Every character in Marvel hates mutants

>every character in Marvel hates mutants
>even intellectuals like Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man conspire to control their population
>has no problem with mutates like Spider-Man or fucking alien invaders like Gladiator and Silver Surfer

Because being born able to fire lasers out of your eyes is the devil, but wielding a magic hammer that can destroy planets (looking at you, Thor) is peachy keen.

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The general idea is that the likes of Spiderman or The Hulk are freak accidents, the mutants are not, so people are mad.
It makes absolutely no fucking sense but the mutants have to be an opressed class so they can tow the line

Having a known terrorist publicly join and even lead your ranks is a good way to get people to hate you, even more so when that terrorist has stated that he wants to wipe out all human life so homosuperior can rule the world

Sublime is the answer friend

There is a sentient hive mind parasitic/symbiotic bacteria entity known as Sublime that uses human brains as host. It cannot exist inside of mutant brains. It is trying to preserve its continued existence by affecting host behaviors.

Have you ever read Kurt Busiek's and Alex Ross' Marvels? It depicts the 1930's to 1960's events in 616's timeline. Remember how there were all those stories about freaks and monsters in Timely Comics, Marvel's predecessor? Technically, those could be considered part of 616 as well.

Anyhow, Marvels starts off with Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch battling Namor whose threatening to flood New York. They brawl across Manhattan and cause all sorts of damage. Namor is also the first public experience with a mutant, which sets the tone for Human-Mutant relations.

Fast-forward to the 1960's, Magneto appears. In HIS debut, Magneto tries to attack a US missile base so that he can seize control of its stockpile. So no shit people are batshit paranoid towards mutants when there's this mutant sperglord who spouts about humans being replaced and has a group called the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

The Marvel public actually does have some distrust towards non-mutant heroes. Spider-Man gets publicized as a menace because of Jameson's suspicions. The Avengers dealt with hostile crowds (especially when it was Cap, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch). The only reason why the Avengers are tolerated is because they had UN clearance. The Avengers willing to cooperate and have sanction by the authorities allows civilians to put some of their fears at rest.

>Marvel having consistant or good writing when it comes to mutant/human interactions

they're so ham fisted they can't get kosher certified

the F4 have a mutant son

Are there any mutants that use their abilities to hold a steady job, or do they all just join mutants militias hidden under schools?

Yeah the Avengers are pretty fucked up.

Funny because Namor himself isn't that hated.

He doesn't count in their eyes.

Don't forget said terrorist did shit like sink a Soviet submarine with its crew in the 80's, cause a global power outage and killed thousands in Fatal Attractions, and then there was the retcon of Xorn disguised as Magneto murdering New Yorkers during Planet X when originally it was him.

Have you watched The Gifted on Fox? I really enjoy it because it's not about mutants in flashy costumes like the X-Men or Brotherhood. It looks at mutants who are on the run and trying to stay ahead of the authorities after them, trying to survive, and also grappling with their humanity. The brother gives off Brotherhood vibes because he's been bullied mercilessly and he feels that if people push, you should retaliate. And then there was that retarded neighborhood posse that tried to go after fugitive mutants with guns. It begs the question of the Chicken or the Egg; did asshole humans harassing mutants cause massive blowback between the 2 groups or did the accidental unleashing of mutant powers which caused collateral damage harden people's attitudes towards them? Or is it a combination of the 2?

Go click on this randomizer for powers. powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random

Now say you got those powers at age 15 when you're still not clearly developed mentally as an adult, your hormones are raging, and you still have that awkward phase. How are you going to use your newfound mutant powers? Would you be tempted to abuse it? Get some payback on people that messed with you? Try to impress people with it?

This is the dilemma that every mutant faces and it's assholes like Magneto or the Acolytes that actively recruit mutants into their ranks by brainwashing them into thinking they're special and superior to all the flatscans. Meanwhile you have this egotistical telepath with a swanky mansion who also recruits kids because he thinks slapping on some spandex allows them to "control" their abilities.

Probably, but Sentinels (and I assume more benign devices) can detect the X-gene in people, so even if there is an otherwise normal dude who just so happens to sneeze napalm but rarely if ever uses his gift, by Marvel's standards he would still be discriminated against.

Which the public doesn't know nor do the F4 advertise. Franklin is so damn powerful that he can create alternate universes like the one he stuck the F4, Avengers, and Doctor Doom in after Onslaught.

Only if they can "pass" as normal humans. There was a story once about this doctor who can create personal force fields, but the drawback is that she can feel the impact of what's hitting them. Nobody knew she was a mutant until the day she was forced to use her powers.

