I've fucking figured it out! HOLY SHIT

The reason Salon and other left-wing outlets were trying to push a pro-pedo agenda in mainstream news articles was because they were directly fueled by the Clinton machine and preparing for this very moment.

Think about it.

You're a part of Trump's campaign team. You see this stuff coming out. You KNOW you have the election in the bag because nobody will vote for a woman whose entire multi-national conglomerate is involved in kiddie trafficking. So you put it out there and win the election, right?

Well, the Clinton campaign attempted to condition the average American into accepting pedos via these batshit insane articles, so in theory the effect of leaking Bill Clinton fucking a nine year old, or all these emails indicating massive amounts of human trafficking, would basically be ignored by common citizens in the way that Trump's "grab her by the pussy" comments were.

Thankfully, the left are so out of touch with reality, their plan backfired immensely.

Other urls found in this thread:


>A fucking leaf, also checked

Clinton's state department and Anne-Marie Slaughter's Soros-linked 'New America' were behind the 'Listen and Believe' shit and linked to the anti-gamergater people.

The whole 'Gamers are dead' thing was a Clinton-directed scheme to target a large amount of young men with feminist propaganda. The plan was for the PsyOp to be successful so the Jewish establishment could just run a woman candidate every time, accuse the male challenger of rape and win every time despite no proof.

You can go 'muh sekrit club' about gamergate all you want but if it wasn't for those guys Trump would be dead in the water and we'd be fucked.

No, Gamergate was a bit different.

Common Core wants to incorporate video games into the American education system. To do that, they have to establish video games as something other than guys in Monster Energy hats sitting around playing CoD and shit talking each other on Xbox.

The way to accomplish that is somehow killing off the gamer identity and making it a common form of media like books, television, or movies, something EVERYONE does.

They simply chose the wrong time to attack.

I had the same thought, bump for that. There are few taboos left in society, child rape is one of them. Source of vulnerability for the shitbags like being a faggot used to be (but still is to people with brains that don't have AIDS)

Yes and.

Dude, Trump literally raped a 13 year old.

i agree...GG woke people up to SJWs and feminsm...many here inc myself was just blue pilled liberals

then once awake we started to see the lies in the press....we started to see it in govt

then trump came along and told the truth

in a weird way...that slag who made depression quest started all this

a text based adventure game and a woman shagging about to promote it lead to the rise of trump lmao

Where's your proof? Here's some of mine.

Thanks for correcting the record!

No, he literally didn't.

Actual pedo here

Outside this one fucking article where is the rest of this "pushing pedophilia" agenda?

It doesnt exist. Sjws hate pedos as much as anyone. You think feminists would allow men to get with young girls? Absolutely not.

There is no agenda here. They dont even need to push this since the elite do it anyway regardless of what we think about it.

This seems to be true. I don't think all the so called 'alt-right' was involved in GG but the GG burnouts definitely crossed over and used similar digging techniques during the beginning of this shit show.

Clinton and Bill are 100% pedos

stfu nigger as if anyone would believe you.

Kill yourself

Back to plebbit faggot there is no "alt right" you picked that up from Hellary like a dumb nigger.

I know there's no alt-right, retard. That's why I used quotation marks. Lurk moar faggot

Makes sense to me. Follows the pattern of propaganda and conditioning, but also neatly fits within the SJW wave. Nested agendas.

I started coming here on a more permanent basis because of GG, but I suspect a lot of people like me knew it was all bullshit before that.

Anyone remember the "non-violent pedo ama" yesterday.

New CTR campaign in threads

GG taught us the lessons of SJWs and their tactics

now we know how to counter and use their tricks

rules for radicals...

Being a pedo doesn't put you in the position to confirm that there's no agenda.

That kind of argument only works on stupid people.

It doesn't matter, you used it, you're to be mocked for being a faggot chump.

SJW aren't outright pushing pedophilia, but they are slyly promoting underage prostitution. In California underage girls (18) cannot be charged with prostitution. What is more, they are assumed to be victims of crimes. Why is this important? It means that you can't force an underage prostitute to testify anymore. So now, SJWs have ensured it is much, much harder to prosecute both pimps and Johns of underage girls. This is 100% true too. SJWs literally promoted underage prostitution and got away with it because of "muh feminism, women never responsible, always victim" bs.



There's none. Charges were dropped today

Salon is right though. Pedophiles aren't all rapists and killers like the average dumb amerifat believe.

Kek +1

I'm not sure about that. That article and what little non negative pedo stuff that has been in MSM is about people attracted to children who don't act out on it, quite different to trafficking and abusing children