"Break their belief system"


>Pippa Carveth

Pippa Carveth - but nice try.

>implying that's not how so many people are breaking the clinton hold right now

Sounds like she's open to reason and debate. Better than 99% of Hillary supporters.

You mean no free blow jobs voting for hillary?

Love the implications. This political preference is something to be "broken", "mended", "rectified". They aren't even american yet their FB friends need to be "rectified".
Also implying that these beliefs will collapse on inspection, no consideration to whether they could actually be validated

Shes the most likely typical social media debater. They claim to be open to debate and reasoning but as soon as you start dismantling their position they block you out and shut down.

i'd accept that as a standard reason to break down my thought process

That's perfectly fine though. That's what debate is.

Calling Trump racist and sexist because he said mean things isn't a debate.

>TFW I took an IQ test to help my resume
>TFW my IQ turned out to be 165
>TFW when I tell shills I know around me I voted for Trump, and they know my IQ and ask why?
>TFW I just smile and say, b/c his daughter is hot as fuck

No, this is disingenuous. A debate is "I disagree and here are the reasons". Acting like you're interested and hiding your position as if you occupy some middle ground is not honest debate. It is a means to an end. An honest debate means she could change her mind as well, this is not the case here.

You can't break the wheels of history.
This is what reassures me.
No Empire, no Kingdom, no Federation has ever withstood the test of time.
In the end everything will fall, the globalist unionists is just one more group of deluded fools who think they can master the great forces of civilization.

As for that post, it just shows basic female thinking. It's flawed and will fail because women don't understand the first thing about persuation or charisma.
Reason never works to change someone's mind.

Yes, I'd love someone to explain in rational terms why they'd support Hillary without resorting to "she has a vagina" or "lesser of two evils", neither of which are true.

the irony is that true free expression usually leads to a Sup Forums like environment.

>ask why
>break down their thought process
>Hillary supporters

>break their belief system

Isnt this what the shilltards have been trying and failing at on Sup Forums for like, a year?

absolutly deviant

Take this (You).

had a friend try this one me now they are voting trump, its easy for that strategy to backfire

Why yes desu, but this is the first time I've seen a shilling study session on a normie platform

All this euphoric

The amount of times people reply to my tweets then instantly block me so I can't read their response is insane

>When you get tired of explaining the same shit over and over and start telling people that you're voting Trump just to make them feel bad

I'd much rather that than name calling or guilt by assosciation tactics

For you smart bro.

Did you not notice how incredibly condescending her next comment was?
>Does this not assume intelligent reasoning though?

She's not open to debate.

>so sure about her logic

Either she's an outlier or an idiot.

Women acting hysterical, what's new?

>women flipping political ideas in non-cucked individuals
nice meme

> ask why
This cunt knows how to ruin her relationships, but politically she is nothing but a useful idiot.

I can bet 1000$ she will end her life alone and miserable.

Persuasion level is off the charts!

kek confirms

>November 8th, 2012
>Girlfriend wants us to go vote together, for Obama
>she sucks my dick instead

That`s actually the known psychological mechanism.
You cant feel anything for what you have rationalized. This way they cure PTSD-type disorders. By making person to live trough the event and rationalize it.

Females do not rationalize anything. They also instinctively try to be random to be lovable. So she wants to destroy political power trough rationalization, because she thinks everybody relates to Trump, just like she relates to shillary. Trough muh feelings.

The fact, that she knows how to ask "why do you like it" is clear sign, that she uses this method often in her life. And people, who rationalize their positive feelings will end up miserable, dreaming about golddigger career until late 30, when they are ugly, obese, frustrated and nobody wants them.

The upsetting part about the whole thing my dub bro, was that these hipster dumbfucks have no idea what's on an IQ test. They really think their years at college helps raise it. Never realizing that all that schooling doesn't do jack shit for enhancing your problem solving skills.