How do escape from here?

i dont want to live in this shitty country , recommend me other countries pls

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Mexico, you can speak the language

wtf is that? is like india but in america lol no.

Try going to sweden if you are brown enough.

>Try going to sweden if you are brown enough.
i am whiter than you gypo
do you want to live in india 2.0?

Move to somewhere better in Spain - like Zaragoza or Burgos. I'd move there in a heart-beat.

UK it is then. See you soon maybe?

>like Zaragoza or Burgos
wtf both are shitholes with 30% of unemployment rate lol no, i want to escape from asspain mate

Try Galicia, it's where my dad's side of the family comes from.

Back to foroCoches. Digits confirm

>he so poor he would live in shitholes parts


Pots venir a Catalunya quant siguem independents i lliures, et rebrem amb els braços oberts, estimat i inferior germà espanyol

Suicide. Don't come to Germany, there's already enough spanish cowards fleeing their country here.

>Try Galicia
totally shithole, lad.

>siguem independents i lliures
Keep on dreaming

Good luck, we left the EU m8. Borders are closed

>Try Galicia,
galicia is like poortugal 2.0 , so no

If Mexico's the first "decent" Latin American country you think of you might have a degenerate deviation in your worldview.

>. Don't come to Germany, there's already enough spanish cowards fleeing their country here
your country is a bullshit,like your girls my friends migrate to USA and i want to move there.

If they ever get independence, Catalunya will burn, same as always.

Socialist cunts.

here you go

nah m8, there are places with high density of european decendants, come here and start a taqueria or something, asuming you are white of course

>nah m8, there are places with high density of european decendants, come here and start a taqueria or something, asuming you are white of course
fuck off with your indian ass mate.


But it's where el caudillo franco came from.

enjoy getting raped by some muslim I guess

tu pais esta el mismo nivel que india, un maldito estercolero ahora sal del thread

Christ I really wish Spain would get it's shit together and wipe you insufferable cunts.

Plot twist he's a mudslime

Berlin is so full of spanish hipster retards, you see them everywhere. By far the most annoying and entitled people, even worse than arab wannabe gangsters.

Let's switch places, OP.

They already used to being fuck'd by muslims

who cares idiot? your country for me is a bullshit.

Man I really wanna adopt a Nork qt3.1416, since she must have never taste see or do most ordinary things everyday would be full of wonders to her

Fuck off we're full , we're so full we export
Our Niger tier people to the north


No, we haven't, infact recently the decision to trigger article 50 was veto'd by the high court of the UK. We have commie traitors running our government. Looks like we have a steep hill to climb before we are free.

>a bullshit

annoying emo broken English hipster detected. Not welcome here either.

Tell him straight, toothpaste senpai

This, it was obvious from the start.

Confirming once again that Brits are the worst fucking expats.

>Germany 2.0
No please

Spain is just a cucked and shitty version of Italy. Just go to Italy i guess or any eastern european countries.

you know you want to come to Argentina, so many spaniards can't be wrong.

Why? Aren't you living an anarchy now?

You faggots are entitled idiots like the German said. On top of that you're emotionally underdeveloped, dumb and your English is shit.

Read again, you and your country is shit for me, do you understand that?

Are you can is the know where is not be the bullshit to he?

Kill yourself, retard.

>How do escape from here?

whit ur liegs n sheeeeeit u kiddin kneegrow?

British too, like it so much they stole a whole set of islands

Not here

We are full

Bring naughty Spanish lasses to here. (Northern Ireland)
Just smuggle yourself in.

>modelling flag on the USA model
truly pathetic 3rd world post-colonial tier behaviour.

if ure poor just stay there with your siblings

you can return here

>is shit for me
Spanish education everyone

lol I'm thinking of moving to spain. where the best place to move to in spain?


what a fucking and ungrateful dick

No, even worse, it's basically Puerto Rico's flag with the colors changed.

>tfw I will never be able to impregenate a busty Spanish qt while waging jihad with my Moorish brothers.

