This guy is a mess. At every opportunity he proves to be an intemperate buffoon. He got stumped by Mike fucking Barnicle.
Is there any reason he even exists as a candidate? In b4 dude weed lmao
This guy is a mess. At every opportunity he proves to be an intemperate buffoon. He got stumped by Mike fucking Barnicle.
Is there any reason he even exists as a candidate? In b4 dude weed lmao
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at least he doesnt fuck pizza and suck little hot dog balls
His running mate is running around endorsing Clinton every chance he gets on National TV and radio. It's fucking disgusting.
hillary is corrupt but trump is a racist dude, i don't want him to have the nuclear codes
Once upon a time (((2012))) he was a respectable choice. But he lost, and then Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use. He hasn't been the same since. He wasn't even joking about eating edibles on Bill Mahr
dude weed lmao
He's the reason why I hoped on the Trump train. Trump is more libertarian than him.
What the fuck happened to him in the last 4 years? Is it the weed? Because he aged so much in such a short amount of time.
But look at Ron Paul, he looks the same as he did 4 years ago.
Anybody who knows where Aleppo is should be disqualified. Knowledge of every mudslime shithole is wasted focus.
Libertarians see clearly.
He's autism incarnate.
>Trump is more libertarian than him
Aleppo man?
Nono... That is Martin Timell, a swedish TVhost
Martin is silently juding you for Aleppo man remarks.
He became the CEO of a medical marijuana company and literally smoked his brain.
The Libertarians knew he could get at least 5%, and ran him, then he came off the weed and got totally irate with stupid questions and being aligned with "boots on the head" nutrags.
In the end, he will get the 5%, and the party will come back in 2020 and fuck the system.
He's 40% with hispanics in the southwest, and above 10% in weed states.
Johnson sacrificed himself for the party.
It worked.
That's Aleppo, niggas.
Deal with it.
This interview really made me think Johnson has legitimately gone crazy. I think he is truly experiencing some kind of nervous breakdown/cognitive disturbance. Get well Gary.
fucking kek man
gif related
Don't mind me, just rebuilding Aleppo. Since IM THE FUCKING ALEPPO MAN
Johnson is autism incarnate t b h
not sure why anyone would vote for him, maybe as some sort of protest.
Pheeew, gotta take a fucking snus after all this building
Just stop breathing.
I want to strangle the shit ou of you
He's the most libertarian candidate. There is no credible small government advocate this year.
how is trump racist
remember to use those things called FACTS and TRUTH and not assumptions and conjecture
Islam is not a race
Illegal Immigrant is not a race
Sup Forums should just mail thousands of letters that open and only say ALEPPO
>smartest man in Canada
i voted a full libertarian ticket.
i dislike gary as much as trump but the party gets funding if it gets 5% of the vote. i want my consience clean from voting for either of the 2 main candidates and also in it for the long game.
This guy and Anthony Wiener give me hope. If these two idiots, one whose name is literally Wiener, can ascend to national politics, then literally anybody can.
What's his fucking problem?
Of all the elections to bring forth libertarian viewpoints, they chose this year to fuck off and act like idiots. They could have made a dent and name for themselves, but they chose to make fools of themselves. I'm so infuriated with this party and will be gladly voting Trump.
Oh god source please
>remember to use those things called FACTS and TRUTH
moral relativism dictates us that there are no truths and no facts only personal interpritations and opinions
>excludes trump from the idiots who can get into national politics
that's the only reason he's up there. rednecks identify with a stupid candidate and are easily impressed by his big shiny golden tower to prove he's good with business.
>inb4 ctr shill
i hate that evil, satan incarnate witch, as much as anybody here. hope she rots in prison while getting assraped by dikes with spiky carrots.
I mean, I'm a libertarian, but until they get a candidate that's not a moderate and not making a fool out of himself, not voting Libertarian.
he's an overgrown child obviously. he frames 100% of his political positions around what makes him look cool and feel like he's making the country into a chill pad where bros and chicks can just like hang out and stuff
That's the point.
Gary took a bullet this time, in the hopes somebody can bust down the gate later.
>video is from 2015
>Oh look, Gary is nutty
Fuck off.
Some Nancy Reagan zombie is telling people that pot will kill you and Gary shut her the fuck down.
He's got bigger balls than anyone on the national stage.
>Being a libertarian in the current year
I'm about to go see him down here in Sacramento
This poor fucking guy... non prep, fucking ambushed. What a shit show.
I drive by the occasional Johnson sign jammed into someone's lawn. I always think to myself, or out loud, ayyyy, it's Aleppo!
He's still a better candidate than Don or Hil.
My state already goes trump no matter what so getting the 5% is better from literally any anarchist or just destructive perspective. This sort of election can't fucking happen again, the radicalization of the left and right will lead to the downfall of this country.
Trump actually wants to reduce the size of gov't, give more power to the states, etc. While Trump is not a libertarian, he is more so than Democrat-lite Johnson and his Clinton-endorsing running mate Willy Weld.
>small government
Good luck with small government and open borders. I'm sure America's magic dirt will transform every illegal immigrant from Mexico looking for welfare into libertarians.
It's not like he will do any of the things he said, but bolstering the military to the degree to which he could actually build the wall and stand by his antagonisms towards china would cost YHUGE amounts of money. I also anticipate that any antagonism towards ISIS and China will result in Russia escalating it's outward presence despite them pretending to be buddy buddy, which will yet again cost shit tons of money to match.
In terms of what type of candidate he will actually be I guess he will easily come in under Hillary in government expansion, and possibly even under Obama. But he will still grow government presence.
Yet you present that as truth and fact