why the double standard Sup Forums?
Why the double standard Sup Forums?
He's just bathing in aids like he always does
if Sup Forums didn't have double standards, Sup Forums wouldn't have any
we hate Milo, he's a fucking piece of shit and needs to be shown to the rope.
No one here actually likes Milo though.
How stupid do you have to be to not realize that he was satirizing modern art?
We don't like Milo. At best, we support him purely because of the asspain he generates among the left.
>implying milo represents us
>implying he is one of us
>implying he isnt a filthy kike
We only liked Milo when he btfod feminists on tv. He's just a flamboyant attention whore now
To answer your question mario i would say the good majority here sees milo for what he is a subversive kike who is trying to undermine the right
fuck that gay kike
Of course Sup Forums has a double standerd. Sup Forums is on 4 chan after all. The most degenerate place on the internet.
I dont hate gays just faggots. There's a difference.
Milo pisses off the right people
Milo isn't a liberal. Just a fag.
this wat r u talking about. we dont hate him we hate his faggetry. hes a based speaker and arguer but super degenerate. more con than pro imo
I know this isn't a popular opinion here, but I actually like Milo a lot. He's really entertaining and takes the piss out of the hard left.
>The most degenerate place on the internet.
these days, ironically, because of Sup Forums.
This, he's a satirist not an artist. Whereas the Witch literally she'd do this behind closed doors and get into this shit for real.
I thought summer was over?
No one gives a shit about this kike faggot.
Nice b8
nobody even likes Milo
Milo isn't using occult symbolism.
>post September 2016
>still thinking Milo hasn't been completely disawowed by the alt right
>we dont hate him we hate his faggetry
nah i hate him
He is a degenerate, and he is quite disliked on pol recently. But the thing is that he is a nobody compared to Podesta & friends
I don't know what the fuck this dumb shit is
I never liked Milo
Milo is a gross faggot and Sup Forums hates him. I think you might be looking for >>>/reddit
really make me think
Get the fuck out, summerfag. Milo is a degenerate faggot who hopped on the anti-SJW "alt-right" meme because he's an attention whore. That's it.
hes just a troll
Who likes milo?
i hate that fag as well.
remind you that he said pedophilia is ok, he said that he was molested by some priest when he was a kid, he said thats why he is so good at sucking cock.
Nope, no double standard on my part. I've always wanted to disavow that gayass faggot. He's edgy for the sake of edgy. He's a great provocateur, I'll give him that.
only americans worship this british faggot as their new king, george washington spins in his grave
wtf I love satanic rituals now
All of this. I like Milo but he literally just hijacked the alt-right for his own personal gain.
He has no new ideas, he's just a well spoken faggot who fucks black guys so he can say whatever he wants without losing his job unlike the rest of the population.
I post on Sup Forums and I don't like Milo. He isn't smart or clever or well-informed enough to be a political speaker.
I tend to agree but I think any outspoken voice for the cause is a good one, he might catch a lot of flak by MSM but he carries a similar message to most of us.
he doesn't represent me or anyone I know.
As if Milo isn't just another degenerate Jew, just being a provocateur.
I don't dislike him.
But he's the retard-cult following he has for being a pseudo-intellectual is kardashian tier. He's a useful person.
The guy takes nigger cock, and probably refers to that as an art too
Would you rather he take white loads? Yours for instance?
he is a kike, there
he's just one of many who take on the SJW's. it's entertaining, but they're not the real (((power))), just brain-washed peons. plus they're retarded, so it's low-hanging fruit.
>why the double standard Sup Forums?
Milo was doing satire. The other stuff is just meaningless, incomprehensible garbage.
What do Germans worship, Hans?