Or is it too degenerate?
Would you consider dating a single mom?
Not my kid, not my problem.
Only if the father is dead and women is of Catholic faith
>potential roastie
>probably bonkers
>all that baggage
I'll stick with jerking off. MGTOW all the way.
lmao, why would I clean up some other dude's mess?
Not degenerate but the definition of cuckoldry.
if she's one of the ones that took half her exes loot and the house, hell yea.
>unironically being a cuck
That is literal cuckolding.
Fucking them is fine. A serious relationship, for the most part, is a no no.
>you will never date a white lower class single mom
Yes. I'll take whatever I can get.
only in the case of a windower.
I did. It was great until the kid's dad wanted back in the picture. I don't think I would date another single mom.
>she will always love the child more than you.
Single mums need to be left to rot and wither.
Shits hard, yo. I recently started dating a single mom with a baby who got out of an abusive relationship. I have no feelings for the baby at all. She will send me pictures of her during the day and it will trigger no emotional response. Rocking her to sleep - making her smile and laugh. Feel nothing towards her. I'm going to have to end this soon because I can't pretend to like this kid that isn't mine for her whole life.
Almost certainly not. I love these threads. I think the mods should lay off and allow 'single mom' threads. I'm too tired to give all the reasons why it's a problem but we all know.
omg its the current year bigots,
why don't you just MAN UP already and be good fathers
No way in hell
Would you keep playing an already started pokemon game ?of course you don't you delete the file and start from zero
Depends how young/hot her daughter is.
If the father was a good man why died in an unfortunate accident or something I might consider it if she was great and the kid wasn't a cunt.
I wouldn't date a divorcee.
I actually met a hot single mom on Halloween and she added me on Kikebook later. I didn't know she had kids, but she has three of them. I still want to fuck her, though.
I swear society is going to be fucked in 20 years with all these single mums and broken families.
not if she knocked up before you met her.
Even the dawg is looking at him and saying dude u serious?
Only if her daughter is cute.
But to me it depends on the meaning here. Would I fuck a single mom? Yes. Would I take her out to dinner? No. Would I let her move in? Fuck no.
It is literally not. You are literally wrong.
I hope thats not her
Joke's on her! I'll always love the child more than her too.
> I have no feelings for the baby at all
Then why the fuck would you get with a single mom? Are you stupid?
A similar thing happened to a friend. He got together with this woman who had 3 kids, each one from a different dad. I hope his dumb ass doesn't get her pregnant.
Wow it was an awesome decision of her to have a child with an abusive partner. Excellent judgement there.
That's the problem. I don't even know if I want kids of my own. I feel no attachment to other people's kids and probably would grow to resent them.
Yes, but only if the kid is mixed. I would never date a woman that hasn't been bred by a strong black man previously.
>Probably divorced some nu-male while fucking Tyrone on the weekends
>Keeps the child and gets child support because "muh vagina"
Women are lying, manipulative sociopaths. Single moms are the pinnacle of this cancer.
No you are wrong. The literal meaning of cuckoldry doesn't just mean being cheated. It means raising another male's offspring.
>Would you keep playing an already started pokemon game ?
Well, does it already have a bunch of rare promo distros and shinies?
I'd be against it on principle unless the father was clearly a good man who died an unexpected or honourable death.
Even in that case, I'd only do it in exceptional circumstances and for an exceptional woman.
I would do it maybe.
First time getting with a single mom. I had no idea how I would feel about the kid.
Not unless she has a Yotsuba tier kid.
>Single Mom
Listen, and listen good, a single mom is a bad idea almost 100% time.
Some single moms are widow's, but the vast majority are not, even those that claim they are.
So you are left with a woman who was with someone who 'beat' or 'abused' her (according to her with no actual proof). This is a bullshit excuse because people don't change and it showed she was attracted to someone was terrible or maybe even at one point was a good person and she drove them to such lengths with her actions.
