Crowley's Satanic Cult Raises Money for Planned Parenthood

Aleister Crowley, notorious advocate of child sacrifice, founded a sex cult...who now contributes money to the greatest mass murderers of children on the planet.

Still think "spirit cooking" is fake?

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't let this slide:


VII° Adoration of the phallus as Baphomet, both within and without
VIII° Interaction with something outside the closed vessels of the vagina and the anus
IX° Interaction inside the vagina with either the blood or the secretions of a woman when excited
X° Impregnation + fertilisation of an egg + the act of creation or succession (e.g. election of the OHO)
XI° Two-folded: i) Isolation in the anus [per vas nefandum] where it is considered unable to interact with anything at all ii) interaction with excrement (one of Crowley’s preferred ingredients) and small amounts of blood (where small wounds occur through the intercourse), mucus and of course the mucous membranes that lead directly into the blood supply, etc., etc. Crowley dreamt of giving birth to a foetus per anum. "... a mass of blood & slime."

Crowley allegedly wrote a longer piece on the XI° from which only an outline has survived. He explained that "the 'Child' of such a love [XI°] is a third person, a Holy Spirit, so to speak, partaking of both natures, yet boundless and impersonal because it is a bodiless creation of a wholly divine nature." [Note compiled by Cosmos Trelawney]

Regarding Theodor Reuss' involvment with homosexuality, see The Early Years Of The O.T.O.

Crowley on human sacrifice:
>For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence

Fucking bump

>This “Devil” is called Satan or Shaitan, and regarded with horror by people who are ignorant of his formula, and, imagining themselves to be evil, accuse Nature herself of their own phantasmal crime. Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax, Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam, Adonai, etc. ... We have therefore no scruple in restoring the “devil-worship” of such ideas as those which the laws of sound, and the phenomena of speech and hearing, compel us to connect with the group of “Gods” whose names are based upon Sht, or D, vocalized by the free breath A. For these Names imply the qualities of courage, frankness, energy, pride, power and triumph; they are the words which express the creative and paternal will. Thus “the Devil” is Capricornus, the Goat who leaps upon the loftiest mountains, the Godhead which, if it become manifest in man, makes him Aegipan, the All.


All the struggle we're going through is due to our sin. The mass murder of millions of children has not gone unnoticed. We are sinning on a scale far and above any society has ever sinned in human history. We are systematically slaughtering babies.

In nerd terms, we are the Eldar from Warhammer 40k.

Check out what happened when God judged the people of Samaria as sinful:
>Samaria will be held guilty,
> For she has rebelled against her God.
> They will fall by the sword,
> Their little ones will be dashed in pieces,
> And their pregnant women will be ripped open.

Hosea 13:16

The suffering we are having is due to this. It will get worse if we don't reverse the trend.

Keep giving me knowledge OP, I am listening

Nothing is more amusing then when the followers of a desert Jew martyr cut and paste information they have zero clues about, just to fit their narrative and to get a few (You)s.

Enjoy dumb ass.

I don't think you understand the depth of this.

Sup Forums's been theorizing that Planned Parenthood supplies Satanists with dead babies.

Crowley advocated killing children for occult power.

Now, on the eve of the election, the literal Satanic sex cult that Crowley founded has publicly declared that they're funding the largest abortion provider on earth, one that trades dead kids for cars.

With that spirit cooking thing this should be explosive.

Fucking anglos man, every time.

Crowley was a drug-addicted dumbass who died penniless and hated by everyone he knew. Also, he would take shits on hotel lobbies and eat his girlfriend's shit.

>It was midnight, and the Devil came down and sat in the midst; but my Fairy Prince whispered: “Hush! It is a great secret, but his name is Yeheswah, and he is the Saviour of the World.” And that was very funny, because the girl next me thought it was Jesus Christ, till another Fairy Prince (my Prince’s brother) whispered as he kissed her: “Hush, tell nobody ever, that is Satan, and he is the Saviour of the World.”
^Crowley in a fairy tale he wrote to his infant daughter who died under mysterious circumstances.



d-deeply concerned

The origins of Spirit Cooking can be found in the preludes to production of the Cake of Light material, a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley. The original ritual, not of the same name, is performed during the cooking of Cake of Light wafers that is to be consumed during a religious gathering. The ingredients of the Cake of Light include honey, oil, menstrual blood and sperm. The sacrament is meant to symbolize the union between the microcosm, Man, and the macrocosm, the Divine, which is a representation of one of the prime maxims in Hermeticism "As Above, So Below." The consumption of the Cake of Light is a fulfillment of the sacred circle of the connection between Man and the Divine. The ceremony of "spirit cooking" is the modern rendition of the 19th and 20th century rituals of the Cake of Light.

and? You realise Satan isn't real christ cuck?

