Race and IQ isn't a thing. If blacks had the same educational opportunities as whites, they'd be as intelligent.
Race and IQ isn't a thing. If blacks had the same educational opportunities as whites, they'd be as intelligent
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t. guy using a cartoon as a point of reference for a thread discussing reality
Next thing I know you'll be telling me they'd be less violent if dey hads mo moneys
IQ doesn't necessarily measure how educated you are. It's about using logic and recognizing patterns.
Which is also not true.
Really not true.
lol keep telling yourself that
NO ONE is equal
you will never find two equal people
better to accept that now
But that's not true. Facts show otherwise.
nu-nazis like to tout IQ as some measure of worth for someone's life. Retarded desu.
Profoundly untrue.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
You're right, but watch the shitstorm that will come, because as they always do, albinoid devils (Europeans) not accept facts or common sense; they like to twist fucking everything to uplift themselves at the expense of everyone else; purely cause they have no self esteem.
>Inb4 kek dumb nigger you ain't shit
Genetics dictates the boundaries of intelligence and intelligence is inheritable. Blacks are at a disadvantage to begin with, but environment, especially black culture, pushes them further back.
Source on this?
>so its automatically due to ((race)) HUR DURR
t. Jamal
Are wannabe Nazis still using the IQ meme? Do they even understand how IQ works?
For fucks same you idiots need to stop giving Republicans power down there in the South. Your schools are clearly suffering from their rule.
What a well-articulated rebuttal. I'm overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and the sheer credibility of the sources you included in your counterarguments.
Oh wait this is a classic White IQ post. Stay pathological, Eugene.
god I wish I saved that one long essay thing where it's a teacher talking about his observations on black students, it's really grim
Meant for >muh correlation doesn't prove causation
Stick a fork in an electric socket. Just because human experience and scientific data has confirmed this is a bad idea, it doesn't mean it always is.
Eliminate shitty black culture and repeat the testing.
Higher IQs are possible but still under Asians.
Thanks m8
>Sup Forums
You never grew up in an inner city school...
IQ does not measure how much you have learned. IQ is static. It doesn't change. Your IQ at age 5 before you've had any educational opportunities will be the same as your IQ when you are 35 after you've spent 20 years in school.
I believe that's pretty obvious.
"...It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps." -MLK
>says the amerifat who literally just got that image from ifunny.co
>muh correlation doesn't prove causation
wtf lol it doesn't! Thanks for keeping this short and sweet.#I'mWithHer
Well it is a good measurement for general intellectual capacity and I'm sure it plays a role in how a person acts.
But you're right in saying someone with 110 IQ isn't always going to be more useful that someone with an IQ of 100
You have the causal relationship backwards. IQ -> education, education -/> IQ. If you have a low IQ, no amount of education is going to raise it; similarly, the higher your IQ, the better your ability to become educated is.
Are you a leaf in disguise?
And you state this based on what exactly
What is the Bell Curve?
People smarter than you, disagree.
I agree, but I also do not feel that IQ is a good measure of intelligence.
>Inner city
>Implying the shit-tier social dynamics doesn't play a role
Hoodrats are the white trash of Blacks.
>thinking correlation doesn't prove causation is an argument
Back to rebbit you go. Correlative data is sufficient to grant predictive power.
The news story they are in wouldn't show an example of their debate live on air because of obvious blatant reasons.
Equal opportunity my ass.
Stupid niggers are stupid niggers if they keep acting like stupid niggers regardless of IQ and educational background/opportunity.
See Their "middle class" commits crime at the same rate as our "white trash" or worse.
Is AJ a nigger?
>Correlative data is sufficient to grant predictive power
>*When it suits my narrative
>black were not equal opportunity equity till 1968.
>If blacks had the same educational opportunities as whites
Never advanced beyond stone/bronze age technology in 50,000 years of human history.
Still throwing spears and living in mud huts when the Greeks were building the Parthenon and calculating the circumference of the earth.
