constantly claims that climate change disproportionately impacts minorities. They genuinely believe that Africa is a shithole purely because white people have been pumping out carbon emissions and ruining the environment. Not to mention slavery and colonization.
So, naturally, these three things will be used to guilt trip white people into accepting the 3rd world being relocated to the Western world.
Just goes to show you that the guy with the gun, the one everyone always things is a buck-toothed retard, thought ahead and made himself a raft for the flood while the liners weenies are stuck without anything
Notice how hard they are sliding terms into each other these days? All about dumbing down language.
Global warming and climate change were/are separate things but now MSM and society uses them interchangeably.
Notice how now whenever global warming is talked about, images and references to environmentalism appear?
The next slide is warming and environmentalism being rolled into 1, then likely environmentalism and racism into one big planitarian movement used to create NWO. Probably around early/mid 2030s
Wait a second, if that picture is implying that global warming exists, why is there all that water to begin with?
But to be honest, it's these satanic rituals that make the Earth change its position, notice how the moon has changed shape when it's crescent? They feed false shit into scientists (not saying scientists are bad) but the elites feed them bullshit to coming to a conclusion that global warming is just happening out of nowhere or because of humans.
Well yes, it is because of humans, humans that summon evil shit like Shillary to mass control the people via the media (black magik)
Why does he have an AR-15?
I thought they were nothing like horses or donkeys?
>comic from 16 years ago
Whoa, he was spot on!
>the guy who didnt think something is real is still more prepared the the supposed guy who thought it was real,and had plenty of time to be prepared,but was not
They are niggers of the wild. Donkeys are the cucks of the wild.
maybe Al Gore and Leo should practice what they preach.
maybe China and India should do something about their massive population and carbon emissions before the west destroy themselves further in some sort of supposed honor system
maybe we should prepare for an 8% reduction in crop yields and starving Africans if we reduce CO2 in the atmosphere.
maybe we should realise CO2 has very little to do with actual global temperature.
maybe we should realise the vested interest global warming activists and "scientists" have in producing rhetoric and results that agree with their raison d'etre not to mention their paycheck.
or maybe you are just a troll.
Yeah, the dude with the gun is going to survive longer :D because he has a positive attitude.
Why should one not have an AR-15?
Global warming already happened. This summer we have reached the point of no return when it came to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The planet cannot get rid of the extra carbon dioxide on its own now, even if we cut down our CO2 emissions down by zero.
Global warming isn't even an argument anymore, it is literally a fact of life now. The question now is how to handle it, but of course it will take the general public a decade to even swallow this pill.
That's a Rothschild isn't it?
Remember when we would all be under water by 2010? I member
Science proves theres 2 genders. Is science wrong?
"global warming" is just a way to push austerity on the world
If you are truly worried about this then attack China they are introducing the most pollution in the world. Our businesses are already regulated to death for your stupid fake ass global warming.
>sixteen years
you can do better than this
No credible scientist seriously theorized that
I hope its true, just think of all the new islands inlets and beachfront property it will make.
>there are people that think the ice caps will 100% melt and put every coastal city under 50 feet of water
There's a reason we started calling it "climate change", it's because global warming is a hoax.
I hope the sea level rises by exactly 6 meters
what's it like being a gullible sheep that swallows everything he's told hook, line, and sinker? Learn to think for yourself not just because it's the cool thing to believe in.
exactly - these "scientists" aren't credible especially since a lot of their RnD funding will only continue if they support the global warming scenario regardless if the info supports it or nit - they fudge it to support it to keep the money coming in.
>(((Jared Diamond)))