I do not care.

I support MOLOCH. I will continue advocating his cause and notifying the relevant people of your activities here.

Please feel free and post your sources jew worshipper.

Otherwise feel free and read Israel regardies bio on him.
Eye in the triangle.

Everything your spewing is really throwing anyone who's actually interested in politics and what you call satanism completley off. Whatever, here's your last (You).


child sacrifice

>Epstein/pedo island/pizza

child abduction


spirit cooking
blood rituals


pic related, Clinton Fountain donates $10,000 to SpiritCooking


Spirit cooker Maria Abramovic mentioned in Hillary/Huma emails

Moreover, the Beast 666 [Crowley] adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act." Israel Regardie: "The Law is for All", Arizona 1975,

"let the parents show no fear of the safety of the child." Crowley selber: "Let children educate themselves to be themselves. Those who train them to standards cripple and deform them." "On the Education of Children", in: "The Revival of Magick", Tempe 1998, online

"this being is thy creation and dependent; to it thou art Sole God and Lord, and it must serve thee." Francis King: "The Secret Rituals of the OTO", London 1973, 231;

"While the other in his orgasm receives the waters." "Let it be no sin to us to have buggered the virle bum." "While the priest thrusts his thyrsus between boyish buttocks, All is accomplished; come Holy Dove!" "The Equinox" IV;2, Maine 1998, 405.

this is why people like Crowley

still triggering the fuck out of Christfag pedo's 100 years later

you "satanists" are the cringiest people on earth

the mental impotence, in repeating "jew worshipper", in loading your statements with maximum disdain and in feigning to be privvy to deeper interest and knowledge, is tangible
hopefully you'll grow out of it, can't stay edgy forever

You fucking muggles. The "child sacrifice" Crowley talked about was nothing more than a poetic reference to having a magical wank.

what did able do that made cain so mad?

Except Crowley wasn't a satanist Satanism began in the 60's and is just Atheists trying to trigger their mom

>founded a sex cult..

>Crowley wasn't a satanist

careful friend we all love you

ok and? When you legitimately don't believe in the jew god this has no meaning beyond trolling the feeble minded schizophrenics

One of the very early members or co-founders of NAMBLA was Walter Breen.
The former husband of the science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley,
he was also an expect on early American numismatics, and the cause of
the so-called "Breen Boondoggle" which ripped apart Bay Area science
fiction fandom in the mid 1960s when he was caught sexually molesting a
young girl and was barred from the World Science Fiction Convention in
Oakland. .Around the same time, Breen stole rare first edition copies of
Aleister Crowley books, magazines, and manuscripts from my parents'
antiquarian bookstore in Berkeley, including a first edition of "777" --
and he was subsequently barred from entering most Bay Area rare book
stores because he was a known book thief. (We had gotten the Crowley
material when we purchased in its entirety the library of the deceased
Mistress of the Lotus Lodge of Oakland, California, whose name i have
forgotten, along with her ritual robes and tools, and so forth; she had
been a friend of Crowley's and he had sent her many items gratis,
including a small, colourful catalogue of the 1940s exhibit of Frieda
Harris's original paintings for the Thoth deck at a London art gallery,
which i kept for lo, these 35 years, until i presented it to Frater
Nigris in celebration of our falling in love.)

oy vey you found a Crowley fanboy in NAMBLA deebly concerned it's not as if Christcuck priests aren't all raging faggot paedophiles or anything

>elites who control the world known to engage in satanic rituals
>this leaf thinks he knows better than them
Indoctrinated atheists like this leaf always show this kind of arrogance. Just look here . This is how little this leaf actually knows.

