Absolutly disgusting. I nearly read 1% of the recent happenings... it's so sad to see that all the conspiracy theories were right. I'm gonna throw up. Even now I can't accept it. The facts are in my face but my brain can't process the information. Are we in hell?
Who here is having a red pill overdose?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is just a tribulation we have to face bro.
After reading some of this truly perverse and deeply disturbing and sickening shit, and then internally going from doubt to acceptance after seeing more and more evidence, I began to question if God had abandoned us as well.
The 40% of posters that are either CTR or sick in the head cheering this shit on doesn't help things either.
But please don't lose faith. There are still good people on this earth although fucking Christ I wish there were more, and that someone would put a stop to this madness.
God loves us and I love you too bro. I feel so badly for these children and I am saying a prayer that someone in the FBI can do something about this.
Fuck that, if God existed he would be extremely cruel, and not a God I would worship. Fuck God.
Thanks about this nice post. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.
You can't even comprehend a deity you simpleton. Sad!
OP if it helps, most of us feel the same way. Its hard swallowing all these uncomfortable truths, my entire life philosophy has been flipped, but I think we can all agree on this - I'd rather know everything now so I can try to make a difference opposed to being an ignorant sheep living for trivial reasons. We have knowledge, and we should use that knowledge to help others and ourselves lead better more fulfilling lives.
Evil is absence of god.
God has give free will to men.
Life is a test and teaching.
>are we in hell?
I honestly am not sure. Something strange is happening and everyone can feel it.
I say that sometimes, too. I believe in god, but I have no idea what it is or why things are the way they are.
Push through it, user. I know the feeling, but its merely the first stage. Keep pushing and you will eventually feel more alive than ever before.
>Are we in hell
No. We've been granted an opportunity to repent.
What's going on is the closest thing to a miracle I've ever seen.
>are we in hell?
Honestly, this question scares the living shit out of me
Poke around your lower back. Can you feel your kidneys? If they are there, you are a human being.
If they are not there and are, in fact, up under your rib cage, you're already a demon in hell so who gives a shit. Might as well fuck shit up.
If God exists, He made me in a way that I do not believe in him, therefore, if God exists, he does not want me to believe he exists.
God does not exist.
Literally me. I'm shaking and fuming idk what to do. Literally going nuts
It gets worse user.
Hurry up and finish worshiping the porciline god and lets get back to work.
>Overdosing on redpolls
Feels leef
Jared Taylor gave me the Black pill. Pro tip, stay the fuck away from black pills, they lead to hyper realistic crippling depression of racial realism and the destruction of the white race.
>it's so sad to see that all the conspiracy theories were right
what all conspiracy theories? I only saw one has any chance of being right: that podesta willingly cut his finger in a sort of satanist ritual (which could just be an art piece for all we know).
At least you got trips.
Am i the only one that feels strengthened by redpills?
I feel much less depressed the more I know. I guess it's because I blame myself less for things
wtf pol?
What do kidneys feel like exactly? All I can feel is a small wall of core muscles I built up after finding /fit/ that begin just before where it seems like the ribcage ends in back.
The world is in a state of mania because of the internet. Think of each mind in the world as an individual neuron in a brain. Our communication is all electrically induced and perceived and, as a whole, we are having one gigantic mental breakdown because the electricity is storming.
Ive always been redbulled but this summer I had too much time on my hands and binge drank redbulls and realized what a lie the world we live in is
I started off with Apollo hoaxes, then WTC inside job, then the nuke lie, and finally occultism and the NWO, we illuminati nao
85% of the shit being spammed constantly now is fake and bullshit disinfo.
The cure to the black pill is that meaninglessness is a subjective judgement.
What does it mean to having meaning.
nihilism is a transitional stage. Life has the meaning you give it.
>God actively controls everything
>human suffering exists
>so God must cause human suffering
it must be nice to be this stupid..
to see the world in such a simple light
I had somewhat of a mental breakdown a few weeks back. I had a hard time getting any sleep for awhile after the realization of all the fucked up things happening and knowing I can't really do anything but shitpost about it. The horrible feeling of dread and powerlessness mostly wore off, and it'll all probably go away if the witch ends up in jail or in the ground.
>not knowing alex jones was right from the start
top kek
You're not alone. I've been depressed as hell. They're going to get away with it, and it's going to get even worse. They're getting more powerful and I'm sure this has been a learning experience for them on how to keep their fucked up shit hidden. I keep hoping someone will step up and do something but every day goes by and nothing fucking happens. I think about all those kids and it makes me physically ill. I don't trust anyone anymore.
I'm with you OP, even if you are a fucking leaf.
I don't want to live in a world where Alex Jones is right about everything. The craziest, most outlandish conspiracy theories are getting proved true. The elites are involved in pedophilia and Satan worship. This was supposed to be a meme/joke, but it's being proved true. If Trump doesn't win this really is the darkest timeline.
