New Justice League Action short

New Justice League Action short

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Rule 63

Supes makes for a surprisingly ugly woman.


yay! Supertitties to the rescue!

Would still

I liked it, I reckon younger, less-disillusioned audiences would be laughing their ass off at the banter.

Amnesia-inducing gold kryptonite?

It's the art style


Rage Red Krytonite?
Gender Changing Krytonite?
Did they do any research?

When you have your own show with its own continuity, you can do whatever you want.

Red Kryptonite turns Kryptonian evil is a thing since what, Smallville? And it stuck since then.
I mean, there are a lot of Kryptonite variations out there


I thought red kryptonite was random.

It used to be random but I think the staple now is rage, although Red K in that superwoman issue gave humans powers so idk.

>TV adaptations typically show Red Kryptonite making Kryptonians dangerously uninhibited and narcissistic.
Funny how one media influences another

Silver Kryptonite was still the best of all the colours
>That issue where Superman got exposed to it and turned into a deadbeat stoner
>Also he hallucinated everyone as SD/chibi.


That's fucking funny.

>this fucking Mahou Shoujo sequence
Someone people Athena's suit up please

>How he must've felt when Batman fucked up at the start of METAL


I believe this is the first time we've seen Metallo in this show.

What issue of Superman/Batman is this from?

it would have been funnier if his hair stayed long. but then I'm fond of mullet-man

He's on a space station, by necessity it is completely sealed. How does he smell brownies in North Dakota? Or anywhere NOT on the station?

He's also hallucinating hard, food for thought.

Thanks Senpai.

The FUCK you just say about my waifu?!

can someone storytime it?

>food for thought

Seconding the request as I can't properly fetch and/or post it myself.

Superman, Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman once lifted all of existence to prevent it from collapsing upon itself.

Being able to smell food in outer space is mere child's play when it comes to comic book logic.

The old-timey logic that "Red Kryptonite can do anything!" is a very Silver Age story-generating idea, just as Gold K only existed so that Imaginary Stories could permanently for realsies depower Superman forever, making it something that could never be used in actual continuity without curing or cheapening it. So I get why they changed that, giving Superman amnesia effectively lets you do "What if Superman stopped being Super?" stories with a built-in reset button.

At some point, I think around Smallville like said, Red K became just something that makes Superman act like a dick, which has the same "Superman has become a problem!" effect, but in a way that's both more "badass" and "real" to the shifting demos of comic readers.

Damn this show hits a good number of my fetishes

>tfw no beefy superwaifu
Just kill me.

Turning Superman evil was one of the random effects. It was the one that stayed.

I think Black Kryptonite splitting him into two halves was also from Smallville

It was in Smallville. I dunno if it originated from Smallville though

they gave her lipstick, but didn't give her white eyes like other heroines.

I thought pink was gay kryptonite. But I'm okay with this.

If it didn't, I'm pretty sure it's noncanon

He saw the brownies in North Dakota out of the corner of his eye because he's fucking Superman, didn't notice, and then his brain on silver K made him hallucinate the scent of brownies to draw his attention to North Dakota.

>El Superman Negro

Good eye. It would be nice if someone did an edit to make her eyes more feminine too.

>Don't tell Batman
>Firestorm tells him anyway
Bruce probably fapping to the thought of Superwoman.

Either that or he just got Catwoman a new costume for role play.

>Why am I wearing this exactly Bat
>Shut up and lube me up Cla-I mean Cat

Made something quick and dirty. Better or worse?

I just looks like thick Lois Lane from the bruce timm series.

>I just looks like


How does he hear things through the vacuum of space? The answer is dont think about it.

They had the random effects in cannon as recent as Chris being a thing. Think Metallo exposed some phantom zone Kryptonians to red k, and it turned them into giant bugs or something

> kryptonite is just an irradiated chunk of krypton.
> radiation instantly causes sex change, mental aspects becoming separate physical manifestations, rage, amnesia.
> all of that is harmless and has zero side effects.

Is it weird I'm most bothered by the fact he was cool with his penis apparently retracting into his body and turning into a vagina?

What makes you think he lost his penis? His voice was still deep as ever.

big improvement, but she's still too beefy to be a mainstream favorite. muscle-girl fans will love her though.


I just found my new favorite superman.

You telling me was a muscle girl futa?
What are you trying to impose on the young minds of this nation DC?

>don't tell batman about this
implying batman doesn't already know.
implying batman doesn't have a stockpile of pink kryptonite... just in case.

Made one with Zatanna eyes too.

>Come one Clark go rogue so I can fuck you!


This show is too good for it's own good


so if i throw PInk and Red kryptonite on the same room where supes is. he will turn into a turbo gay rapist?

Firestorm is a treasure. When was the last time he even showed up in a comic?


I don't even know. But he definitely wasn't handled as well as he is in this show.

what episode

Mxy's Mix-Up.

aww the red Kryptonite was suppose to turn him into a giant ant creature. Other than that it was fun.

random mutations though, in the silver age was specially random, then it was mostly turn kryptonians into animal related mutants, being ants and lions the most often seen for some reason.

krypton is a gas, due to its atomic structure it can not be a rock.

Don't forget splitting Superman into multiple versions of himself.


hi zoop


I didn't know this show had shorts. They're pretty good. I really liked the deadshot ones


Holy shit, these are great. The Looney Tunes stuff is a little meh, but still entertaining. Who voices Wonder Woman?

Rachel Kimsey

I wonder if you can mix and match Kryptonite. Like, can you mix pink and red and get angry female Superman?

>that Red Tornado

Why are there paid Justice League Action shorts on Youtube? I don't get it.

Don't you love it when a show or movie wins you over on a character and then you go read the actual comics and they're shit.

You know, that image just makes it look like Firestorm has discovered his new fetish.

I need more Zatanna episodes.

I liked him better as Supersister.

is there a torrent for action?

I'd prefer Supersista

Here's the mega for all 1080p episodes (this does get updated)!hkFSATiI!aQpgkb54tEcaiznh_0bUDw

oh snap. is there a way to mass download from mega?

I use jdownloader.


Isn't there a kryptonite that turns him gay?

What kryptonite does has never been consistent.


This is gonna be our new flavor of the month, isn't it?