>or do they all just join mutants militias hidden under schools
There's the Morlocks, a group of mutants that can't pass in the outside world and live underground as a family.

Years ago, they had stories about mutants being relegated into their own ghettos and developing their own sub-culture.

Probably because if the public pissed him off enough, he could sink the surface world without the other heroes being able to stop him in time.

Give Sentinels enough time and they'll start exterminating ALL humans to ensure that no mutants can ever be born.

Didn't that kind of happen in Days of Future Past? Nimrod used its knowledge of the future to kill every family who would have a mutant child in the present.

Has there ever been a story where a mutant passes off as "Hey, I got hit by funky energy and got powers?" or maybe "The Terrigen Cloud turned me into an Inhuman"? And for some reason, they can't be detected with an X-Gene so nobody calls them out on their bullshit.

From an evolutionary standpoint, the mutants seem to be a failure. Evolution favors those that reproduce the most. Shootings sparkles from you hands is a bit irrelevant if you never have kids. They are too distracted by their own abilities. Sit still, and they will slowly wipe themselves out with their average deficit of getting it on.

Namor isn't God, motherfucker.

I don't think so, but Jubilee still catches a lot of anti-mutant bullshit even though she hasn't been a mutant for, like, ten years.

... Is a vampire better or worse in the eyes of the public?

This brings up a good question; how do mutants like Magneto or Xavier view people who are carriers of the X-Gene but don't have it active themselves? Are they lumped in with the other flatscans or are they treated as potential breeders of the glorious Homo Superior?

A vampire is a parasitic monster that's been treated as a danger in lore for centuries. Would you trust a vampire?

There was a throwaway story a few years back featuring a character named Vargas. Who remembers Vargas?

Anyway, Vargas claimed he was a member of the true next wave of homo sapiens, homo supreme. He had no X-gene but was born with all the benefits that Captain America enjoys. He wasn't killed but never seen or heard of again.

Kinda blows. I thought it was a good hook.

Ricochet is a mutant, and I think most people consider him a "SpiderMan"

I'd trust Jubilee. She's fucking adorable and relatively harmless provided you're not a dick.

>From an evolutionary standpoint

Namor also pays reparations for his misguided invasions. Everyone in New York has some gold doubloons stashed somewhere by now. Hell if you're down on your luck, you're praying Namor goes crazy so you can get a payday after.

No one else pays up. Magneto doesn't part with a cent, even though he has complete control over precious metals. Moleman just leaves sinkholes. Aliens don't care. Kang might leave behind future currency, but that's just to mock you, what the hell is a grommit, why does it have teeth, and what am I supposed to do with fifty of them?

She's also a lipstick lesbian, which is just the tits.

The X-Men and various villains are the public face of mutants, and they're absolute assholes. Mutants who join different groups like the Avengers or strike out on their own have a chance to prove themselves as "one of the good ones."

Not at all on topic, but it looks to me like her head is way too small in proportion to her body. I'm no artist, but does anyone else see that?

I remember him and I wish they brought this up today. There's so many different groups in 616 Earth that it really shuts down the idea that mutants are special snowflakes. You've got Inhumans, Eternals, Deviants, Atlantaens, and all those other mysterious peoples that the heroes encountered over the years. Remember the Children of the Vault? They don't have an X-Gene yet they developed powers and transformations thanks to it being evolved quicker via tech.

Imagine if there was indeed a widespread occurrence of Homo Supreme? Now you have another group of people claiming that they're the future and while they may not have Alpha or Omega level members, they're all Captain America-level performance and physique. Wouldn't that be the ideal for humanity than a walking cancer sore or someone whose half-fish half-lizard?

Like Mettle, Hazmat, Finesse...

None of them wanted to be caught up in the X-Men or any other mutant-centric groups. They wanted to be Avengers and were willing to fight and die to achieve that.

Oh look, they're all dead because lolfuckmutants.

Thor's hammer has strict rules and if the hammer deems someone unworthy it will take the powers away.

Now compare that to billy who turned 16 and suddenly got the power to rewrite reality on a whim.

Remember how Firestar and Justice didn't want to get involved with X-Men either and just wanted to be everyday superheroes?

And that's precisely the point that both X-Men and the Brotherhood fail to address: not all powers are "gifts" and some are way too fucking dangerous.

There was a great Ultimate X-Men story where a kid found out that his mutant powers destroy living things. He accidentally killed his entire town when his mutant powers manifested. How the fuck do you deal with someone that can do that?

This too. Namor and Atlantis generally leaves the surface world alone if humans don't mess with them.

