Was that third act really necessary?
The Neon Demon
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The whole movie was unnecessary and shit
Yes, they wanted to consume her so they could attain her purity.
What an unfortunate opinion. I fear for your future and the future of cinema.
well yeah since we get more Abbey action
imagine being the father of Refn.
>yeah, my son is making movies about banging corpses and stuff
>it's not for everyone I guess
>durr was the entire point of the movie necessary?
It elevates the movie to legendary status
It’s all the unnerving and creepy aspects of the movie, which had been in the background of a largely standard story about moving to Hollywood and attaining fame, shoved to the front and amped to 11. It’s fucking genius.
I didn't really like the ending. But that was only because I wanted the twist to be that Elle was actually a very violent, dangerous person herself. Thematically that would make little sense and the actual ending is very poignant and well-reasoned.
And the very end, with the fashion shoot, is pretty much perfection.
So yes, it was very necessary. It ties up the literal themes of the film.
I only realised the other day that Jenna bathing in her blood was a visual metaphor for a blood-bath. I felt really stupid that I hadn't noticed this at the time
His dad is a close friend and collaborator of von Trier who hates him, so I assume his dad hates him as well.
The movie is enjoyed best if you pretend that the 3 chicks are a coven led by Jena Malone, who has lived for a hundred years by eviscerating and bathing in the blood of ingenues. Also the soundtrack was fantastic.
>they didn't watch the 4 hour interview where Refn cries (literally) about his estranged relationship with his father only for a twist ending to reveal that his dad is the director of Nic's personal holding company and business partner
fucking plebs
>His dad is a business partner and not his father
Even worse
Honestly, after reading the script I would've preferred the old ending. In that, it was implied that Abby Lee just went insane and photographer guy took pity on her rather than she actually became more attractive
Near the end when it cuts to them driving holy fuck the car engine is LOUD
>who hates him
Do the fucking Danes like anything? Judging by their cinematic output I just assume the only thing they enjoy is the crippling miserable bleakness of their existence.
Worst end credits of all time. I would've preferred them shitting up the movie with a blooper reel than a music video for a shitty song.
A masterpiece, Refn's films are experiences, just let go and be mesmerized, shame most critics and plebs don't understand that.
Why do you hate based Liv?
I didnt really understand half of the scenes in this movie
This is the actual plot of the movie. The soundtrack is superb.
is the purpose of this scene to cause seizures?
Third act makes it the masterpiece it is.
Nigga at IS the movie
The movie is enjoyed best if you realize that a coterie of acquaintances led by Jena Malone thinks they're a coven and can cheat time by ritual means. Perception, delusion, rinse and repeat.
You guys have just called it a masterpiece 4 or 5 times without actually discussing the movie in any kind of depth. This whole thread is proof that this board is filled with contraraian teens
If you need to have it explained to you why it's entertaining to watch a coven of witches chase, murder, and bathe in the blood of some bitchy chick, while a really great fucking song plays in the background, we're not going to change your mind.
worst Refn movie, but plebs love it
>you can't share an opinion without going in details and writing an essay to explain it even though there's already dozens of articles on google explaining why it's great
its schlock with flat cinematography
Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
no but you do it because you're a faggot
>Elle was actually a very violent, dangerous person herself
Sounds 100x better
Of course it was.
That's a pretty standard procedure for "arthouse" horror stuff, isn't it?
The movie is enjoyed best if try to see every character as an archetype of a distinct way to treat female beauty, imo. It's a very well thought out movie but also pretty one-dimensional.
What the fuck would that add to the film?
That's a great scene - all the industry people literally worshiping the restrained female body - it's a good metaphor.
This is what I mean by it being one-dimensional. It cleverly puts its message into pictures but it doesn't really make sense on any other level.
It's not a masterpiece but it's really fucking good. I've never seen such a nuanced exploration of the way people treat female beauty on film.
Well, what do they say?
It's healthy.
It's literally
>Director trying to see what he can get his bimbo cast to do before they say "No" the movie
There's no art to the film. It's pure schlock. You can only argue that there might be art to the schlock.
What is schlock?
abbey kino is so much better than the white trash protagonist. i loved she ended up eating that shit.
Top tier movie. Took a girl to see it on a first date.
did you ended up eating her?
so who else is watching the behind the scenes of too old to die young?
it's like watching a documentary on its making, but it's live and multiple parts
No, don't be gross. However, i got laid that evening. Thank you, based Refn.
Where ?
Google "too old to die young facebook" and it should be the first link
it's kinda choppy at the moment though
kosher ham
Why do young women dress like this in public? Shameful.
Yes because it nailed the core concept of the movie: You're either sex or food.
because they can, mohammed
>You're against women being whores? What are you, a Muslim or something?
Good goy...
it's their choice, that's called FREEDOM, ahmed
>act like muslim
>get buttblasted when you get called a muslim
Back to whatever communist shithole you come from
Why does Refn like JenaMalone so much?
>implying you dislike her
user, pls. The real question, is how can Refn stand having Miles fucking Teller as his lead actor? Ah well, sacrifices I guess
Is this movie any good or is it just fap bait?
Both actors are extremely unlikable.
literally the only good scene in the movie
fight me irl and see what happens
I want to lick the light sweat off her vagina and hear her call me a good boy while she runs her hand through my hair and sits on my face
>I enjoy breathing air
no shit
watch and find out
ahmed actually has a point
wait til you have a daughter who grows up to be a whore just for some shitskin to haram on a naughty weekend out with the lads
>ahmed actually has a point
t. definitely not a muslim
i really like elle fanning but she was terribly miscast, makes it hard to swallow
post this behind be could who wonder I
I wasn't a fan of that weird scene after they killed Elle, where Jena laid down with the blood coming out from between her legs for some reason. I'm not sure if the eye prop at the end was necessary either. Overall I thought it was great though.
A better movie than The Neon Demon would simply be a cell phone video clip of mosquitos flying into a bug zapper
So was the whole deal some Hollywood occult shit? I remember the makeup artist girl had some rune-like tattoos in the end.
Yes it was, it was a good payoff after all that buildup.
>I'm not sure if the eye prop at the end was necessary either
That was like the best scene and a perfect ending though what the fuck?
>Jena laid down with the blood coming out from between her legs
>he doesnt know what a period is
Any other movies that showed the seedy underbelly of Hollywood industries?
what makes you think that? Innocent, pretty, naive. Who better fits the bill?
user, if you think that's what a period looks like then your parents have failed you dramatically
Hello, Nicolas.
>her purity.
no, they simply like eating pig
Nic's been busy filming TOTDY today. Have you been paying zero attention?
>flat cinematography
Lmao dude you seriously know nothing
Fuck off, ya pseudo-intellectual cunt
I loved the ending sequence, I just didn't like the eye specifically.
its fiction
So is your intelligence apparently
ooh burn
TOTDY is live again!