Egypt vs. Europe

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bump for curiosity's sake

Kangz is so 2015
Get with the program

Egypt was not black, it was Arab you dumb cultural appropriating nigger.

The hilarious thing is that the pic isn't wrong, it's the "Egypt" label that is absolutely wrong.
You see that those pyramids are not egyptians by the angle: they are the nubian ones
A TL;DR: when Egypt was already decaying Nubians started copying them


Egyptians weren't black
the only period one might accurately describes the ruling class as black was when it was ruled by the Kushites.


>egypt wasn't black


And that slave did a fine job

They were kinda their own thing

Wasn't even arabs, they were semites.

If the black Egyptians were so advanced why are they a dead empire?


>niggers building power stations for alienoverlords and retaining none of the knowledge or intellegence vs white people struggling and adapting into better humans
So why aren't arficans doing anything of worth in africa or the US today?

Listen NiggerCTR
You niggers literally dindoo nuffin since the dawn of time until the white man put you to use. I wish I could say something else about you, but unfortunately I can't.
Also saged.

Yes, OP. Egypt accomplished many great things by throwing millions of slaves on problems. Reparations when?

>2000 year old mummy

Yeah, you know that the niggers from down stream of the nile conquered the semitic kingdom after thousands of years living as slaves of the egyptians, but only after persians pushed their shit in.

proofs 0/10

Never said sub Saharan Africans dint live in some populations of Egypt
but other than possibly the aforementioned Kushite period they sure as hell weren't the people in charge or making any of the major advancements



Pick one, nigger.

The last dynasty were black pharaohs is fact.
>The last

Meh close enough
So are you implying that the camel jockies committed mass genocide without their being mass graves or historical documents to back it up.

egyptians werent arab.. also not black either.
The picture about europe is 100% true tho. Only greece had some sort of culture back then.

Egypt was it's own distinct ethnic group until it was conquered by ethnic Arabs, as far as I know.

>close enough

Yeah, I know. US is habitated by hispanics, that's close enough isn't it.

EXPLAIN white people

FYI, there's new evidence, that there probably were civilizations as far as 20000 years ago (at least provable), and that after a comet hit North America 12800 years ago and melted gigantic amounts of ice within only a few hours it got wiped out (Atlantis, Noah's Ark, etc). The Pyramids were probably built BEFORE the egyptians and they were just the first to conquer the knowledge saved in the remnants of these old civilizations.

0.5/10, I'll reply.
The egyptians book of the dead is the basis for every and each abrahamic religion.

>civilizations 20,000 years ago
>proto-indo european dated to neolithic era from 7500-5500 BC

Human prehistory is shockingly complex. It's sad to think how much shit we'll never really know about our own origins. Our comprehension of human pre-history is so shitty and convoluted that it is literally possible for things like this to have been the case. A lot of it may not be true, but the actual existent gaps in our knowledge are massive enough that surprise discoveries like this could literally fit into them and shake up our entire understanding of human evolution.

Holy shit Americans can't be this stupid can they?

Nubians, the southerne neighors of Egypt. They've been at war quite a few times. Nubia won once and took briefly control of Egypt.

Aside fro that, Ramses II was so white he was a fucking ginger.

It doesn't matter if I was right or wrong about them being Arabs. The point is that they certainly were not blacks. Or at least closer to Arabs then sub-saharans

So are you saying Africans niggers could build pyramids and now they can barely function white white mans help?


Can modern blacks make a bow?


They were, unless you want to be an unprovoking liberal list out all the different ethnicities of north africa like berbers, semites, numidian, phoenician.

They're all arabs, they're all practically the same.

it really makes my neurons spin

user I

I'll do you one better and I'll fix that for ya brotha.

>tfw no more Doggerland


Don't l your mafo too hard, you'll shit your brain out.

White privilege affects negroids the way kryptonite affects Superman.

I have never heard of this before... t..than..thank..yo.. fuck you leaf. in a nice way.

Sure, if you give them the directions. Blacks are very good at following directions and only doing exactly what they are told. Originally the aliens tried to get whites to build pyramids, but we tried to improve on their mothods after mastering the concepts. Stonehenge type generators would have revolutionized the intergalactic power industry, but the banking cabal that owned earth had strong stakes in the success of that industry so they focused Slave construction projects in Africa, India, and South America instead.

Isn't that the time when Egypt fell?

>focusing on Egypt
>when the Sub-Saharan Empire of Musa I of Mali was literally more impressive
>densely populated niger delta with over 400 cities
>went on pilgrimage to meca
>literally every city he went to on the way he devastated financially by giving everyone gold
>with massive slave army and the largest gold and salt mines in the world at the time his trade empire spanned from the west coast of sub-saharan and northern africa to the east coast of subsaharan and northern africa
>wealthiest person of all time purely due to gold reserves
>undisputed as black as fuck

i'd rather be surrounded by abdullahs than niggers

Here, have some more you fucking ignorant nigger.

don't worry that's literally happening for you right now

They were most likely Copts m8.