Is that Billy's fault? Does Billy deserve to die because his balls dropped, his powers awakened, and suddenly the family cat is a lamp?

Fuck, Marvel themselves addressed this. What was the name of that kid who hit puberty one day and began to perspire a toxic gas that killed everyone in his home town? Wolverine was dispatched to kill him. There was no attempt to teach him to control his power, there was no consoling, there was just a gruff Canadian asshole handing a child a beer and then shanking him.

>Fuck, Marvel themselves addressed this. What was the name of that kid who hit puberty one day and began to perspire a toxic gas that killed everyone in his home town? Wolverine was dispatched to kill him. There was no attempt to teach him to control his power, there was no consoling, there was just a gruff Canadian asshole handing a child a beer and then shanking him.
That was in Ultimate Marvel and yeah it was a great story because it's something that 616 X-Men wouldn't address because it ruins the narrative or poor oppressed people.

I mean, say you're out with your family and the neighborhood kid's powers manifested and accidentally killed your wife and kids? How would your react? Would you be calm and sensible while cradling their dead bodies? Would you be pissed but still realize the kid didn't mean to kill your family, but he/she has to be kept away from other people so nobody gets hurt?

Yes, user everyone's gay.

every single mutie based storyline has been a heavy handed allegory for racism.

Of course not, but I'm also sure that I shouldn't be the one to make the decision to deal with him. In my lucidity I would realize that it wasn't his fault; he just got dealt a bad hand and that, unfortunately, affected my family.

Wait, since when?

Since never. Because Jubes is kinda-sorta friendly with X-23, everyone assumes they're dykes.

Except for X-23 being interested in that psychic kid with no hands. But we don't talk about him because LESBIANS! :D

Yeah and you're just 1 person. What about the other people whose loved ones got accidentally killed? They may not be as level-headed as you are and they'll either clamor for the government to clamp down on mutants or worse, join a group like the Purifiers.

The problem with X-books is that they don't have the balls to address the everyday human's POV. Everyone is strawmanned as Friends of Humanity-level assholes or they think mutants are cool like a fad. The Gifted show tries to give a nuanced view like the Sentinel agent whose daughter was accidentally killed in the July incident with the X-Men and Brotherhood. He hunts down mutants, but he isn't a total asshole that wants them to be cut up and experimented on.

Without a lot of inbreeding, none of them are the next generation. They are just new genes in the normal human genepool, and that's only if they can get a date.

Okay say Homo Supreme can reproduce easily with non-powered humans and have Homo Supreme babies. Suddenly you now have millions of people who have enhanced performance and no physical or psychological flaws that mutants or Inhumans have. How does the rest of society react to this? Do they hate on Homo Supreme too or celebrate them as Nature correcting the mutant mistake?

It's all about kids. Do the new fancy people have more kids than the old type? Kids are really the only thing that matters as far as deciding what future generations look like.

lesbians are SO important u guys..

Homo Supreme just started popping up since 2000 let's say so there's only about 1 million of them, but they can expand their numbers and carry their traits by mixing with non-powered humans so eventually all non-mutant people on Earth can become Homo Supreme.

Knowing people, militant anti-homo supreme groups would be popping up to kill them. They're a threat to our pure homo sapiens way of life, after all.

There are plenty of other offshoots of humanity, many of which are super-powered, but most of them are content to live in isolation, in their own hidden lands.

Human nations don't keep getting attacked by Deviant, Eternal or Inhuman super-terrorists, so the average person, even if aware of these people, doesn't consider them a threat the same way they would consider mutants and Atlanteans to be a threat, and Atlanteans at least aren't hiding among us.

Obviously, the situation with Inhumans has changed in recent years, they're now living amongst humans just like mutants are, but so far, there's not been any world-threatening Inhuman terrorist faction killing people and talking about replacing or enslaving us all.

Any group can theoretically expand, but it doesn't mean they take over. If Hosu people are having families with 2.3 kids, and normie people are having families with 2.4 kids, then the normies will always be ahead.

Wasn't Vargas implied to have been killed by the Marauders when they were wiping out anyone who had knowledge of the future, just before Messiah Complex?

..but if a Homo Supreme guy or girl has a kid with said militant, your grandkids would be just like Captain America; the pinnacle of human performance. What's wrong with that?

Exactly. And the Inhumans themselves were isolationist and have their own civilization to fall back on. Mutants, on the other hand, need to GTFO of Earth and be far away from non-powered humans. There's no plausible solution to having mutants around on Earth because both mutants and normies are going to start shit.