Can't even operate technology left to them after decolonization. Instead chose to strip everything for scrap like mindless scavengers.
>Newfags don't know you have to post a pic to make a thread
It called an image board for a reason, dumbass
you've never met a nigger have you.
>Source: The College Board
>If blacks had the same educational opportunities as whites
They do, the problem is that our education system is garbage.
>le goalposts shift
So tell me when correlative data ISN'T sufficient to grant predictive power?
So tell me when correlative data ISN'T sufficient to grant predictive power.
Because we recognized they weren't equal. Even the ones in the middle class are dumber and commit more crime than their white counterparts as you'd read upthread if you possessed the ability to read graphs, Jose.
>group that forces you to submit your income for FAFSA to acquire financial aid and also collects SAT data is not legit.
Thanks for correcting the record.
>le goalposts shift
The only thing shifting is the poll numbers, away from Trump lol.
I got ya covered famm:
Really sobering stuff.
I don't really have much experience with blacks, so I was wondering: Is the teacher's claims about their general lack of romance in relationships true?
then why aren't you a genius? why isn't everyone who's rich Einstein or Shakespeare?
And now we've finally collected #BottomsForRodham tears.
You're free to go. Hope you make rent next month :^)
>be mexican spic
>only a few iq points from gifted
>cant deny race and IQ is a real thing
>cant change my race
>smart enough to see patterns where other spics act on a perceived hivemind and emotion instead of logic
>a lot of them act on instinct of now instead of perceiving later opportunities and consequences
>realize spics are physically inferior to whites
>realize white women / men are objectively more attractive then all the other races because of height and colorations unique to white people
>do everything i can to bring myself up like improving my appearance, increasing my dick size, wearing boots and walking straighter for that few extra inches
>learned how to charismatic ques and how to socially maneuver as well as educating myself to the point i'm arrogantly confident and charismatic
>in the end of the day i'm still an inferior spic and if i was white i'd probably be that much better
This is the shit that makes me want to go full la raza and just become straight up anti-white. Race exist and chanced racial characteristics and traits are a fact of life and there's nothing that can be done about it and it kills me inside.
>Race and IQ isn't a thing. If blacks had the same educational opportunities as whites, they'd be as intelligent.
Sigh. All the evidence shows otherwise.
>one post by this id
>bait posting
>not even Sup Forums related
pure coincidence goyim
stay mad brownboi
Why is it that Asians fare better than whites on average, despite the system supposedly being set up to benefit whites at the expense of minority groups?
Why is it that Japanese-Americans have a higher IQ on average than the rest of the population, despite being historically discriminated against?
If the discrepancy in IQ across groups is solely based on the amount of advantages afforded to one group over another group, then it MUST mean that Japanese-Americans are afforded advantages by society that whites don't benefit from equally. Can you list some of those advantages for us?
>See table 3
Are you retarded?
you are in desperate need of some sperm milk beverage to lift your #spirit up
>Why is it that Asians fare better than whites on average, despite the system supposedly being set up to benefit whites at the expense of minority groups?
Examples please.
Pro-tip: you don't have any.
Rest of it seems on point though.
BS. they have the same opportunities they just fail to make the most of it. Not to mention one of the lessons that episode was trying to teach was that studying and working hard can lead to success while being lazy and playing video games will do nothing.
Half spic here. God I'll always feel like shit because of it. My white family knows that I feel inferior as well, and my hispanic family looks down upon me because of it, but they feel just like me.
They're more financially successful.
>Asian men outperform white men in earnings
>Asian women outperform white women in earnings
Note how their homicide rate is trending upward even though they're getting mo' muney fo dem programs?
>implying even niggers want to be niggers
Because they're degenerating through dysgenics. Not that they were ever "great," but monogamous patriarchy was forcing European selective pressures on them.
Now they've reverted to African matriarchal tribalism where every woman is trying to bang the drug kingpin on the block and have his baby with his aggressive characteristics. Except this time the white taxpayer is supporting her instead of a bunch of thirsty beta black males hoping for a chance at some roast beef.
