Invincible #141 Storytime

I think it speaks for itself.



So, the adorable little girl enters the fray. Do you think, they got guts to kill her off?











>little girl

this cannot end well




I feel this scene would have had slightly more impact if he didn't look like a fucking frankenstein monster
I get it, he flew into a sun. Are the dumb little metal diode things necessary though?

Fuck you for this




>Eve immediately starts acting like a bitch



Markbis this really the best time to talk about the futility of life


What did robutt do

See ya next month for the over-sized "Robot War": Part One of One!

Press Stache to pay respects.

So is Anissa dead, or?


Bitch your son is a charcoal mess

Was just about to kinda ask this.

Has she shown up since the reveal that she's had 2 kids since the time skip? Kinda fell behind on my reading list.



She showed up again, was kinda sorry for what she did, then two issues ago she took a claw through the chest protecting Eve. Last we saw of her, she had a giant hole through her chest and Eve was taking her back to the ship.


he looks like shit

>Eve is a self centered cunt to the last


Whatever happened to that dude that accidentally electrocuted his wife and son?

I stopped reading after that point where graphic on-panel frying of toddlers was okay, but showing a female nipple wasn't. It's one thing to be edgy, it's another to be a prudish hypocrite.

But, I do remember Kirkman saying he had plans for that guy, though. So I'm curious.

>Eve is still a giant vagina

Well if you can say one thing about this comic it's that the characters have well-established personalities


He took all the half breed viltrumite children hostage

Bitch is dead

Hey Norrin did you story time this first for that poor foreign bastard who asked for it in the Win-O? If so you're good people

I cant wait for the chain of events that leads to Mark gaining custody of Marky the rape baby

That's not what bothers me, what really bugs me is how hes all moving around like nothing, in fact I think Mark should have died instead

>has lived hundreds of years among the Viltrumites, he has a comprehensive understanding of their history, their politics, society, etc. He is one of their best soldiers and representatives
>Is 20-to-30-something highschool dropout, ex-superhero
>You're more ready than I was when I took over
Not really?


Kirkman has wrote Eve as the annoying and self-centred bitch and had Mark apologize to her whenever she felt like what she did was her fault. Is this Kirkman taking a piss, trying to peddle some kind of bizzare feminist (respect women) agenda or is this comic an outlet for his subconcious misogyny?

>>has lived hundreds of years among the Viltrumites, he has a comprehensive understanding of their history, their politics, society, etc. He is one of their best soldiers and representatives

You're a fucking retard.

This shit reads like weekly manga once a month.

>weekly manga once a month
read that again, but slower

This. It took literally less than 5 minutes to read

What causes it to lose impact for me is the fact they could just impale eve next to him and have her auto heal function save his ass.

>Best girl died for this hoe


Guessing he's refusing to allow the viltrumites to return. They were an potentially uncontrollable element in his perfect order, and now he's got their children he doesn't need the adults around any more.

>Implying Mark would let anything happen to eve after losing five years with her and having just lost his dad.
Sure it might work but there's no way that with where his head is at that he'd consider doing that.

Showed hos true colors as the ultimate asshole of Invincibleverse.

So pure.

holy shit SHUT UP

Mark is a college dropout.

>Mark resolves to absolutely NOT do a thing and take care of his personal shit
>Somebody immediately talks him into doing what he's resolved not to

Honestly, if you were Eve you'd be tired of this shit too.

Yeah how dare he decide that abandoning his responsibilities was actually a poor decision

He should be borderline retarded from having his brain boil inside his skull.

Yes, will all the supergeniuses, alien powerhouses, Earth superhumans and advanced SCIENCE!, the fate of every single civilization in the Galaxy is Mark's personal fucking responsibility, until he dies or names one of his children as successor.

>the fate of every single civilization in the Galaxy is Mark's personal fucking responsibility
Maybe not all of them, but the fucking viltrumites certainly are

He did that many issues ago when he killed lots of his fellow heroes in his takeover of Earth.

>i was able to dodge the brunt of thragg's attack
if that was fucking dodge im the god damned queen on england

I just took her as a homage to Jean Grey and Mary Jane Watson.

Weekly manga:18-20 pages per week
Monthly manga: 20-60 pages per month
Color comics: 20 pages per month, but for 5 bucks per issue rather than for everything offered by the magazine.


RIP Nolan

>this cunt is still being an asshole

Fuck Eve
Fuck Rudy


Please god let him stop being an ASSHOLE, and let this be a contrived thank you.

Thanks for the story time OP

last we saw her she was her on the floor of the medbay, while the doctors pointed at Mark's dad saying "this one is alive", meaning she's confirmed dead.

>Robot still isn't dead
I literally do not give a shit about anyone else. Almost everyone is a fucker. But Robot takes the fucking cake and if he of all fucking characters survive I will do everything to erase this entire comic from my memories.



they live in an extremely advanced civilization, they cant clone his heart?


what they need to do is give him a shot of some lab made Blood of Argall which apparently has great healing properties


so was this a timeskip of five minutes while his adamantium healing factor reknit all his skin and started growing his hair out

>robot has 1 good issue then literally immediately returns to assholery

>Oh hey Invincible, I just sent my robots to meet you and take your coat

Then they have a nice dinner and everything is fine.

kys brainlet

You are now aware that this is the thanks Nolan gets for all he did in this book, while Kirkman is going to let Robot get off scott free because there's not enough time to resolve his character arc.


Im not crying, you're crying.

God damn it robot

He became a superhero to atone for his crimes, then flipped out when he saw Mark and they fought again but it got broken up. Then I think he tried one more scheme to get at Mark but Mark talked him down and he eventually accepted that it was his own fault his family died.

They resolved his character arc pretty well, at least compared to most plots in this comic.

>muh heart is damaged

From the shit I've seen Viltrumites live through, that's all it took?

What are they, vampires?

>I was able to dodge the brunt of Thragg's attack

That was not even close to dodging

>What are they, vampires?

>Hey guy, thanks for saving the Earth and possibly the universe.
>btw I have everyone's kids as hostages so I want you and your army to fuck off permanently or I will kill them lol