Post your favorite heroic moments. The kind that get you pumped...

Post your favorite heroic moments. The kind that get you pumped, the kind that remind you what being a hero is all about.

And then feel sad that current Marvel is just a bunch of cheap sales gimmicks with no passion for the genre or the heart of these characters.

Other urls found in this thread:

The last thread was shit and this one will be just as bad.

Every thread on this board is shit, that doesn't stop anyone else.



A favorite.

Tony "No Quotas" Stark
Tony "Get your stinkin hands offa my back" Stark
Tony "Spics, Gyps & Nigs all look the same in the dark" Stark

I'm not posting it because it's a huge spoiler, but THAT moment with Johann in BPRD. If you don't know what I'm talking about you most probably haven't read it. I'm a huge sucker for ultimate sacrifices like that. Simply dying is fucking easy.




This was pretty good. Ultimate JJ truly become a good person at the end.

Posting this again because it is impossible to hate Bill.



anytime superman refuses to stop believing in humanity.
this entire oz effect arc for example.


man bill is so cool





all hitman was great

God I wish Omega Flight actually went somewhere after this


Because you're proven wrong

What do I need to read to understand this panel?

Guardians of the Galaxy



they never did erect that statue!

Did he ever built it ?

somebody post the statue



I'm edgy, I know it, I don't care. I love moments like this where the kid gloves come off, because in real life bullies don't stop until you show them you mean business, I don't see why fiction has to be different.

Cletus went back to being evil after Axis.

Maybe Spidey did follow through, and then Cletus tore the statue down after his inversion was undone.

Maybe he went back to being evil because they never built the statue.


A true hero

Continuity niggles aside, Loveness' Nova and Duggan's GOTG are pretty good.

Maybe that only proves OP's point