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Fuck she is just terrible... just terrible...

spitting into the mic like daffy duck

won't ever shut up

wish they tazed or at least peppersprayed her

"don't touch me!" That right there, that would be the moment for a pepper spray right to the face.

Jesus H. Christ

And she's begging you for money:

Something interesting I've noticed, is how leftists use language of 'we' to imply a consensus. What would happen if we started doing the same thing?

> We find your race-baiting demagoguery disgusting and immoral

How do we fuck with this?

Is that Tony Danza in the photo?

Look at the comments on the right.

Donate a dollar, write up a troll.


her tits look juicy


i wont lie. I'd let her bully me with those tits.

But what about all of the sexual violence and stalking she has suffered for over two months at the hands of white supremacists and misogynists from all over the world ?

wow, she has big tits, i would like to cum in them


That poor woman is literally surrounded by patriarchy.

>those tiddies


I'd hit,with my dick and then with a crowbar.

He does kind of look like Tony Danza.

Really nigga?

them tids tho


lol at the nu-males pretending to be the patriarchy

Hate rape when?

It's a shame they keep deleting the comments by people giving one fucking dollar just to tell her she's a retarded cunt.


anyone-s got the source of this?

Same, she keeps moving her mouth for some reason, probably needs a nice cock in her mouth to keep her quiet. Great body, shame about the rest of it. Maybe a good hard fucking would cure the crazy out of her.

Jesus christ

What the fuck is wrong with her?


I would love to see those big brown tits. I'd hate fuck her

Female hysteria, originally thought to be cured by sex.

Until recently I thought humongous was an actual historical word, not just a recent, silly American coinage.

We hate niggers.
I guess it works.

>British Education

Why is she here and not in Englandistan? That's a crime right there.

mentally ill, troll or psyop

Black Asian pacific Islander had enough of that bitches shit. Talking racism and someone like that boots you out. I swear to God this World has gone full autist.

this video is the cringiest piece of propaganda shit i've ever seen.

tl;dr for the ones who want to know whats inside the video :
>You are a white male ? you deserve to be a slave to queers, trans, strong wymyn, and shitskin.
>You are not white ? Ask to the white for gibmedat forever, whites ppl are only here to serve your desires, it's called patriarchy.

Someone needs to punch her in the throat.
Fucking zarna, I bet her nipples are hairy as fuck

Its that there is no one putting the break on these people anymore. They can say whatever they want as long its about the white men and there will be no consequences and people always supporting them.

Crazy fucking bitch, if I saw her coming down the same alley as me I'd run.

Crazy like that would take it as a point of pride being peppersprayed. You want to hurt her just laugh at what a walking joke she is.

what a nutcase

Could she take a small nudge away from the mic? Christ.

Here's what we can do:
Her youtube channel:

Of course she's disabled both ratings and comments on all of her videos but I encourage you all to dislike all of her videos anyway. She can still see the likes/dislikes.

You can also leave comments on the channel itself here:

Intentionally or not, she's a disgusting human being for "harassing" Hugh Mungus, fasley accuse him of SEXUAL HARASSMENT and then proceed to try and play the victim while MAKING MONEY from it.

this is why we can't let Indians have toilets

Is she even a citizen? Is she here legally? What is she even doing here? I hate when people CHOOSE to come to America, and then spend all their time criticizing it. Why did they CHOOSE to come here in the first place?

That video zooms in so close to everyone's face I feel like they are all sexually harassing me.

lmao her name is zarna
sarna means mange in Spanish
SJ(e)Ws are literally a disease

lol What the fuck is this!?

Based on previous statements we have reasons to believe nothing of this have ever happened.

she must of had a loving father

> while MAKING MONEY from it.

I wouldn't worry about that.

> $377 Raised by 33 donors

She inadvertently invented the idea of "hate donations", people giving the minimum amount just to leave a mean comment telling her she sucks though.


Sounds like that Reapers chick (Bolo Santosi) from Just Cause 2.



ok then
>while TRYING to make money from it
you autistic baguette fucker

Just whatever you do don't donate.

I fucking hate these people. I'm so glad they threw her out. Good riddance.

nooo, she's a desi

MY WEAKNESS, I'm sorry Sup Forums but the far left has too many babes


>these terrible (Seattle) cops
Fucking what? Seattle had some of the chillest cops I've seen in the US.

I wanna >hate donations


Our school curriculum doesnt actually focus on the origin of words all that much.

is that bernie sanders behind her

Hahaha, you smartarse cunts.

trolls trolling trolls

>hate donations
That must be a new bussines model in the scene of profesional victims.

Psahahs Pn Pashshshs Psahdsha

She's a privileged daughter of Indian brahmins who deserted their country after they thought themselves above an equal and just society where untouchables have full standing as citizens. She's a member and benefactor of the longest running system of racial, classist and colourist oppression known to the Earth: the Indian caste system. Of course, instead of using her "brahmin privilege" to illuminate the existing inequalities in India where she herself might have to cede power, privileges and control, she comes to the West to hector us about how evil we and our forebears are where she positions herself as a hapless member of the victimised group and thus seeks to afford herself even more Gibsmedats; despite the fact that Indian (especially Indian brahmins) outperform native Whites in our countries economically. To resolve this contradiction, she further embeds herself as a deliberately ambiguous "person of colour" to appropriate the Black civil rights movements to substantiate her anti-white hatred and to embed herself within a historical US context. She only mentions India, when she positions herself as a member of the victimised colonised group while concealing the fact that North Indians were initially colonisers as they moved east across the Indus and ignores the Islamic Mughal conquest of India.

Drop her a line here

Have fun

Our next Speaker is Hugh. Hugh Mungous please.

Send it to H3h3 and DELET this thread, actually nvm, we need to reach 10000000 before the election.

I don't see Balls Mahoney or Holden Mcgroin yet.

guys, joshi is actually a brahmin surname according to this wiki:

she literally comes from a family/clan that has discriminated against lower castes for milennia


I'm in love.

Whoever makes these videos sucks at editing.

My ears are fucking bleeding

who is this semen demon?


Just teasing m8, neither does ours

>video title

BTFO. I would love to get this post in front of her somehow.

I fantasize about licking this bitch's asshole while she says derogatory things to me


tl;dr typical poo in loo

Anyone else have a problem where if the girl is cute/hot you don't hate them no matter what they do?

Lol only their looks matters tbqh.

She has that same fish mouth that SJWs have. What causes this?

She does have tits that are sexual harrasement worthy. Unfortuneately for her, she is a woman and has to accept the harrasment.

>mexican woman
>the people she are calling racist are mexican and mexican women


lack of sucking dick


she's a QT too bad about the batshit insane part.

Absolutely inscrutable.


Dude she will bite your dick off


Kek I wonder how leftism will be once white people are gone. Will they still be blaming the extinct whites for their present conditions. Will non-whites with whiter skin replace whites as the punching bag.
