Marijuana is a BLUE PULL

Sup Forums: Weed is a BLUE PILLING drug.

What is the evidence?

ITT: Discussion of how WEED is a drug that blue pills you.

Weed addicts:
>passive betas and cucks
>no willpower and socialists
>"everyone is equal" → "all races are equal"
>makes white people listen to nigger music (Nigger glorify weed.)

What does Sup Forums think?

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I meant to say, niggers glorify weed. This is evident from all the gangster rap. Any connections to the secret societies who are purportedly behind late 80s, 90s gangster rap etc.?

I think you're a faggot, weed is neato.

Weed itself is fucking faboo, the only problem is weed culture


So long as u dont smoke all day every day it's fine.

Jesus, Buddah, and Shakespeare all toked, get with the times eurotrash

speed is redpill then?

This. If you are productive and responsible it should be ok.

I do smoke weed occasionally. I have read here that some people who have abused marijuana found themselves becoming cuckolds and getting transgender ideas. I wonder what those people have to say.

a redpilled life requires energy and dynamic thinking
weed kills both


Letting a Canadian maple syrup recipie board pressure you into not putting things in you body seems pretty blue pill to me

is (ego death) the final red pill?

But user weed is redpill, now if you said weed culture then you would be correct. But weed in of itself is a pretty helpful drug when it comes to reading between the lines.

- t. weed smoking trump supporter

I think you're pretty stupid. I'll take a puff for you right now though, user.

I honestly hate people like you that make awful assumptions like these and try to lump everyone into one big group. desu senpai

I smoked weed for the first time at age 16. I started googling "why is weed illegal" and started watching videos about laws, corrupt politicians, police, and the military industrial complex. That lead me to some more conspiracy stuff, which lead me to more investigating, and within a few years I was redpilled. All thanks to weed.

This. Currently in a top 20 medical school partly because of weed/shrooms. If I hadn't smoked in college and seen the bigger picture, I would have ended up a teacher or cop. Not joking.

That being said, I'm not a stoner by any means. I usually smoke once every 2 weeks with friends, or if I'm going to see a musician I really enjoy.

I would actually label alcohol the blue-pill drug.

ill pressure my maple cock into ur ass you fuckin sexy mart shart

Maybe so, but not legalizing it for medical use in favor of big pharma is even more blue pilled. I voted yes to legalize medical use in FL this year.


big pharma, alcohol, and tobacco give politicians fat money to keep it this way. I hate it

Take a motzah ball break Sholomo. Change your diaper while you're at it.


Thank god someone's going to put something in my body, you filthy moose

I am a highly successful small business that owns an IT support company in my town. I run the neighborhood watch. I do free work for low income and physically/mentally challenged individuals. I am great father.

I smoke weed every single day.

No. Only psychedelics are redpill. They sort the weak minded from the strong, and make you question your perceptions of reality. Ego death is the ultimate red pill.


It was my first.

>I honestly hate people like you that make awful assumptions like these and try to lump everyone into one big group

Get fucked, OP


>productive member of society
>got a job
>attending college
>doing generally ok in life so far
>smoke weed on occasion
Come at me

are you fucking retarded? do you know how many redpilled people didn't start thinking about it until they were high?

weed is the gateway pill

I disagree. They can be a blue pill. Only a red pill if you look at your life and realize what a fucking degenerate you've become.

Things just get better from there.

i like smoking weed, OP.

you're just some random cunt on mongolian origami tutorial image board site.

i don't care if you think its blue pill

i have an ego death almost every time I do psychedelics. shrooms and lsd to be exact. more so with lsd. I only had to do it once.

I thought weed was a beta drug though? Are you saying gangstas are beta?

t. Just ripped a fat cone this morning

Stoners detected

Maybe they were high when your high you think stupid Shit.

LEGALIZE IT. And let the free market decide.


OP Isn't a weed smoker.
Once again OP is a faggot.


I smoke weed everyday and hate everyone. I see the world for what it is and have no illusions of peace or love... I am degenrate but on my own accord. Because if i didnt smoke weed i would drink alcohol and still come up with control theories. Shit maybe even some opiates.

Smoking weed is degeneracy.


Being brazilian is degenerate

>greetings, traveler. would you like to sample my whiterun widow?

how do you respond?


>clouds your mind
>blurs your vision of the truth
>makes you lethargic and complacent

Weed and the blue pill have the same exact side effects. Coincidence?

>passive betas and cucks
>no willpower and socialists
>"everyone is equal" → "all races are equal"
>makes white people listen to nigger music (Nigger glorify weed.)

Not nearly as much as being a muritard though

Marijuana has psychoactive properties

Weed should be treated as the psychedelic that it is. Its okay to smoke it often at first to get acquainted with it but it should be used every one or two months MAX, maybe for a few days at a time. It does activate other parts of your brain, have good medical effects, and gives you new perspectives.

If you smoke it frequently or are a stoner you are a degenerate.

based on me

>passive betas and cucks
beta, sure. cuck, fuck no.
>no willpower and socialists
nope (unless Killary wins)
>"everyone is equal" → "all races are equal"
there are good people from ALL races, but some races have more degenerates than others.
>makes white people listen to nigger music (Nigger glorify weed.)
rap is degenerate

>literal ad hominem attacks
I'll tell you what's a bluepilling drug. NAZISM. It turns you into a fascist and ultimately a progressive Democrat.

