Fuck trump, i'm done

Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assualt (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him. Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem. Immigrants don't pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn't pay taxes. He's a business genius. Hillary's foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping others. She's a crook. Trump's foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of himself, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he was shut down by NY state). Sounds like the man for the White House. Trump's business success has netted him 4 billion dollars in 40 years, where a simple index fund started with the same amount, at the same time would've been worth 12 billion dollars and without a trail of bankruptcies, lawsuits and burned small business owners. An incredible businessman who's great at making deals, clearly. Hillary took a loss of $700k. She's a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era that has still not released his tax returns, and took a 950 million dollar loss in 1 year. Genius. Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes for her carelessness. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he's just telling it like it is.

Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle his pointless rhetoric is absurd. Your opinions are not fact. Your memes are not news, and your hypocrisy is not a platform.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gas the kikes, race war now

Wtf i love America now

Nasty fucking slide thread but I'll bite. Since when does Sup Forums give a fuck about Bill's sex life? If anything we think its hilarious as fuck. Talking like an alpha in front of your bros when you've probably had a drink or two ain't something to be DQ'd for.


It's not that long

OP's a kike

That doesnt work here.

Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

I saw this pasta on Facebook too!!

Don't forget to like and share

neither is your dick since they cut half of it off

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath you retard

>"They let me do it"
>Sexual assault

Oh look it's the dem/SJW/CTR talking point again about everything they don't like is rape.

None cares, kike. I didn't even read past the first sentence, by the way.

well kiked m'kike

Hahahaahah cry moar faggot

Go back to Univision.

if you think he was admitting to sexual assault in that video you are either willfully misinterpreting the situation or socially retarded.

>Bill Clinton cheats on his wife.
Stopped right there.
Fucking idiot

nice meme speech


Also, Hillary doesn't support Israel. So enjoy your Samson option.

Nice Facebook pasta, nice and fresh.

Sage in all fields.

You talk about our "ignorance of reality", but what about your ignorance of history and law?

Bill clinton was not impeached because he cheated on his wife.

He was impeached because he lied under oath multiple times.


Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, please learn some facts.

Didn't read the rest of what you wrote because it's equally wrong, I'm sure.

Ignorance of law, is something trump knows very well.

Trump found GUILTY - yet only paid fines instead of jail time

Trump is fined 200,000$ in 1992 by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for not allowing blacks or women onto his casino floor while racist Mafia leader is gambling.

Trump tries to violate Antitrust regulations through purgery and identity theft to steal two separate companies.

Court case implicated Trump in fraud, money-laundering, conspiracy, perjury and the theft of trade secrets.

Trump violates federal gambling laws.

Trump steals over $300,000 from worker pensions.

Trump faces felony criminal charges for bribery.

A normal person would go to jail for all of this charges, but trump is a billionaire, so he only paid fines. fuck trump

This and he was talking about sloots not your average woman. What he said was fine and true.

whats with all the Israeli anti Trump stuff?

I mean both candidates are scum military industrial candidates but what fucking business is it of yours which dipshit we hire anyway?

Bill commits a crime, get him impeached. trump commits crimes, he is the man for the job

Bill Clinton had one hand on the nukes, while he literally had his hand up someone's asshole in the Oval Office

Trump is a celebrity who has the finest looking women in the world throwing themselves in front of him.

> fucking kikes, not even once

this is cute pasta but I'd take this bag of crime over whitewater savings and loan and enron any day of the week

fuck off kike

Israeli proxies now? Pedo enabler. Do the bosses share their plunder?

kek those are settled and he's going to win, sorry, say it with me now

Nice strawman. Thanks for posting

>trump is a rapist >When you're a star they let you do it. >let. Crack open a dictionary kike

>words are assault

I know what kind of person OP is now.

Ok. But I'm still voting for the crass white-collar criminal over the pedophile traitor, thanks.

Excuse the format got fucked. Point remains

(((you))) have been quite busy making these threads today

>brags about sexual assualt

Yeah, that never happened.

Reply kike

bill clinton did not get impeached for cheating on his wife. he got impeached for LYING IN COURT.

biggest misconception ever.