The only thing I'm "depressed" about is how many people have fallen for all the disinfo and fake happenings. This board has been utterly compromised. Sup Forums is effectively neutered right now thanks to the massive amounts of people who fell for the "pizza" troll.
Really makes you think leaf.. The (((people))) who run the world either worship Satan or at least take part in dark, Occult-like rituals. This then all ties together when you see all these (((celebrities))) who support these people and push blatant hedonism and sexuality on the masses. The stupid sheep then just buy into that as culture and functionally act as Satanists without even knowing it.
I honestly feel though, that we're witnessing the break away from that. I wonder if it's God showing himself and what a better way to do so then in the form of a cartoon frog from the so-called 'basement' of the internet; only the contrarians who see through the bullshit of society would be the ones who would recognize the nihilism of it all.
All the shit of the last two days is the first time regular people are being exposed to this nonsense. Think about all of (((them))) who are finally being confronted by this shit.
TLDR: Shitposting is helping us save the world.
>mother always told me about a global pedo ring
>brushed it off, nah theres no way
>its actually true
I just don't know anymore.
Take your fucking LARP shit to /x/. There's serious crimes the establishment is committing to keep its power but that garbage isn't it.
OP, I have seen horrors. I can't be specific, but basically most rich or known men were born or accepted into a special club.
Sons are initiated automatically, and this is why they show their kids off to each other. New men are brought in only if they have something unique to contribute - they suck up all the artists and scientists. They breed only with the daughters of other club members.
They aren't child rapists - they cosmetically modify adult women into sex toys. These women sign lifelong contracts, and the things they talk about having done to their bodies would blow your mind. Look up bioprinting.
Their big crime is drug smuggling, and in the end all politics are decided by drug lords. Everyone around them is there for drugs - hell, I hung out with them for drugs. They also murder people who threaten their profits. I can assure you survival as long as you stay away from pushers and brown people.
It isn't that bad, honestly. The murder is wrong, and I'd say the best way of getting world peace would be total drug legalization.
And why do they do all those serous crimes? What are their ultimate motivations? If you already have all the money in the world, then all you care about is power. The desire for power has to come from something? Satanism does nothing but embrace the desire for power. It's a whole religion based around pleasure and elevation of the self. The ultimate ego-seeker.
I've begun to hate other white people more than I dislike minorities. Fucking traitorous cowards.
What about Laura Silsby, gook? And her lawyer who is also a child sex trafficker? What the fuck do you have to say about that? She got caught stealing kids who were not orphans away from their families and that fucking Hillbeast got her off the hook. This is not conjecture or conspiracy theory. This is cold hard fact.
It's not LARP bullshit. On more than one occasion I almost got drawn into using control of sex and drugs to control politics.
Think of it as on par with controlling money.
Same here brother.
I don't know how some of guys here can take this shit for months and even years.
Oh well, may the truth come to light and let it be peace and prosperity for those who seek it.
>And why do they do all those serous crimes?
Greed and power, the same reasons as anyone else. What we need to investigate are facts and money trails, not fake roleplay nonsense about sacrificing babies to moloch or whatever the fuck you think they're doing now. All this does it destroy the credibility of anyone looking into the foundation.
Jesus Christ answers all our prayers. That is all I can say.
Glory be to God Most High.
What is evolution?
>Absolutly disgusting. I nearly read 1% of the recent happenings... it's so sad to see that all the conspiracy theories were right. I'm gonna throw up. Even now I can't accept it. The facts are in my face but my brain can't process the information. Are we in hell?
Your power-level is so low, I wonder if you ever even feel the need to conceal it in public. This is baby-tier shit. I was learning about this shit when I was in middle school. Only the lowest of the low-tiers still believe in hell or even god.
Seeing the bridge that closes the gap between one theory and reality is the hardest part. A lot of people said it only half in-jest, the idea of an international pedo sex ring, but now there's evidence that it's real. What other conspiracy theories become conspiracy fact when the elites can no longer hide behind their smoke and mirrors?
fellow Epicurean?
If god is all powerful, then he is malevolent.
Probs, yeah. I agree.
You're scared because deep down you know this shit is weird. So either they spent years intentionally planting code words and references to Moloch (a fucking ancient Pagan deity the average person has no clue of) because they knew the emails were going to be leaked and they'd trick us, or they are seriously into lunatic-level shit.
I'm not even arguing whether Satan or God exist. Merely that these people are obviously sociopaths with bat-shit insane beliefs.
The only reason we're even talking about this shit, are because of the emails that leaked and inspired us to look into the foundation.
I feel the same.
Yep. I'm also sceptical about his existence, but if he exists, which is of course possible, he is malevolent.
Visit Mexico sometime, my slanted friend. The meth and cocaine will make you feel like playing a LARP, though. You can get really full of yourself and start worshipping strange gods, and after the party it helps keep the magic alive to talk about it via email.
