Sup Forums, I need help. I remember a cartoon, but I can't remember for the life of me, what it's called...

Sup Forums, I need help. I remember a cartoon, but I can't remember for the life of me, what it's called. It looked like Gorillaz early animation, had a girl with a bone in her hair, and she lived with monsters or something? It was foreign I think?

Also, let's make a 'Cartoon we forget the name of and others help out' thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

street sharks

Sounds like something I've seen on Sup Forums before, but I can't recall the name for the life of me. Was it a french cartoon, and the girl wasn't wearing much more than a short dress? And the monsters were trolls?

Pretty sure I'm thinking of the same one.

Was it Dave the Barbarian? The little sister had a bone in her hair.

She had like, a bone in her hair, a fur dress, and lived with trolls or something.

I remember one episode. The lil shit troll monster kept stealing clothes.

street sharks

Extreme Dinosaurs

Biker Mice From Mars



I know what you're talking about, it was french or norwegian or something, it was about a little girl raised by trolls and she's the last of the trolls or something

But what's it called?

street sharks

Road Rovers

Sorry m8 my searches are coming blank, I saw it in a foreign comics thread

Fucking christ. Why do I remember it and why don't I remember the name.
I remember her throwing a lizard on a dude's dick, and her singing in the intro, walking through the woods, and swinging up side down.

Alright, maybe at least one of you are talking about Trolls de Troy?

Trolls of Troy (aka Trolls de Troy)?

Forgot pic related
No bone in her hair, though.

>Trolls de Troy
Lemme check.
THAT'S IT! Thank you! It was bugging me to no fucking end.

This is what I was talking about here at least

When I looked that up I wanted to hate it but it grew on me as I watched it.

I guess we all just had a Waha! moment.



Now I want porn of it.

That's lewd.

I'm sure a proper troll wouldn't have it any other way.

Can we make this a Waha thread?


I am not at all opposed to this idea.


WIP bump!

Think of how stanky her cunt is.


Think about the fact that it's probably still the least stanky out of all the cunts in her tribe.

no you love it they're jawsome

Think she'd take it up the ass?

I guess it would depend on whether she felt like getting pregnant or not.

Well, she's French, isn't she?