i wanna bang his ex-wife
Patrician pronunciation
Can a offer you a egg in this trying time
>tfw Sup Forums is behind reddit on iasip memes
>tfw 4chins think they are some sort of god like meme machine
quite amusing tbqhfam
>browsing reddit
egg is one of the few sunny jokes I could do without
also, bird law
you're browsing reddit: the board you faggot snowflake
Who is the worst member of the gang?
They're all perfect desu senpai
>implying reddit: the board isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /soc/
Sup Forums, /fit/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the holiest of Sup Forums boards you turbo pleb.
to be honest Charlie is the least believable but the episodes with his mother sort of rationalize him so I can't say.
this, and Sup Forums
I want you to be my number one PIECE OF AASS
So when is this show coming back?
Worst as in dogshit of a person? Frank.
Worst as in worst character in terms of quality? I feel Mac has gotten really shitty. They've all been flanderized but I feel he got it the worst.
Rhea Perelman?
>Sup Forums
only if youre into programming sock traps
just because its been overmemed doesnt mean its not funny
its been going for 12 seasons and some of the main cast are off doing their own shit so i have a feeling its either cancelled or theyll do a final season in '19 or '20
Judging by the superbowl aftermath, always sunny paints philly natives in a positive light
I've been to philly and it's much worse than this show depicted