Is he our guy Sup Forums

He seems to be the only level headed individual in this toxic world politics atmosphere.

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I actually quite like sam, having said that he supports hillary.

Fuck hilary and fuck white people

Calm down my friend, everything will be alright.

zionist shill samantha harris, spends half his career explaining why islam is bad, then when trump says he wants to keep it out of america, fucks over to the left with his gay mates - lawrence krauss (who has connections to jeffrey epstein), even daniel dennett and richard dawkins prefer hillary -- still love their previous work, but lost a lot of respect for them.

i mean you don't need 150 iq to choose between donald trump and the utter corruption of democracy now do you


I don't agree with you at all user,
Sam values intellect, which is skill that Trump truly lacks. He doesn't hate Trump "the man" he just hate the fact that someone as dumb and narcissistic as Trump has a chance to be in charge of the greatest Republic or country of our time.

>lawrence krauss (who has connections to jeffrey epstein)
He kinda gives that creepy vibes (just like atheists in general desu)

Catholic detected***

Deist actually. My god is far too powerful to give a fuck

You don't put Hitch on there, he had a raging hate boner for the Clintons. He might have criticized Trump as well, but no way in hell Hitchens would have been "with her".

>ben stiller
No hes a jew

>He's a Jew
>Not suprised

Why are so many of you still under the eternal Jew spell?

>supports hillary
>denies that 911 was an inside job

level headed?

The guy who thinks there is absolutely nothing in the wikileaks leaks that are that bad about Hillary?


He knows that Hillary is no saint.
But she's better than Trump in many aspects.

>She's values intellect Trump doesn't
>She's understand foreign policies Trump doesn't
>She's want to close the class gap in America Trump doesn't
>She's values health care for all Trump doesn't
>She's want to make sure that to top 1% pays their fair share of taxes Trump doesn't
>She's want all racial groups to move forward together to strengthen our economy Trump doesn't
>She's values the benefit of immigration to boosted up our coUntry's economy Trump doesn't
>he's understand diplomacy Trump doesn't

I like Sam, but hearing how he's supporting Hillary in this election makes me like him even more.

I owe you a few drinks user. Cheers!!

I'm definitely with REH.

Best based politician is pic related

This is just really immature of you. You to the low ground again. Reflect on this for a second.

Hi sam

Hello friend. Keep simmering in your vulgar ignorance. Love ya.

>That grammar

Assuming you are not baiting, that has nothing to do with Sam denying everything in wikileaks - that shows that he is not level headed at all.

Nevermind the fact alot of those points are highly debatable, especially her wanting to tax the rich.

Nice try (((Sam Harris)))

What's the meaning of this?


He's a subhuman kike.

>>That grammar
Sorry, I was in a rush while typing the previous response.

>I do agree with your second point.

he mentions nothing about wikileaks. Fuck sam harris I lost all respect after this election

Just because he's against Trump that doesn't mean he supports Hillary you retrograde human snail-shit!

Wait, when did Ben Stiller get into politics?

He's my guys

Hi Sam

actually, if you look at (((Stiller)))'s Twitter he's very pro-immigration and pro-hillary.

sam harris believes hillary is worse than trump becasue something something racism

>Devon "Agree with me or i dox you" Tracey


actually it does if you are not on our side you are the enemy

Devon "Comply with my demand or get banned" Tracey