even though it began in the Middle East
Do you consider Christiantiy a "white" religion
Religion is inherently shitskinned
Whites are atheist
As a Traditionalist Catholic I can't agree. Israelites of the Bible are European Whites on the other hand
Curse of Ham(niggers and mongoloids)
Curse of Sem(kikes and arabs)
The defense rests.
It began in the Roman Empire*
Its sacred are in Greek*
Propagated by the Europeans*
Longest history with the Europeans
Your issue being..?
>Its sacred are in Greek*
Its sacred texts are in Greek*
What about South América? 100 Catholic continent
no, christianity is universal, it is for all peoples
most atheists are in east asia
>gays can marry
>christian countries
Pick one
>is universal
False. Curse of Ham and Curse of Sen. Non-whites are doomed to Hell.
They are not atheists. I know japanese and most japanese believe in gods (their own gods), the statistics put their in atheist side (wtf)
catholic means universal
major of the world's atheists are members of the chinese communist party (6% of total chinese population and have to be commited atheists to join)
Do you consider your alphabet white? Even though it began in the Middle East.
This. In fact one of the first secret churches of christ can be found in the city of Pula in Croatia. It was founded in the times of the romans, and it was actually illegal to practice Christianity in the Roman empire, a law that was punishable by death.
Universal in correctness of doctrine*. Bible strictly rules out subhumanity of non-whites. Given you are from Ukraine chances are you are some half tatar and are bitter that you will burn for Eternity.
Actually, just look at where St. Paul wrote his letters to:
Basically Greeks and Romans
A lot began in the middle east. Without Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and Persia the world would look very different.
there are more tatars in russia than in ukraine, you also annexed the areas with the most tatars
depends, Protestantism is white. Catholics are disgusting jew puppets with a peculiar olive complexion.
Christianity is literally the religion of being cucked.
God cucked Joseph and made him raise his kid. His kick then got killed by the authorities after chimping out in public too much but he was a good boy that dindu nuthin'.
Pretty much.
It keeps the Old Testament, but it focuses and gives more importance on the New Testament.
It emphasizes anyone can be saved and removes "Jewish is the chosen people" bullshit.
It introduces the idea that the Jews have truly gone astray when they killed the Son of God and demonized them for all eternity.
Non-protestant? Mostly.
It's the white traditions mixed into those forms of Christianity that make it white. Pure Christianity would be full on Judaism 2.0.
I'd prefer to keep the traditions but sperate the foreign deity from them.
At its origin it's semitic shit like its brother abrahamitic religions, judaism and islam, this is simply a fact.
Luckily it couldn't infect Europeans too much so the latter heavily influenced it and made it more European introducing all sorts of Pagan concepts and traditions.
At this point Catholicism and Orthodoxy are kinda European but any serious traditionalist and ethnonationalist should not forget its semitic roots.
but Russians didn't mixed with them like you under the Turkish and Crimean Khanate.... It's a well known anthropological data.
>annexed most of them
And Crimean Tatar pigs didn't flee to Ukraine? Jemilev might be in Moscow now right? Problem are not crimean tatars, problem are ethnic Ukrainians, most of whom are tatarised or turkified. Often both
>protestantshit accusing anyone of being jew puppets
holy fuck the shit you can read here sometimes
Russians mixed with Tatars a lot, it is why so many Russians look Tatar. What you say is also wrong, their influences were cultural not biological. Crimean Tatars all live in Russia now.
>with a peculiar olive complexion
I guess your son is Catholic by this definition?
You are in no position to talk dude, your pope IS a jew.
a dont forget it was the protestants who've killed the most jews n niggers okay?
whatever makes you sleep, hamite
It CAN be. Throughout post-Roman European history, there are times when it has served that role.
But it isn't necessarily. Its creeds and doctrines are fairly "plastic," as opposed to something more rigid like Islam.
So, what it "means" at any given point in time is more a reflection of the society which interprets it than of the doctrine itself.
Consider that lots of African countries are "Christian." Is this a Christianity that most of us would identify with? Not at all. That's what Hilaire Belloc was getting at when he wrote that “Europe is the faith, and the faith is Europe.”
He meant that a "Christianity" outside the context of European civilization would be pretty useless. Of course, "Catholics" today attack Belloc, so, you can see just how much his faith has degenerated over time.
The relevant question is whether or not Christianity can serve as the moral scaffold for a strong white society. Yes, it certainly can. But there's nothing inherent WITHIN Christianity which produces that role. It's a second-order result of the society it inhabits.
Sup Forums is probably the one of the worst places on the internet to have a serious discussion on religion.
>Catholic King of France only allows French Catholics to settle in New France
>Protestant King of England allows basically any European to settle in the Thirteen Colonies, plus niggers and Jews
my mother is blonde, I was blonde until puberty. stop shitposting moskal
bible is kikery, the church itself is European.
It's not a religion, it's the truth, and it's for all people
Your nation was founded by Christians. Your shitty continent was rediscovered in part because Christians wanted to spread their religion everywhere. Your fucking constitution mentions God.
