Russian ultra-nationalists held a huge demonstration in Moscow. The march included chants like "Putin is the murderer of Russia", "For Russian friendship with Ukraine and Poland", and "Russia is Europe"
Russian right-wing nationalists protest against Putin
These guys should get more power so Russia leaves Finland alone for good.
>be Polish ultra-nationalist
>be Russian ultra-nationalist
>pls love me poland ;(
this is confusing
>held a huge demonstration in Moscow
How many?
What are some other real forces in Russia? By real I mean non-puppet opposition. Are there still real bolsheviks in Russia?
bbb muh based Putin is on our side
He did invite all Russian speakers to Russia early in his reign so I could see how that would piss of ultra nationalists.
Cool as fuck flag tho.
Friendly relations with Europe and an end to the Soviet type RUSSIA STRONK EVERYONE BOW TO RUSSIA foreign politics would definitely help Russia. If Trump gets into office and starts cooperating with Russia, this might actually happen at some point.
Looks like 2-3 rows of people. Ridiculous.
>How many?
Thousands. Albeit smaller than usual because nationalists are currently under siege in Russia, being jailed under article 282 for "inciting racial hatred".
>What are some other real forces in Russia? By real I mean non-puppet opposition.
Nationalists are the strongest force. They are currently attacked in every way by the sitting regime. Many jailed, many organizations banned, but they are the real under-current movement in Russian society.
>Are there still real bolsheviks in Russia?
No. Communists still have political significance, but mostly just because of 60+ aged people being nostalgic. They are dying out, young people are against communism.
Russian ultra-nationalists are part of a vast controlled opposition which is used by Putin to test policy.
For example, if Putin is considering something imperialistic, he see what the public reaction is to far-right parties.
I thought Putin was our guy wtf
far right don't like Putin much, a lot of them got v& on bullshit hate speech charges
2000 marchers this year. 2 years ago it was 30.000 but they are under attack.
If they are controlled, why are they all jailed under article 282? Alexander Belov and Demushkin are real threats. The "ultra nationalists" you talk about is controlled opposition (((Zhirinovsky))). These guys are the real deal.
iirc wasn't there a law passed within the last year or two that made any criticisms of jews hat speech?
Not only that, but he also passed article 282 that bans all racial hatred, which includes jailing russian nationalists for facebook posts about immigration.
yeah we have article 282 which can apply to pretty much any group
Lel, huge like your average Hillary rally. Another 3-4 years and these retards will have to get jobs or something.
>it's like 500 people
fuck off nigger
Daily reminder that both (((liberal))) and (((extreme nationalist))) movements in Russia are fucking retarded and their programs consist of literally one point: "oust putin waaah". They provide zero alternative and zero vision otherwise
Huh, I live in Moscow and didn't even hear about this, looks like (((they))) did a good job correcting the record.
Russia is never gonna stop living rent free in Finland's head
It was 30.000 before Putins crack down. They still exist, even if they aren't public. Just waiting for him to slip up.
They do.
Of course.
>For Russian frindship with Ukraine and Poland
>Russia is Europe
Fuck this panslavism garbage.
When he "slips up" these inbreeds will be vanned and purged in a week. The cops on liberal and nazi marches guard rally from the outside, not the other way around.
Except they don't. Chants like "Russia is Europe" and "Polan is our friend" have meaning only when they're said by a bunch of retards on the streets. It doesn't work like that. Friendship with other slavs won't lead to anything, tried and tested by the commies, when all the block jumped the ship like a bunch of fucking rats. Russian domination in Slavic regions is literally the only way to go.
>nothing to WEWUZ about
no such thing
Polish-russian relations weren't always bad. It was Russia that backstabbed Poland together with Sweden and Germans. Until 18 century those relations were decent, but then Russia decided it was so good to listen to the (((Germans))) and (((Habsburgs)))
Irrelevant clowns.