>Clinton bangs kids
>Trump gets pussy

We all know liberals find it acceptable to sleep around with any one including on your wife with bbc while you watch in the corner you fucking cuck kike faggot nigger.

You clearly missed the memo. This board is for Trump shills only. Accurate representation of the facts is not allowed.

Thank for that post, ((((CTR))))

What about her emails?

Op is a retaarr

Sigh, I'll do it. Fpbp

He wasn't impeached for. Hearing on his wife. He was impeached for lying about it under oath you ignorant Kike. Begone with you Moloch Talmudism.


Fuck off kike


I'm many this makes it easier to understand.
Help you comprehend, schlomo?

Great post it really made me think

>being this assblasted by a meme candidate

holy shit this guy don't give up, it's literally impossible that you are not getting paid faggot OP, I've been calling you out ALL FUCKING DAY you fucking faggot

You are aware that Trump is the one going to court for raping a child, not Clinton, right? You can't just accuse the other side of what your side is guilty of to try and cover your ass.

I don't really care about stuff you listed.
What I care about is whether or not will I have to be shooting up some big-nosed (((volunteers))) or (((rebels))) in Syria when the war comes, defend my hometown in trenches from NATO advancement, or storm one European town after another as the invasion will be forced to revert.
I don't want a war.
Do you?


Are you getting nervous kike?


>an increasingly nervous man angrily posts on Sup Forums for the 9000th time today

>Bill commits a crime, get him impeached. trump commits crimes, he is the man for the job

You really want to make this argument schlomo? Hillary has committed more crime than both of them. 33k emails and an email server that has no explanation other than trying to circumvent government surveillance.

Stop being trump cuckolds and criticize him for once, quit the hypocracy

>long running overplayed copypasta of baseless misrepresentations
>finish with another copypasta about our rhetoric and facts

This couldn't get any better.

>Stop being trump cuckolds

Stop being a kike

You mean the "child" who has yet to show here face? The one who has already filed this suit twice?

fuck off

Look at title, look at country of origin, no need to waste time reading, but will call OP a degenerate jew.

OP talks exactly like the Clinton Foundation shill in past threads.

Just ignore, if you argue with him he moves the goalposts.

Your shitposting isn't going to alter anyone's decision here after months of weighing the pros and cons of the respective candidates mere days before the election.

>Let's just ignore the facts that do not fit my narrative :^)

Only the global warming tweet is stupid, everything else is true.

Trump does have a high IQ, king obongo's birth certificate could have been easily faked and no one would be surprised if kikes were injecting white kids with shit to make them retarded.

Since when were we tallying up party offenses?

Those aren't facts, faggot. All of it is factually wrong.

bill clinton wasn't impeached for cheating on his wife, idiot.

>copying a post from Tumblr
Why am I not surprised?

Thank you, greatest ally.

Hillary foundation is great, it gives a new life opportunity to poor Haitians kids

>thinking vaccines causes autism
>refering to people as "losers and haters"

The Clinton Foundation donated 30 million to haiti in 2015

>Always do the opposite of what the Jews want

thanks for correcting the record

This is Sup Forums, though. Good luck, Don Quixhote.

I've argued your points before, it's not worth it.

The OP either says outright lies (CF 87%) or contorts the facts to minimize the significance. (It was only 1 server goyim!)
Even with the couple items that are even slightly true, it pales in comparison to Clinton's corporatism and corruption.


Trump isn't a part of the Republican establishment you dolt. In case you've forgotten, the Republican establishment refuses to endorse him. People aren't voting for him out of any Republican partisan feeling.

>doesn't pay taxes

Stopped reading

>trump breaks law
>judge asses fines
>pays fines

I don't see the problem

>bill commits felony while in office
>trump has occasionally broken statutes in the construction world and paid the fines for it

Both men were punished for crimes comitted what's the problem

Didn't read your blog. No one here cares about your worthless opinion.

Take your sour pussy elsewhere cunt.


>believing those "sources"

educate yourself: cepr.net/documents/publications/haiti-aid-accountability-2013-04.pdf