A single mom, the vast majority of the time is someone who instigated a divorce because they felt they could do better and over valued their pussy and will continue to do so OR they are someone who slung their pussy like a credit card to get what they wanted or for attention from Chad Thundercock and now wants a 'nice guy' to help them so they can have extra cash and still fuck other people behind their back.
A single mother is a terrible idea for a massive amount of reasons.
They deserve to die alone with terrible offspring who they will almost inevitably abuse.
No. Fuck no. I would fuck a single mom if the kid was in another zip code but that's it
when i meet them and they tell me they have a kid my reaction is always the same: no relationship but we can fuck.
Yes it fucking is scientifically speaking cuckoldry.
"In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own."
I prefer not to meet the kids. Just fuck n chuck.
I'm dating a single mom right now, pic related.
Am I in the wrong?
Go ahead and reverse image search btw
Sure man, get in there while the milk is still flowing, sweet titty juice. You can train the kid to do chores. It's awesome.
oh hell yes, but I not too long. I'd make her think I was invested and leave after a few weeks
>setting yourself to have your shit stolen
After the kid has left the nest, yeah. I'm not raising a child that's not mine without monetary subsidization.
>Implying that cuckoldry isn't degenerate
Nice dubs.
Fuck em and throw em away like a used condom yes; date or marry? Fuck no. If you marry a single mom, you're literally a cuck. Literally.
Dont waste your time, fuck them and use protection. They will never have a stable relationship
Yes. You are stupid.
Dating != Raising kids
Yeah, don't raise other kids unless you have your own and are angling for some kind of Brady Bunch scenario.
>these dumbasses saying "it's okay if she's a widow
No, it isn't. A widow shouldn't be looking for a man. When a man dies his brother should take in the widow to look after her. If you think widows should be "dating" you hate familial responsibility.
>I had no idea how I would feel about the kid
You only get with a single mom if you know you have the hots for her kid.
Why would I? She looks gross.
let me guess, her child is half black
low quality b8
Pretty much no.
>Dating non-virgin women.
Only if she's the mother of a qt 18+ daughter who would agree to do a threesome with us. Needless to say, this will never happen.
>short term dating
I would date a single mom if:
>She is a 9/10 in looks, with indicators that she will age well (healthy habits, not chubby, exercises regularly)
>The father is completely out of the picture and there is no chance that I will ever see him
>The child can reasonably pass as my child (i.e. white)
>The child is a boy. Girls are way more trouble than boys to raise
>The child is either over 16 and will move out soon, or young enough that he will respect me as his father, not "some guy who's banging my mom"
>She has a high-paying career, making over 200K/year, or inherited enough money to support a similar standard of living
>She is interesting, fun, always DTF and will enthusiastically engage in my fetishes and sexual experimentation
>She wants to have more children with me
>I do not have to work or do anything. She is OK with me staying home and relaxing and playing with the kids every day, or not if I don't feel like it
>She never bitches at me about anything. Ever.
I do not want to take care of another man's child and clean up after her mistakes, but if she is this good of a woman, and can give me this cushy of a lifestyle, I will consider it to be worth the trouble. My standards for women who are not single mothers are much lower.
Fuck mate, if that's her up your standards.
I've dated one on and off for almost 9 years now.
She had two kids with a guy and he became a druggie and got sent to federal prison for beating the shit out of a kid.
The second guy she was engaged to died. That's when she met me.
She receives no child support or help from the other family so it's a struggle everyday.
They moved in once but finding a job at the time in my area was near impossible. We fought a lot. I kicked her out.
I love her a lot and when the kid is grown and gone we might get back together if I'm still single but who knows.
Anyway it has its good and bad. In the end though there's lots of white aryan kids who need a good father to teach them to not be degenerate so it's not all bad.
>roastie is a meme, she's the tightest pussy I've ever had
Only if the kid is white.
>let's just be honest here
Degeneracy is largely genetic and she instinctively chose to mate with a degenerate violent junkie.
The kid is fucked.
Don't reproduce.
