This is literally the same woman. What is going on in America.
This is literally the same woman. What is going on in America
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Nothing, people are always going to do things and hold views that you don't agree with. Accepting this fact is an essential part of becoming an adult, a point you clearly have no reached yet.
brainwashed bimbo
Sup Forums and the donald BTFO
Kardashians really did a number on you goblins
she is becoming la creatura el abomicion
>I’m so mature you guys!
He said in Sup Forums.
why women think nigger lips are sexy or something? Always botoxing their lips
I really don't get it.
take your bean speak back to taco land you fucking rapist
American culture, they worship niggers
i don‘t get this she was a whore on the left as well
>lip injections
Never said I found her attractive. But I don't need to and neither does she
El goblino inflamado...
Surgery is a hell of a drug.
Looks like she just used to dye her hair blond but she was always a brown person.
You mean a pornstar? Difference is now she basically fucked the only positive attribute she had, which was her innocent look.
LMAO WHAT?! She is clearly a natural blonde that dyed her hair black and put those shitty fake tans on
>mass reply
Enjoy your AIDS
Porn aesthetics aren't real world aesthetics.
it's called being a trendy attention whore who might also have some BDD
I was waiting for a while for her to make new scenes and then she comes back looking like this. My dick was disappoint.
>there is nothing wrong with the tea tax, all this rebellion stuff is just childish
God save king george!
There was nothing wrong with the tea tax. Parliament had literally ceeded on just about every point and was holding on to tea as a way to save face
I know, but the kind of innocent look that draws you in the real world isn't something you'll find in porn. She was an example of how close we could get (not very) to that innocent look, that was what defined her persona and she ruined it. Now she's just another soon to be forgotten bimbo.
Millions of girls would kill to look like left picture and this dumb cunt goes and becomes generic plastic whore no one could give a fuck about.
Wisdom is realizing that porn is detrimental to your health.
All porn is bad, my friend. Porn is a mechanism made to control and destroy masculinity, effeminate and pacificate males. Ask yourself - why is it free and so easily accessible? Easily accessible from young age high speed internet porn is highly addictive and rewires dopamine reward system in young males when their brains are developing and are highly elastic. Masturbating to porn at least one time a day can lead to further addiction and strange fetishes, even ones that do not match your orientation.
Addiction to porn can cause several mental disorders such as social anxiety, depression, phobias, general anxiety, unproductivity, memory and concentration issues, feeling of being drained from energy. It also lowers your testosterone and prevents you from getting a real female. And if you by miracle get one, you embarass yourself because you probably cant get an erection or cant cum. Why? because your penis is desensitized - real vagina is way softer than your firm grip. However, quitting porn will slowly "rewire" your brain to normal and heal your penis. It may take from 3 to 9 months to heal completely, however first subtle effects are seen just after a few days.
>Pornography viewing and sexual offense are inextricably linked.
>There is a connection between the consumption of violent pornography with behavioral aggression and the incidence of rape.
>The presence of sexually-oriented businesses significantly harms the surrounding community, leading to increases in crime and decreases in property values.
>Pornography engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more weaknesses and debilities.
Yes but in order to do more high budget and better produced porn, you can't have a look that would make more sense on the bangbus
she was my favorite before charity crawford. luckily she's not white, so she won't be broken like naomi.
I agree completely.
>Perfect nose
>Perfect lips
>Perfect checks
>Fucks up everything that makes you attractive
>“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”
I've been watching porn since age 12, can my head be fixed?
most women are mentally ill, that's why
charity crawford is fucking amazing
>quitting porn
>not just fapping once a week instead
pornstars are whores user
Soon 5 months without porn, I don't really feel like anything's different though.
I don't even miss it.
Nami Wood is porto ricon