Walter Breen was
eventually convicted of child sex abuse by testimony taken from parents
in the local coin collecting community, not in fandom or the thelemite
community, and he died in prison. Another former NAMBLA member and close
friend of Breen's was the Bay Area science fiction fan and "free love"
exponent Jefferson Poland, a.k.a Jefferson Fuck Poland, a.k.a. Jefferson
Clitlick Poland. He too was convicted of child sex abuse and spent time
in the slammer. He is now a registered sex offender, forbidden from
consorting with children. No, i cannot personally vouch for the fact
that every member of NAMBLA is a child sex abuser...but i knew both of
those men personally -- and they both were. Their cohort Sandy Cutrell
-- by which i mean all three were good friends -- was also a member of
Bay Area science fiction fandom in the 1960s. He may not have been a
member of NAMBLA, but if not, probably only because his interest was the
sexual abuse of *girl* children. He admitted his entire sorry history to
me in the mid-1980s, and explained that friends of his had barred him
from their house because he gave their young daughter comic books as a
bribe so that she would sit on his face. Needless to say, i did not take
this confession lightly and i told him he was unwelcome in my house as
well. My point: here i knew three Bay Area sex abusers in the 1960s, two
convicted and one self-confessed, of whom all three were members of
science fiction fandom, two were members of NAMBLA, and one was a
self-professed Crowleyite. Am i going overboard here? Is it a
coincidence that OTO has had problems with NAMBLA members?

Crowley was always the passive paederast and even wrote
a poem about it in White Stains (The Ballad of Paasive
Paederasty) In the Bagh-I-Muattar Crowley wrote about fucking some
"youth" up the ass until the boy bled from his anus. He went on quite at
length about how delightful the blood looked, in fact.

abortion is immoral and championed by immoral people. what a surprise.

we've been completely desensitized to actual murder of babies.

no point arguing with these fucks

in a sense he is right, though - it's not satanism in the purest sense as one with any discipline would imagine it; it's esoteric degeneracy, worship of self using the works and mullings of crazies let loose to pervert the one belief, and in reaffirming their lives in frameworks set forth by Crowley's of the world, they find an outlet and comfort

> satanic elites control the world

If satanic elites control the world how come your jew book has is so popular and un-edited considering that Christcuckery was legitmately in control of the whole world for over a thousand years? Maybe the jew-book itself is satanic propaganda>?

And they are not allowed to do that because?


I think you're missing the point, which is that a secret satanic sex cult founded by a child sacrificing pedo is today contributing money to a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT MAKES FIELDS OF DEAD CHILDREN.

Reminder that Planned Parenthood was created by a eugenicist to remove blacks from the population.

Is that not legal or something?

Christcucks will not defend this

Watch out, senpai, this ghoulish mountaineer wants your babies dead!
Thanks for the warning, user.

>a secret society that uses dead kids as fuel for their satanic rituals is giving money to a group that produces dead kids

It should be you retarded fucking leaf.

who said anything about denying people? well, you did now, so you tell me

I see when you can't defend your stance, and you can't defend your infantile stance, you start moving the goalposts and chasing imagined hypocrisy

More black babies! Sweden YES!

>nothing more than a poetic reference to having a magical wank.
prove it!
PRO TIP: you can't

Go to bed leaf you're drunk.

Reminder that abortion keeps the black population down.

Thelema fags don't anything it's a mainstream fad for edgy urbanites you retarded paranoid inbred christian bitch, they release books and merchandise they have chapters in every major city that everyone can join fucking Jayz James Franco, The Beatles, David Bowie etc

In Paris, so the story goes, he learned what power evil has . Crowley had a son, Mac- Aleister, who was as interested in the strength of evil as his father was . Together, they decided to raise the Devil and use him for their own purposes . One particular Saturday evening, Crowley, his son, and eleven of their adherents went to a small hotel. The owner of the hotel was asked to empty a large room at the top of the stairs of its furniture and trappings . "My son and I are going upstairs to this room," Crowley told the others . "The rest of you will remain here . Whatever sounds or disturbances you may hear, do not come up . You are not to enter the room until dawn ." The eleven were given incantations and chants to perform during the time Crow- ley and his son would be left alone in the room. Crowley and his son went up to the room and closed the door. And as the night progressed, the remaining eleven heard much noise, shouting and stomping . They heeded Crowley's command, however, and did not go up- stairs. In the morning they went to the door of the room and knocked. No answer. They banged at the door . Not a sound from within . Finally, out of desperation, they broke down the door. What they found has become a fact in occult history. Cowering in one corner of the room was Aleister Crowley, naked, his black-art robes torn from his body. His son lay dead in the center of the room, his face twisted in the most agonized, fearful manner . The medical report was that MacAleister died of fright, the victim of a heart attack. Aleister Crowley spent the next four months in an insane asylum, reduced to a blithering idiot. When he emerged, he was quite harmless, and remained so for the rest of his life. What was conjured up in the room has not ever been completely explained . Most probably, the force they had encountered was a bit more powerful than even they might have imagined, and for some unknown reason it had turned on them .