Phelps is a massive degenerate though. Lower evolved humans are best suited to athletics.


>Lower evolved humans are best suited to athletics.

You are not wrong.

What kind of faggot wears his pants show that his fucking pubes are showing. Fucking nasty faggots


let people do drugs who cares.

Op mad he can't get any?



Mixing causation and correlation. Betas just happen to smoke weed a lot

Actually psychedelics have been the catalyst for me moving towards the far right. I was once a fairly standard liberal but now I really and truly do not care about people or animals that are not part of my tribe i.e. Europeans. I didn't want a family before now I do. I'm still an atheist but now I understand why people are drawn to religion, though I still think it's an unnecessary distraction and we are better off focusing on more important things, like getting rid of niggers and jews. As for weed itself most of the time it is not particularly psychedelic, though it can be under certain circumstances and certain doses especially if one has used other psychedelics in the past; so I wouldn't call it entirely blue pilled. Though if you want a true red pilling psychedelic experience you should read culture of critique and then drink three bottles of Robitussin, that was an interesting night.

It takes one to know one guys, just saying.

Yeah that's right. Supreme leader lets his people smoke it so they don't question him and shit

Blaming pot for making you a blue pilled bitch is exactly what a blue pilled bit would say

Absolutely agree.

And these effects are (beside the enormous tax revenue) the major reason, it will be legalized in the whole Western World over the next 5-10 years.

this RIGHT on man


its not weed its the stupid "stoner" culture.

Interesting. Most people who have used psychedelics that I have talked to turned out to be embodiments of the byrds and john lennon.

I have tried mushrooms once, only a small dose. It changed my perception but not about society or humans, just about geometry and reality.

WIth regards to the other posts it seems weed is a entry level normie converter. 9/11 and the iraq war did this for me.

This documentary is really relaxing. Some may be triggered by the ethnicity of the people in this video


I work all week and love to have a smoke up on my days off (usually after getting shit done though)

Fuck off ya cheeseburger eating fatty

>why is that a bad thing desu

Weeds just another upper like any other, there is no 'special' side effect that leads you to become more enlightened to the world around you because frankly, it's a drug, it alters (for a short time) your perception of the world and occasionally reality itself, and to think that YOUR high state of mind's perception of reality is true then you are dull minded.

didn't mean to greentext the last part

Did the doctor diagnose you as an autist or did you just figure it out a few days ago?

*puffs weed cigarette*
have you ever noticed.. like... how all matter is just energy condensed and we're all just one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively??

Weed actually has helped redpill me. It opens your mind and BREAKS THE CONDITIONING

Redpills are easier for me to swallow high

Nah I prefer that Daedric poison

idk about the cuckold tranny stuff but I smoke weed during all waking hours and feel very lazy, unmotivated to do anything, anti social, and horny

Marijuana prohibition is blue pilled.

That's because you are probably just a lazy piece of shit that happens to be smoking weed all the time.

actually weed is the only drug that is a stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogenic

t. the stupid class my school made me take for 2 weeks when I got caught smoking weed

Marijuana makes you dumb, slow, weak and afraid to stand up to authority.

Have you ever seen a strong independent male that gets fucking high and still gets work done and calls out bullshit no matter the consequences?

>Smoke weed
>Takes away anxiety
>I can think clearly
>I get new friends
>I get a job
>Things are better than ever
The devils lettuce is truly evil.

>Weed is hallucinogenic

You have to be retarded if you believe this.

>It breaks the conditioning
So why does the government push it?

You see how dumb you potheads are?
You can't even comprehend it.

Those are stereotypes of the users in america due to california making all their media

Weed does not cause that shit

It was the jews that got it banned and keep it that way.

you're right, ive always been like this. but I feel like weed makes it worse
not as much as lsd and shrooms but it has minor hallucinogenic properties if you smoke good bud. have you ever had an "acid flashback"?

It depends on the person.

Most people are just mediocre. The sooner you realize the majority of everyone is technically a shitty person the sooner it all makes sense and you can just go live a normal shitty life that you hate because you never asked for any of this shit they just kinda handed you this shit and it's your responsibility to fix stuff you never broke.

It's just the way it goes.

The problem is not people who smoke marijuana. The problem is conspicuous "420 blaze it" faggots who let the smoking of a plant become a part of their identity. I personally have smoked weed every day since I was 17 (I'm 25 now) and I'm still pretty successful. I have a good job, I pay all my bills and taxes, I go to church on Sunday. I also happen to enjoy smoking a plant that makes me feel creative, introspective, and at peace when I'm off the clock. I genuinely can't see why anyone would take issue with this.

Bitch I'm smoking right now and I hate niggers, jews and muslims.

Chill out man. Smoke a bowl and calm down

I smoke weed almost every day and none of the points you listed describe me at all.

The pharmaceutical industry makes pills for that, goy.

why do you hate such large groups of people

Smokin while I laugh at this. I do hate my 420 blaze it faggot friends though.

why are you here

>drug addicts aren't responsible or productive

lol, completely wrong faggot

why are you