Roman Empire collapsed because of racist and corrupt government is that where the US with Trump is headed?
Roman Empire collapsed because of racist and corrupt government is that where the US with Trump is headed?
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nice bait
They fell because of foreign invaders.
Yes. Because they didn't want to let them in peacefully.
Nigger, the Romans were dumb enough to let foreigners enlist in their military, gain status and eventually supplant them. Eventually the Roman empire only existed in name, mainly Governed by regional strongmen who eventually became Kings unto themselves, when Roman authority waned, tldr Rome ceased to be comprised of Romans.
Crucify the Visigoths! Race war now!
Romans died because of diversity. Idiot.
Germanic snow nigger detected
And the US doesn't allow foreigners to enlist in the military? 70% of your military are Mexicans. Don't make them angry.
Yes, history is repeating itself yet again. I already speak good enough Spanish from working with them. I generally have no problem with beans, I take issue with mudslimes and niggers.
It's not 70%
But yeah it's happening all over again.
>Roman Empire collapsed
lol wut?
Eyepatch guy is literally Big Boss from MGS
Roman Empire collapsed because of excessive gouvernment spending on welfare, excessive taxation and insane levels of multiculturalism ala NWO.
Get informed pls.
>WE WUZ ROMANS """Italian""" American detected.
top kek
to be fair, any american abroad in the army today is a terrorist
Dude what hasn't been blamed for the fall of Rome at this point?
Yes, that's exactly the point you twat. That's why our country is going down the tubes.
At this rate we're essentially going to be Brazil by 2050.
I'm German/Italian actually, good guess goy
>racist and corrupt government
That's a funny way of spelling Germanic barbarians.
nerve gas?
I don't know about the US, but Trump always heads to grab the pussy.
Roman fell because the climate changed and their northern colonies stopped making money. They stopped making money so Rome slowly went broke out of fear they started turning shit over to local lords to save cash. While this was happening because of crop issues they couldn't grow shit to help fight off plagues
Enough of this other bullshit
If you actually go through crop growth records, and follow the money you see the collapse of these northern colonies and then the collapse of Rome
And it matches up exactly with the temperature drop over time
Read a fucking book
Tldr giant empire that gains wealth off colonies and trade loses massive amounts of trade off crop losses
So fucking complex
>t. Ahmed
>Roman Empire collapsed because of racist and corrupt government
I really don't think the Gauls gave a shit about peaceful coexistence
Next stage is pledging allegance to a strongman.
this is painfully inaccurate, britbro. Rome fell because of political corruption, immorality, a desire for constant expansion, and, as () points out, Germanic barbarians. Trump is the Sulla of our time and Clinton is the Caesar. If we make the wrong choice, we'll be moving towards the inescapable Empire.
Actually the Mexicans will probably lead to Cesar in the USA.
Cesar go to power cause the men in military were poor without land,and elite took there shit.
Currently American Dream is dead. you mostly remain in your class,and there is great stratification between classes.
It never collapsed.
There's a reason why we all speak Dumbed Down French on this website, and it's that the Roman Empire is still alive in our souls.
Rome fell because they let barbarians into their land and spent all their gold on pepper from India
The roman empire fell because the imported cheap labor (slaves) leading to chronic unemployment and destroying the middle class. As wealth concentrated in the upper clases who could avoid taxes, the empire struggled for money and could no longer afford the cost of securing the borders. The wealthy saw no reason to stop the mass immigration of the germanic tribes who the believed posed no risk to them since they could afford private armies to protect their stuff. As the central government in the west collapsed, they became the lords and dukes of the feudal system that developed in the vacuum.
Trump is the Grachii of our time
I agree he's definitely not Sulla and populares is more fitting.
It collapsef becajse of christianity and not enough racism.
The only reason they even pushed that far North was because they needed to capture land to give to soldiers. Also if an Empire cannot be flexible enough to meet the changing environment then it cannot rule over said people who need to exist in that environment. It's inflexibility came from power struggles in politics.
So yes, complex you armchair historian.
>entertainer on jewtube pandering to his audience,and giving them what they want.
I can't trust red pill "celebrities"
The glory of Rome was no longer necessary and simply reformed into The Holy Roman Empire. Rome lives in our law and government.
No, they lost because of insane amount of invasions lol Why do you think they gave up Rome and moved to Constantinople? Even then, they were being hit on all sides.
This is pretty good, but it honestly has nothing on Dan Carlin's Death Throes of the Republic. Molymeme should stick to philosophical rants.Inb4 different subject matter
No, it collapsed because of constant political turmoil undermined economic and military strength.
Molymeme is still ancap, he just adopted some race realism and white nationalism, because he can understand demographics and that they are destiny.
The Roman Empire collapsed cause we be barbarians at the gate and shiiiit.
The HRE had nothing to do with the Roman empire.
most of the roman army eventually became non-romans
thats why the roman army started getting their shit slapped every which way by barbarians. non-romans didn't give two shits about rome, if rome went to fuck they would just pack up and move back home.
This is an allegory as to what is happening in the US right now.
Just the opposite, once they stopped being racist and embracing diversity they collapsed
They did let them in peacefully. Adrianople was a one off. It was settling them peacefully as foederati that fucked everything
Choose one
>modern """Italian"""
Pick one
To sum it up.
After the Punic and Greek wars Rome had a lot of new territory, loot and slaves. The rich used these slave to make themselves richer. You had an increased wealth gap between the plebs and the ruling classes. The free bread and games were to keep the people from rising up. As the empire grew so did the corruption at the top which led to civil wars and assassinations of emperors. The ruling classes were destroying the empire with their own greed. With all this infighting the empire became weaker and was less able to defend its borders. It even invited some of the attackers in to defend it which led to more and more problems.
tl;dr the corrupt government fucked it up, exactly what is happening in America and Europe now.