Look up Robert Anton Wilson - the elite must have read everything he ever wrote, because they believe in genetic memory, using LSD to enhance intlligence, etc. Why do you think they're pushing a liberal agenda and legalizing weed?
Is it so hard to believe the CIA and elite are controlled by psychotic hippie drug lords? Kaine went to south American and has CIA ties - how much more obvious do the ominous THEY have to make it?
What if he wants us to suffer so that we may make a stronger, more resilient society?
If he is all-powerful he could instantly change the world, and change us, to be a better people.
In the end, if he created us, he created us flawed and inhumane. This is also what the fact that we are created in his image stands for. We are cruel and dumb and malevolent. So is he. He must have been to create us this way.
>they are seriously into lunatic-level shit
This is the simplest explanation
The thousands of people that show up for the Trump rallies have actually given me faith in the American people again. I had lost most of by belief in them but seeing them come together like that has made me realize there is still a strong core of decent people who chose the right side when given a chance.
>the things they talk about having done to their bodies would blow your mind. Look up bioprinting.
Come on man, you can't leave us hanging after that
I have been changed /pol bros. From the first bane bantz to the last quad 6666s overturn yesterday.
I was not religious. But I am now. I have seen that nothing is random though it may be chaotic. I feel the weight of this whole time and upcoming election and it makes me nauseous so I can't sleep. I have seen that there are negative ideas threatening to overtake the world but that positive ideas can win. Yes, that means 'good' and 'evil'. And so I know there is real evil, and it follows that there must be good. Opposite poles. Positive and negatively charged quantum particles maybe, but they are here and nothing like this has happened before like this.
And we have the power to make the particles positive in our reality. I have had an enlightenment that not only does God exist, but our free will is not just in our choices --but in our ideas. Our free will ideas become memes and spread and affect others and affect our reality. I did want to know this, I DID ask for the redpill, did seek it out. There is evil and it has a foothold. But there is also good and we are not abandoned. We have been -shown- that nothing is random and that we have power to act on and affect our plane of existence.
Wtf, you say...I learned that in Sunday School, they told me that all you have to do is believe. Well holy shit, they were right, but not in the way I thought they meant. When we believed, BELIEVED Trump would win, he took off like a rocket. That joyous knowing that we had...was sparked by an idea. The exaltation and sending the memes out in to the world and they spread. Memeing and praying are the damn same...the expression of an idea into a belief.
Nothing will ever be the same for me, not ever. And I know the world wont be the same. The country wont be the same. I am exhausted. But I believe. Wow, do I believe. And belief is all we need to do to shut down this evil foothold. user above says 'miracle'.
Damn straight it is.
OK, the suspense is killing me. Read this;
They hide in plain sight. Leary was a CIA agent, and Lily worked for the government. Another site of theirs is fusion anomaly;
This is their insanity. They believe every single word of this. Pic related.
Or an opening of all our minds. That's what I think it is
What in the fuck am I looking at?
This is the truth I've also come to in the last eight years. I was at a very low point in my life and terribly depressed. I had overdosed on redpills and the nihilism was killing me. I made a decision to believe in myself and that I could remake my world. It's been a long eight years and it doesn't happen overnight but our thoughts(beliefs) change our world.
You people still think you are fighting the elites?
This fight is way older than most of you even realize.
But i won't spoil you the fun. One of the greatest gifts humanity gave the universe is the question "why?" after all.
I'm not a doctor, but they inject stem cells into protein scaffolds shaped like ideal body parts. These body parts are then attached or implanted to the person. They didn't bother keeping a lid on any of it, but that Japanese scientist lost her job for revealing too much, too soon.
They are preparing society, but not for an alien invasion. The core idea is listed on their secret website;
>When humans have climbed out of the atmosphere-gravity well of planetary life, accelerated sixth circuit contelligence will make possible high-energy communication with "Higher Intelligences," i.e., ourselves-in-the-future and other post-terrestrial races.
They're otherkin who think they're aliens. Kekism and meme magic is their tool to turn Sup Forums specifically insane.
>our thoughts(beliefs) change our world.
So...we manifest God the way we brought kek. kek is god, god is kek anyway....now we have the spark and know how to light it.
Wise burger spoke the truth
Yes OP, at this point I just want to get the fuck off this wild ride. Nothing I've ever seen in movies or read in books comes even remotely close to the happenings of the last year and the revelations from the kikes and elites. Just get Trump elected and let things go back to normal.
listen to this guy.
lel Sup Forums always have been /x/-tier when it is about conspiracy but without the degenerate larping of wizbro/tulpa/divination/tarot or wicca shit..
actually its what make Sup Forums great.
My dad was a die hard Democrat and so was my grandfather.
Grandfather was a truck driver for the teamsters.
I am voting Republican
I think I might be a real racist