Its been years since I've watched Fairy Odd Parents, but AJ & his family are the only blacks I remember from that show.
All important faries & humans are all white in that show, right?
Or maybe white trash meth cooks' first instinct isn't to call the police to their house when they get robbed
dude why would you wear boots? that's what every fresh from the border Hispanic wears
>muh correlation doesn't prove causation
God I agree I hate when dipshits bring that up. Until a better explanation is found for why A correlates to more B (and you know B isn't affecting A) then it's reasonable to assume A is causing more B, until you find some other factor C that explains it better.
>thinking niggers call the police
geg. Also check the rest of the data.
Oh, you said "supposedly".. I'm a dumbass. Sorry.
fucking saved you fucking scum
yes whites are masterace, the only nonwhite race accepted in the club are the japanese
IQ SCORES will change though. Try giving the same IQ test to a 5 year old and a 20 year old, and see which one does better.
We live in a society where blacks have been treated as subpar pieces of shit for like what, 200 years?
They're not afforded anywhere near the same opportunity as whites. Even smart black people or rich black people come from a dumb background with lack of education in their racial setting.
Not gonna lie, this kinda makes me feel bad.
Feels bad man
However, we can always appear as manly Latinos next to numales. Of course, that is if you are not brown.
This is demonstrably false.
There were black kids in my neighborhood, south of Seattle, Washington which by the way is an incredibly liberal state and those black kids still dropped out, sold drugs and got into fights.
They would be just as intelligent if they valued education, but they don't, blacks think education is a white institution where whites succeed and blacks don't because of "systemic racism", and even if black students do well, they get shamed BY THEIR OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY to fail because they are being "too white".
Supposedly by (((them)))
(((They))) want to paint the whites as the enemy for now, finding an excuse to call all asians evil is harder, but don't worry, your genocide is next on the line.
Despite being superior to whites in many ways you still get called out by racists (real racists, not racial realists) so I think that does the trick to be classified as a minority
And IQ is not directly correlated with "historical discrimination"
inb4: cucked by Asians
You stormfags need to leave, all evidence we use against blacks can be easily used, and should be used when the concern is white vs. asian. East Asians are our friends, except the ones that draw the brainwashing cartoons of course.
>Never advanced beyond stone/bronze age technology in 50,000 years of human history.
That's more due to economic / resource factors. Same reason why native americans never invested in wheeled transportation - they developed the concept of the wheel, but never found a good use for it.
>So tell me when correlative data ISN'T sufficient to grant predictive power.
When it shows that Trump supporters are fascists.
heres your (you) stop bitching about slavery when others have come from worse and have contributed to society
>if we have the same intelligence we should all get together as one and have a giant multiculti love orgy
This doesn't mean anything, we should still protect our borders, and protect our people
>black kids
>blue eyes
So he's really only a quarter black, at most. This would make this less surprising.
See, this is why leftists can't comprehend data. Because they're used to playing around with nebulous terms instead of hard facts, like IQ scores and crimes, objective realities.
But if you define fascism to mean things leftists consider insufficiently moderate (as leftists do since they are historically illiterate), virtually all Trump supporters are indeed fascist. I actually support fascism so we can have a functioning education system to teach fuckmooks like you methodology of statistics.
KYS manga watching ape faggot.
It's hilarious that CTR thinks that we don't know what fascist means, and that apparently it's supposed to be an insult
Where did I ever imply any of that? And it's not that fascist is supposed to be an insult, it's that Trump supporters know very well that being known as fascists would hurt their reputation, so they seek to deny being fascists to outsiders.
>Moralless Brazilian sub-human giving me shit
>implying i cant just say i'm Italian to get into Japanese nightclub
Not that i would want to go, Asians are ugly as fuck. They're only good at tricking betas into thinking they're attractive.
Paying attention in class and following rules are white privilege