If diversity is a bad thing then how do you explain the economic success of the USA?
If diversity is a bad thing then how do you explain the economic success of the USA?
Innovation you stupid faggot. White men inventing shit and Jews controlling finance. Has nothing to do with diversity
Shut the fuck up, racist
Economic success despite diversity, watch as the percent goes down and it eventually dries up.
>duh joos
Real intellectual right here
The GDP has only been increasing exponentially in recent decades, though.
Nice bait you got there
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""economic success"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
The "economic success" of the US is mostly a fiction. More than half the country makes less than $30k a year and falling. America only seems like a rich nation because we have the most exploitative billionaires, and that's because we have the lowest restrictions on the depredations of the rich of any nation on planet Earth, except perhaps China. We just let them do whatever the fuck they want.
found the Marxist
You spelled "realist" a funny way.
Our economic strategy was a longview protofascist ideology. Our manual labor force as made up of uneducated niggers, Micks, women, and children. Our intellectual labor force was made up primarily of upper class Anglos and Germans. That is until 1965. Our "economic success" has been in decline ever since due to an abandonment of that system.
The US was not built on diversity. Are you stupid? Or maybe just brainwashed by propaganda.
Listen up. For several hundred years, the US was a place that took in people that shared enormous cultural similarities. They were all white, all Christian, and when differences came (slightly different background like Irish vs Scottish, or Protestant vs Catholic) they came in small quantities over large periods of time.
The idea that the US is based on diversity, and is a "melting pot" of different cultures, is a lie, part of a false narrative because it didn't happen that way. These large amounts of non-whites only happened recently.
Plus, this right here for the economic part.
enormous amounts of land and resources
wasn't destroyed by two world wars
diversity had nothing to fucking do with it, and if anything it was the chinese who were more important than niggers
You know what's funny, user?
America was funded by niggerism.
We started a war with local indians and frenchies, the britbongs came and had to deal with our shit, made us pay taxes to accept some responsibility and to stabilize and what did we do? Chimp out. We are the niggers of the western world. The anglo dindu nuffins.
Our economic success comes from taking advantage of others and cheating. There is nothing more to it than that.
Prove me wrong.
the poor in our country would be considered rich in the rest of the world
>These large amounts of non-whites only happened recently.
This. I actually have lineage dating back to the Mayflower. seeing nigs run around claiming that they built this country and minorities are the true hard working Americans and white people didn't built anything disgusts me.
What can a dollar/day salary earn me in a shit-tier european country such as australia?
Because when we were rising to power everyone came together under a common cause. Now its a clusterfuck
This was a white Christian nation until recently. Once America started encouraging diversity it began its downward spiral.
Property Rights
Christianity (Protestant)
The US wasn't very "diverse" until the 1980s.
The history of US immigration until recently has been one of allowing in set quotas of people from compatible cultural areas (Western Europe for the most part, Eastern Europe too to some extent but much less). Then, these groups of people stuck to their little ethnic towns since they didn't speak English yet. They assimilated into American culture and were encouraged to move away from these ethnic neighborhoods. After two or three generations, they were completely integrated into American society, identified more as Americans than their past nationalities, and moved into the suburbs.
All of that changed in the 1960s when the doors flew open and the government said they would *temporarily* throw out all quotas. They also stopped policing the Mexican border for the most part. Cut to today, where the country is full of sandniggers, dotheads, spics, and chinks. None of them integrate. Two or three generations after their parents arrived, they still live in their little ghettos. They still don't love America. They don't give a fuck about the country that opened its arms to them.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with still loving your old country. I don't get a triggered if a 2nd generation Italian-American wants to speak Italian at home or with his buddies, or go down to their local authentic Italian restaurant.
But I do get bothered when Paco decides he doesn't want to speak English. That he wants signs in Spanish rather than learning English. That he cares more about Mexico than America, that he has no respect for our laws, and is only here to make a quick buck.
Most immigrants in the US are a net drain. I don't understand why former immigrants or descendants of immigrants shill for them. Their blatant disregard for assimilation spits in the faces of every foreigner who ever came to the Land of Opportunity and threw away the grudges and loyalties to the Old World in favor of the New.
This, in part.
For a long time, the US was a capitalist, voluntary version of the EU.
Though the "melting pot" bit always referred to Irish, Italians and Germans mixing together, not Somali tribesmen. It's kind of telling how corrosive the EU influence on Europe has been that you don't view European whites as having had different enough cultures to earn the term melting pot.
The US collapsed in 2001. It's only a sign of its former greatness that it hasn't hit bottom yet.
Get over yourselves, faggot. American incomes have been dropping for decades so the rich can get even richer. The number of apologists for the rich on the right is truly sickening.
This info might be interesting
You can see, even by hrc tweets from just today, that diversity means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but a voter block that you promise things to. Diversity is a human to human interaction, not forcibly adding blocks of human votes to a scale by feigning moral superiority and caring.
How trump is seen as a racist and hrc not is fucking baffling to me.
>economic success
made me kek
"People are different" has somehow become the opposite of diversity in the current year
We don't have a free market like we used too. Which allowed major companies to have a monopoly, which hurts the employees.
The US didn't start to become Diverse until the 1960s when changed immigration policy to favor massive influxes of 3rd world labor. Coincidentally every Libshit, Marxist, and Mainstream faggot agrees this is when America's decline started and the Middle Class entered a Death Spiral. Really makes ya think huh?
>the economic success of the USA
>the economic success of the white and Asian demographics of the USA
Is what you fucking mean.
We went to the moon with honorary not-Nazis that we took under our wing, not because some darkie invented a minor commercial good.
Even ignoring that entirely, the USA is not a pleasant place to live. Rather, it is one of the last strongholds of the schools of thought that lead to the creation of the western, free society.
The necessary consequence of a free society is the collapse of social unity, which is why we look like we're on the verge of a small civil war every time the fucking general rolls around. Out of all of the first world countries, this is probably the absolute worst to be born a poor bastard child with stupid, crazy, or absent parents in. Your alienation is absolute; no one has a shared sense of identity with you. You'll be left to work yourself into the grave, watching the activity of the impossibly large and uncaring biomass from the outside.
200 hundred years of white European immigrants. Also, hovering like vultures on the sidelines of the worst conflicts in human history until coming down on the winning side.
Multiculturalism didn't begin until the US emerged as a powerhouse after WWII.
The multicultural migrants latched onto success rather than creating it.
>free society
Fine... Extract the contributions of the Irish, Italian, German(Bavarian), Pollocks, Hungarians, French, Spanish, and Croatians.
>You're left with a rural confederation, devoid of culture and sense of union
Take it, WASP
You mean the diversity of European people?
When you have the biggest white population of any country on earth and plenty of space and resources, then you are going to do very well.
Just look at South Africa which has the biggest white population in Africa (4.5 million)
Became the strongest country in Africa, Militarily and Economically.
And now it is becoming another African shithole.
I wonder what happened?
In my 8 years here, this is the worst thing to trigger me.
whites toil
niggers spoil
I know. I'm such a scatterbrain.
>I actually have lineage dating back to the Mayflower.
I think my family too, my moms part of the daughters of the American Revolution, and I hate seeing spics complaining about this country.