>Sup Forums is probably the one of the worst places on the internet to have a discussion
But who consider christianism white religion? It is made for all people. The blood composition of a important Europe are made of arab (Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, etc)
Honestly I don't know.
Can anyone help me reconcile my white supremacist ideologies with christianity? I really want to believe.
Side note I only think whites are slightly better than other races.
Started as small jewish denomination, got adopted by Greco-Roman intelligensia who implanted a bunch of Roman and Greek values into it through the New Testament.
A third of Ukrainians are White Polish-Russian mix.. but the rest? cursed hamite bastards doomed to Hell. It's a common genetic knowledge and map simple as that shows that
>The blood composition of a important Europe are made of arab (Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, etc)
I'm shocked to see someone knows of these curses on Sup Forums.
>simian intellectuals
Ancient Israelites were part Roman and Greek since they intermingled with both peoples for thousands of years. Levantine Semites look a lot whiter than souther semites who are the dark sandnigger type looking Arabs.
according to the maps, it is the regions russia annexed or wants from us
Sorry for the english, I am on cel Phone
Go back to gavels Brazilian mongrel monkey scum
No, it's Semitic/Abrahamic.
The Catholic Church is a European religion and God has no nationality.
Biblist religion is non white
meant favela
Honestly Christianity is one of the only religions that occurs in decent amounts in all races that I know of
Wrongly wants I should say. I have no loyalty to Byzantium barbarian jewish-pisslamic enabling state, but annexing hamitic region full of filth is a big mistake. Kiev and Chernigov are full of tatarised hamites too though
Every single liberal in my country. It's getting to the point where having crosses in public areas is considered threatening white supremacist symbolism.
No because it's not, Ethiopia was Christian when most of our ancestors were still chucking children into bogs. You cannot be a Christian and a racist.
only since cuckold heretics decided it's possible to bring the cursed to God(~1480-1700s). Pro-tip: it's not
you can, hamite Not only you can, but you must. To exterminate the cursed is one of Christian duties
The cradle of civilisation started in the Middle East. If Islam didn't exist, it would've been a great region.
ok im not going to be mad at you for not knowing American history but those groups were hated in England and the King sent anyone who wanted to come to the colonies because of how easy it was to die at first and how many times it failed. Rhode Island was the only colony that allowed jews/niggers/anyone that wasnt a puritan. Before Rhode Island there was a town called Salem, which was considered the most open minded colony at the time, when a preacher came and said they should respect native Americans and jews the people of Salem threw him in jail and planned to kill him the next day, however he escaped and created Rhode Island.
>curse of ham
just to add
>not practically a semi-mudslime
What is this curse of Sem you speak of?
Niggers and mongoloids are doomed to Hell and suffer, but PC (((priest))) won't preach the Word of God under the fear
An arab offended
Yes, but Aquinas was a nigger who ruined Christianity.
>White religion
>concerned with the souls of and allows non-whites as members
Explain these curses with scripture.
A = Horns of the Bull = Alpha = Phoenician = Egyptian
O = Sun = Omega/Omnicron = Sun = Phoenician = Egyptian
Christianity is pre-skin, Atheism is of the Jew.
Not a Priest, its not my job. Google or open the Bible. If you can prove you are not a hamite or a semite, I can send you a brand new Trad Catholic Bible published in France
This guy gets it. Probably has a a job and a life.
I can't find this curse of Sem you're talking about earlier.
Nope, just a banana in his ass
Sophia, I wish I loved you.
Only Portugal, Corsica, parts of Spain and South Italy
Drawing of Jesus is white
All the famous saints are white
Majority of churches are in the west
Non-white Christians composed mainly of former colonial subjects
Rly makes me think.. it's almost as though the non-white worshippers are worshipping the white race.
Are you high? Catholics, Social Justice, Socialism.
Protestantism is all about smashing Jewishness
your faith is political, not spiritual.
you hate us, but you love to exploit our time, talent and treasure, and rape our children.
The Church is Catholic(Universal) but contrary to liberal bullshit it doesn't meant you must let niggers or shitskins in, it mean that the Church is spread in every part of the World.
I resent that
Do you know how many bastards you left after the Vietnam war
> an American telling anyone about rape culture
we didn't claim to be a religion
Pretty sure you are from ancient eyes.
Protip: The Middle East used to have a substantial population of Whites until the scourge of Islam blew through and cast the region into perpetual darkness.
No. Not at all. And the biggest Christian communities are in South America and Africa now. And we really don't need Cucktianity. I hope it leaves Europe with Islam alltogether.
how did the religion change the skin color of the people?
It worships Logos. I mean, it doesn't fit well if you are a barbarian through and through, but if you are smart and like freedom, but find the idea of abandoning your duty abhorrent, it should be natural to you.
How 'white' it is makes no sense. What is the 'whiteness' of an idea?
>how did the religion change the skin color of the people?
And interbreeding in case of pisslamic MENA shitholes
it is definitely intertwined with and inseparable from western civilization, from start to finish