I don't understand what you want from me why can't chrsitcucks understand that someone who isn't a christcuck and potentially hostile to christcuckery would support abortion out of either genuine principles or a desire to troll christcucks

What a fuckin dumbass haha. I love how occultists think they can control supernatural forces. I always figured if any of them succeeded basically this would happen

Well shit. And it's specifically HRC asking about her. They're directly connected.

It's the fate God has ordained for those who trespass against him.

> supernatural forces

I'm so tired of idiots
The enochian language, or “language of the angels”, the Kabbalah, the Goetia, the sigils and other oracular systems such as the runes, comprise the theoretical basis for articulating an intention and its operative resonance in nature. Curiously, however, all this arcane science did not figure into what Crowley himself considered true magick —if anything, he encouraged his pupils to learn all the theory they could only to get rid of it later. For him, magick was fundamentally a psychological system meant to conduct human will towards a complete command over his individuality.

Crowley recognized that the invocation of entities through magick was an inherent part of our psyche. In his Introduction to Lemgeton Clavicula Salomonis he explicitly states, “the spirits of Goetia are part of the human brain.”

He named his system “Thelema”, which means will. And will, as in Schopenhauer’s and Nietzsche’s philosophies, is at the center of his model of nature. Intention, just like concentration or directed flight, is one of the most recurring themes in Crowley’s vision of magick.

>Curiously, however, all this arcane science did not figure into what Crowley himself considered true magick —if anything, he encouraged his pupils to learn all the theory they could only to get rid of it later. For him, magick was fundamentally a psychological system meant to conduct human will towards a complete command over his individuality.
>Crowley recognized that the invocation of entities through magick was an inherent part of our psyche. In his Introduction to Lemgeton Clavicula Salomonis he explicitly states, “the spirits of Goetia are part of the human brain.”
Fast forward a few decades and....

>The answer is that it depends on the Angel—for the purposes of this letter I propose to use the word "angel" to include all sorts of disembodied beings, from demons to gods—in all cases, they are objective; a subjective "angel" is different from a dream only in non-essentials.

~Magick without Tears, published shortly before he died.

do you not understand the point

It's 1920's drug counter culture new age spirituality drug/sex/ orgasm induced trance states

>words don't mean exactly what they say
Typical liberal doublespeak. It's obvious he was either lying at first, or experienced something he couldn't deny, like....

You're okay with people like that ruling you?
Seriously what the hell is wrong with the leafs? You're worse than Sweden.

So attempting to summon the devil doesn't count as supernatural to you? What's your point exactly? Considering how all false idols are offshoots of Nimrod and his wife Semiramus who were being guided by Satan. God confounded their language and spread them throughout the earth which gave rise to deities of different names. Isis is even depicted in the same manner as semiramis. Any time you worship anything but yhwh a demon steps behind the idol to receive the exultation and prayer to deprive god of followers. If you actually want to learn something watch the know your enemy series on YouTube

You're replying either to a shill or a satanist, that's what's wrong

These are mystery cults. There are levels of initiation. The casual level seems benign.
Compare to Scientology. The casual level presents it as some self-help alternative to psychiatry. They don't hit you with Xenu and all of that shit until you're at the inner levels.
That's how cults work.


>false idols are offshoots of Nimrod and his wife Semiramus who were being guided by Satan
Try offshoots of Qayin, the first murderer.

So what kind of people do they send to shill against the uncovering of their "hobbies"?

Can you faggots top larping as retards for a second please. There is no supernatural devils there is no satan. Crowley was an edgy urbanite attention whote who worked for MI6. All he ever wanted was attention and to found his own religion. He's a Victorian version of Milo.

I'm fully in favour of using this to scare the feeble minded the niggers and the spics out of voting for Clinton but let's drop the act ok?

[Citation needed]

The time approaches, brothers.

Abortion is modern day human sacrifice.

