Pedo Pic from Weiner's Computer

Doug Hagmann was on the Alex Jones show today and claimed this was one of the pics taken off of Weiner's computer.

Thoughts Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


No one wants the opinion of a fucking Leaf.

It's gonna be great to see all the smug assholes get caught. We are gonna go back to the 50's except with no racism.

why haven't they busted anyone, get those deals made and make those arrests

for fuck sakes

>except with no racism

Rust and Marty

You have a debt

CAn confirm. I saw this too

it's not very pedo-y. more nudist tier than cp.


Why is the kid done up in 'black face'?

I'm 99% sure she's wearing some sort of bottoms and it's just a dumb pic of a piano playing loli
Id love to be wrong but so far it looks like absolutely nothing

Awesome X-ray vision there sparky

Why would they bother blocking it out then?

doesn't look sexualized and therefore wouldn't be considered cp by law.

Technically true


not allowed to show minors identity without consent

When did Sup Forums become the political version of /x/


How do you think they make their shekels?

The world was sick and fucked up before the Internet even existed. Our awareness is catching up.

looks harmless famalam

>not sexualized

says you... meanwhile piano-pedos across the world are diamonds right now

So fucking what? I'm sure at least 75% of the people that read this thread have worse on their computer - me included.

That's literally fucking nothing unless there's a cock somewhere behind the black tape. Stop sliding actually useful threads with retarded InfoWars shit.

>go back to the 50's except with no racism
then whats the point


is she wearing panties at least?

Maybe if you were a somebody then we would care.

>unless there's a cock somewhere behind the black tape

What do you imagine that they had to censor protruding into the shot from the top right

Probably. They blocked it to make us think there weren't but they will.say they blocked it to not expose what they deemed as cp.

Civic nationalism dood.

We're gonna convert everyone to Christian atheism and force them to buy fully automatic rifles and force feed every Asian and Hispanic fast food until they become crippled from overeating so they have to ride around in scooters at the grocery store.

Then they will have to memorize the Constitution and every Trump State of the Union address that he will give over the next 8 years.

your just going to be split between greater mexico and upper brazil but at least your optimistic

That's a girl in a swimsuit on a piano.

I'm pretty sure I have a picture like that somewhere on my computer.

then we, as a nation, can make fun of all other nations untied as Americans not by skin color.

not the czechs of course. Is Prague nice in the winter? i would love to visit

>I like pianos!

Nah it was a joke, we're royally screwed.

I tell every white man I know to work hard, save up a bunch of money and marry another good looking white girl. If you do this, you will be in the elite class of future America, much like the Spaniards in Mexico or Whites in Brazil.

Otherwise, look forward for your kids growing up in a slum.

you can probably continue to leech off the whites with the help of the dems but you will never be a nation, sorry senpai

A floating ghost penis of Moloch summoned by the spirit witch, obviously.

InfoWars is still retarded entertainment with an agenda of selling shit like it has always been. It's just now they happen to be yelling about a few things that are potentially actually real, and PJW is actually decent and makes IW more accessible thanks to grounded logic. I wish you guys would stop posting every stupid fucking thing from there while there are so many substantial topics. If it's something that's actually substantial then fine, but it it's evidently literally fucking nothing clickbait... post it in a related thread and don't make a new topic.

Seriously, get shit on track. 4 days. We shit-posted Trump to this point and now it's time to do real work like manipulating the black vote via witchcraft scares. That picture is perfectly legal, and I would appreciate it if you would at least post the original so I can research it better.

im pretty white

I already sent in my ballot for Trump

They won't get busted, they'll make backroom deals

>has more viewers than CNN
uh oh, better convince everyone to believe your narrative real quick. Also make sure to try and kill the meme that politicians are corrupt.

i hate to pile on to the despair but i feel like its already stratified so deeply to the point where the old money will be the aristocracy and everyone else will melt away into the 1984 tier proletariat


How about leafs aren't allowed to post until a Canadian team wins the Stanley cup

Not surprised at all. Fucking kikes are all pedophiles.

My kids are naked all the time. I take cute pictures of them doing stuff and they are usually naked. I'm not a pedo or incest at all I just fucking hate doing 7 loads of laundry a day and re-dressing them over and over again.

In other words this picture looks like nothing to my eyes.

But if they lose, don't they technically win the Stanley cup though according to Trudeau?


I'm a parent and I think you aren't creepy at all.

> Who the fuck takes pictures of their kids when they're naked


Because sTroodoo is a fucking idiot

what's so special about this pic? is she not wearing any pants or what? it's literally nothing.

>not sure if leafpost, CTR or super creep...

link to the video? Cause I don't believe this even happend OP you fucking liar on multiple levels

>takes picture of girl playing piano, adds censor bar
>"looks the libruhls are pedos!"

You'd love to be wrong ?

Even time-stamped it for you faggot.