FUCK THIS FUCKING (((JOURNALIST))). As if the MSM, PBS being bought out and baseless rape accusations didn't already murder the political process.

Fuck them. Meme on, Sup Forums.

Sup Forums has no sense of subtlety because some people are going to try to conduct a legit psy op while others are going to try to be as satirical as possible. Sup Forums couldn't keep a straight face to save the reincarnation of Hitler a few seconds from activating a kill all jews machine.

Are memes got trump elected. Goebbels would be proud



More like that, I say.
While they analyze our latest works, we already have multiple new ones in the making. Sure enough, #draftourdaugthers was a masterpiece - but we have chipped away at their armor with numerous things. It were just small enough chinks, that they didn't really care about it yet.

Poop butt tiyyrt

So we officially gorilla warfare now

What does it mean godamnit

Kek is great!