Being a step father is the single greatest experience of my life. Stepping up to help raise a child that's not biologically yours and then watching them grow up and develop portions of your personality is an amazing and unforgettable feeling. Not being a child's biological parent doesn't mean you can't still be the most important person in that child's life.
I would, however; father would either need to be dead or a really decent guy on good terms with everyone and heavily involved in the Kid's life.
>buddy of mine is in the latter situation as the boyfriend
>Father is a pretty cool guy
>50/50 custody
>We all go bowling about once a month and have a damn good time
>even joked about the ex being a groomsman because he is a bro, he will likely be at wedding if things progress regardless
>single mom thinks it's funny, everyone in their circle stayed friends
Sometimes people fuck up and aren't meant for each other, usually happens when too young.
The two in this situation stopped loving each other but weren't dicks about it. They decided to stay on good terms and split without fucking each other over and wanted to do what's best for their kid and circle of friends.
Not her. She's maybe a 7/10, but I'm maybe a 6/10 thirty year old guy who lives in a basement, so I can't attract 21 year old hotties.
I depends if she is willing to have another kid with me immediately after marriage, and how much of a shitbag the father was. If he was a decent guy and she is just single mum because widowed, then as long as I can put my own kid in that used oven I'm fine.
But that represents like .001% of single moms, most are 4/10s that snagged a decent looking man for a night, got knocked up and failed to have anything of worth that would keep him around.
I got a vasectomy because I don't want kids.
I have also had more than one woman pull the whole 'Guess what, user? We are pregnant!' card because I don't tell them about the vasectomy.
Fuck 'em.
I keep seeing this picture and I don't get how it happens. That guy doesn't look like a cuck. He looks pretty alpha to me. How did he get cucked? And what's he doing with that 5/10 anyway? Even if she didn't have a nigger baby, he can do better.
Father would have to be dead first. And obviously everyone involved is white.
>I really want to date my mom
That kid doesn't look half white, they probably adopted a niglet.
Only if I was single Dad.
Otherwise too bad.
Then she isn't a single mom, she's a widow.
I can't even tell if this is bait or not. I honestly wish I could feel these feels though. It seems every women in their 20's has already popped out a kid or two. I just have no feelings for a child that isn't mine.
I hope not. He's a really good kid. It doesn't matter anyway because she doesn't want to get back together till he's grown and I'm in no position to have a bitch move in.
>times are tough yo
Of course the flood of beta virgins comes in to defend single mothers
If you even consider dating one of these fucking whores get the fuck off my board
My girlfriend had a kid when she was 18 with some dickweed she had a one night stand with.
We refuse to let him see her child and the court supported her decision because he's an absolute abusive, criminally-inclined arsehole.
I have a child of my own with her now and I'm also raising that guy's child as my own.
Nothing feels more liberating than taking the genetic offspring of a hated enemy and raising that offspring to love, cherish and praise you as his own parent while hating his biological father.
I know some people consider it cucked to raise another guy's kid, but I feel like the only person getting cucked is that fucker.
I can't wait until his child begins basing his life choices on the things I taught him. I can't wait until his child cries at my funeral and doesn't even give a shit when he kicks the bucket too.
I feel alpha as fuck. I stole his woman, I stole his life and I even stole his fucking child. The beta cuck couldn't keep what was his, so it's only natural that a superior male does.
Already have.
Not worth it.
what if single dad and woman with no kids, is that degenerate?
Thanks, I always wondered what percentage of women were virgins.
I figured it was around 10% or so. It was hard as hell for me to find a virgin to marry, but I was eventually successful. (I was a virgin too, of course.)
you genuinely disgust me
>when your mom is young enough to be your big sister
>you will never know that feel
Never, why would I want to raise another mans child?
this is some high quality bait desu
hate to break it to you, but genetics and friends are the two largest factors deciding outcome. parents are just along for the ride. but hey, that's not the kids fault, and i think it's great that you love him and show him the right way.