Gib back clay, Francisco.

t. Algerian expat

Listen, when you see a Spanish flag on Sup Forums complaining and crying so much about how shit our country is and such.... ANDALUSIAN, like 99% of the times, confirmed since time ago here and on Sup Forums too.

They don't represent us, really.

It's such an embarassment.

PS: Who would want to "escape" from cities like pic related in Northern Spain? The Sup Forums spanish flag crybabies live in Andalusian gypsy-riddled shitholes with 50% unemployement and believe that all Spain is like that.


10/10 will visit there someday

We're full. My Canadian cousin says his country is full too, I'd suggest you stay away.

This, I've been to Spain many times. Even had a work study there. The place is fucking magic if you at least attempt to speak the language and have an appreciation for architecture.


wow literally shit, you need to take care of your city and at least paint it from time to time

Mexico's good areas and our good areas are way better than that SHIT

come home iberian man

Move to Portugal

I am from Madrid and i hate this country, I wish another civil war, I want to kill you and your me

Looks better than the paint job you monkeys do.


Come to America, and go to the Southwest or Florida. Not uncommon for people to speak Spanish in these parts, and you'll stand out from the other Spanish-speaking filth by being European. Could probably fuck latina bitches real easy like this.

I'm andalusian and more patriotic than all your whole lineage, gtfo faggot

You fuckers by the way have no idea how good you have it, it's not like it's that much better in rest of Europe when you look beneath the surface. So what you make 3x more in northern Europe when everything is 3x more expensive on top of that the diet sucks and it's either raining or freezing 65% of the year.

shit man I hear AUSTRALIA is wonderful

That's a medieval city, monkey, the rustic look is actually highly valued.

I assume that by good areas you expect modern designed medium-high or rich neigbourhoods, and we have of those too, like any country in this fucking planet.

This is how the streets look, you'd dream to have cities as clean as this.

This pic reminds me of Vigan.

Shut up manolo I don't care your fucking opinion.

Who cares about north europe?

Australia or USA but I don't want to live with Mexicans.being honest with you

All spanish colonies are awful, Fuck off nigger


Literally the same or even worse, probably from the "cinturón de escoria". Ugly gray cities where people live in "commie-blocks" from the 50's and 60's.

You people just hate life itself and any expression of beauty, Madrid is right now actually worse than Catalonia, Andalusia or any other rogue/historically shitty region, no wonder Podemos was founded there, you people are corrupted to the core and filled with hate and jealousy, what a shithole.

>I want to kill you and your me

I don't even care about you, kill yourself and spare me the fatigue.

You guys really deserve the immigration you are getting.

Should not have bred with the natives holy shit why did u do that

Suck my dick, Venancio

Ur fuct... all my dreams are set in Spain.

You need to take care of law and order and actually having a fucking civilised country.

Why ask if you do not want to hear faggot? Spain is fine grow some fucking balls whining faggot.

Well it has gone full circle, colonizers getting colonized except by sand niggers and niggers instead of white folks.

We have been doing our best.

Except that this time it has no comeback.

Mátate y deja de hacer el subnormal, payaso, nos dejas a todos los españoles en vergüenza no sabiendo ni hablar con un inglés básico de escuela de primaria.

Because your opinion is shit, i don't listen people like you, manolo.

Me la chupas hijo de puta y te jodes si te dejo en evidencia Venancio hijo de puta, de echo es lo que quiero


Well, I'm a spanish earning here 3-4 times what I would earn home, and I just come back once a year for eating nice like a modern Mr Marshall.

Ah coño, pero si debes ser el poster RUMANO


Ya decía.

TU no sabes que asco os tengo de echo voy a votar a podemos para que os jodais

we will welcome you with open arms :^)

Don't bring your ass over here. You are NOT wanted. people from spain are worse than mexicans, because y'all are exactly the same but you spantards get butthurt when we call y'all mexicans.

Be careful, that "spanish flag" poster is Romanian.

Don't hate your country. Never hate your country, you fucking idiot.

Só por essa mereces uma pá de Aljubarrota no focinho.