Leafs, of course.

America Bewitched: The Rise of Black Magic and Spiritism by Daniel Logan.

The citation is a blog from the cult confirming the donation of money, you dumb nigger.

Don't you have a CTR pizza party to attend?

if you can cite the crowley on human sacrifice I'll literally give you 100$ paypal

It's not an act. Just because you've never experienced God doesn't mean God isn't real and people are just faking it.

Nimrod was the founder of the mysteries religion which is inspired basically all occult practices. He was taught the secrets by lucien himself. Nimrod wanted to build a tower to the heavens and appointed himself as Lord and his wife as the godess. Nimrod was a direct descendants of Adam and built Babylon in spite of God. God became angry and confounded his people and scattered them across the earth. I see what that guys point is but watch this series

Thanks, I've been trying to learn more about this subject.

Magick in Theory And Practice, Chapter 12, of the Bloody Sacrifice and Matters Cognate.

I'm literally a member of the OTO nigga there's literally nothing wrong with working with planned parent hood

Just a heads up. Do not look at pictures of Cr-wley for too long. Trust me.

Here comes the Wiener!

Which exact publication I own four different copies of in theory and practice

It's not an act, these people truly believe in their demons, but those "powers" they worship are false.

KEK is the singularity. No power stands before or after Him.

Great source faggot
Daniel Logan has demonstrated his psychic abilities on television, radio, concert halls and colleges across the United States and Canada, as well as Europe and the Orient. He has lectured on and demonstrated his psychic abilities at Boston University and Town Hall in New York City. His two lecture/psychic demonstrations at Carnegie Hall in New York City were sold out.

His books, including an internationally best-selling autobiography, "The Reluctant Prophet" (Doubleday Inc.) have been translated into many languages. The Fox TV network, in conjunction with David Susskind produced an hour show titled, "Daniel Logan - A Man who Predicts the Future" which was a major success for that network.

>Aleister Crowley thread
>70 replies
>Barbara Bush not mentioned once

>Kike on a stick worshippers worrying about fake jewish lord of sin
>falling for the (((Christian))) meme
>inb4 muh throwing shekels on the temple floor and muh calling out the Pharisees

Don't forget we're dealing with satanists who are using Solomon's demons to work their sorcery.

Dover Publications; New edition edition (August 1976)

Kek's not a god. Kek's an angel of God.
Kek is clearly a form of the angel Barachiel, the angel of good luck, laughter, and the protector of children.

I'm a fan Crowley, I've read many of his works, I've practiced his rituals, he has been one of my greatest influences. Thelemites are pretty meh, most of them are cucks hence I'm not in the O.T.O. It doesn't surprise me they support planned parenthood. These are basically Wiccans we're dealing with here.

This has no relation to Podesta's possible interest in shitty performance art though.

I love this series great resource for learning what we're dealing with

Shove it up your ass, kike. KEK is the ruler of the universe.

No Yahweh, no Baal, no Moloch stands before him.

Why is it always the fucking leafs?

WEH ADDENDA: When Crowley speaks of sacrificing a male child, his diaries and other writings indicate
that he thereby obfuscates the actual practice. Crowley did this by diversion of the act of sexual intercourse and other
sexual actions. He considered contraception as human sacrifice. There is no indication in any of his writings that
he ever performed infanticide. In fact, Crowley was even against abortion.

Another ignorant burgerlander.

we are the yang balancing this shithole's ying. It would be a circle jerk hugbox without us

Except the 10 plagues of Egypt were direct attacks on the Egyptian deities and one was aimed at his consort kauket. She was powerless over the one true lord


Fuck off Surgo, I'm fishing for (You)s here.

Blood for the blood god

KEK caused those plagues.

Do not underestimate the Lord of Chaos.

Pauline Pierce, the mother of Barbara Bush, reportedly frequented the bedrooms of the rich and famous. Pauline reportedly was working as Crowley’s assistant in 1924, when he was attempting to reach the highest degree of the OTO through the practices of sexual debauchery.

“Pauline returned to America in early October of 1924. On June 8, 1925, she gave birth to a girl named Barbara. Barbara Pierce married George H.W. Bush, who eventually became the 41st President of the United States.”

Satanism is the reverence of the self, practically what Crowley preached. Get wrecked, pierogi nigger.

>tfw you start humming the solo to mr crowley instinctively