Yeah, but those normies can mix with the Homo Supreme. Give it a century or two, all of humanity would eventually become Homo Supreme.

Be honest, wouldn't you want your kid to be able to perform like Steve Rogers?

I didn't know about that but maybe? I'm pretty surprised considering he got half of his fucking torso blown off by Cannonball and was more or less okay in the next panel.

Since when is bigotry rational, user?

Who remembers the muties Ricochet and Ace?

>Yeah, but those normies can mix with the Homo Supreme. Give it a century or two, all of humanity would eventually become Homo Supreme.
It would take hundreds of thousands of years for a successful line of genes to replace an unsuccessful line. Considering that the current normal humans are 10 billion population successful, it would take millions of years to spread new genes through the whole population.

Oh c'mon. If your kid was Maggott, wouldn't you kill him too, or are you OK with your bouncing baby boy having two giant pillbugs for intestines?

The difference is, Homo Supreme is a wet dream that Hitler would cream over. You still look like a normal human being, but you also outclass any Olympic-level athlete. That and increased mental ability and immunity to disease and toxins.

Mutants can have people with fur & fangs or the ability to melt things at a glance. Only Alpha and Omega mutants are something that people would want, but they're only a small percentage and frankly, wielding that kind of power is dangerous.

But you get what I'm saying? It's not like Homo Supreme people are only going to breed with fellow Homo Supremes, the genes can pass onto normies.

In fact, I can imagine people fighting over having Homo Supreme partners in this context. Who wouldn't want to have kids with those advantages?

The Avengers allowed the creation of an AI that tried to kill humanity join them and forgave a mentally unstable woman who literally rewrote reality.

That's why his name is Nimrod and not Know-It-All

There is Neanderthal DNA is a large percentage of the world population, but they didn't become the next type of human. Not because they were unsuccessful, but because the concept of a next type is absurd and only ranted by comicbook villains.

Mutants are much, much more likely to have trouble controlling their powers than any other metahuman. As a matter of fact, I'm having trouble thinking of a non-mutant who has trouble turning their power off, besides the Hulk obviously. Imagine if Peter Parker develops tiny poisonous stingers on his hand, so that instead of sticking to walls, anyone who shook his hand got a dose of nasty spider venom, whether he wanted them to or not. That's basically Rogue's power.

Also, mutant powers develop young. Often as preteens. So every time you send your ten-year-old daughter to school, there is a small but real chance he might not come back because he got killed by a classmate spontaneously developing uncontrollable lightning powers in the cafeteria. A lot of versions have this nearly happen to Cyclops, and he tears up a classroom or hallway before he thinks to just squeeze his eyes shut. You'd support any measure to find them early, if that was a real danger.

There was an issue of a teenaged mutant accidentally killing his whole town. People just evaporated into green mist. He ends up squatting in a cave in the desert, terrified he'll kill more people, until Wolverine shows up to put him out of his misery. These things actually happen in Marvel.

They forgave Scarlet Witch because her reality fuck-up only affected mutants. She did in an instant what they were plotting to do for years.

Which is amazing if you think about it since all those people who got their powers through freak accident like the Hulk, FF, Spiderman, etc will all have mutant children.

>but because the concept of a next type is absurd and only ranted by comicbook villains.
Hey, everyone has an agenda and they love to twist facts to their own narrative.

But I'd love to see the X-Men, Acolytes, etc. get a shock if they realize they're not hot shit when another group appears and humanity embraces them.

Wasn't there a future story featuring Peter's daughter who did not have any of his mutate powers but used technology to replicate them?

>These things actually happen in Marvel.
Yeah but 616 X-writers try to gloss this over. That story you're talking about is Ultimate X-Men and since it was an alternate universe, they could get away with addressing it.

You're implying Bruce isn't hyper aware of that and it's shown to bother the piss out of him. Skarr should have never happened.

This seems like such an obvious plot for an Inhumans book, or for robots back when that Avengers AI book was happening. Just like X-Men fans are losing it as they figure out they're not Marvel's #1 priority anymore, have an angry mutant faction picking a war with another race who are getting on at least slightly better with humanity, and stand a better chance of surviving to inherit the future.

They also forgave her because she wasn't in her right mind, and most heroes have done bad things while being controlled or driven insane by villains. Doctor Doom claimed responsibility for her actions, so the blame is on him.

The general public doesn't even know any of this, or know what happened to all the mutants.

I wonder if the mutant community forgave her. Probably not, seeing as how she ruined hundreds of thousands of lives. I mean, did you see what she did to Chamber?!


This is the Ultimate X-Men issue about the kid who accidentally wiped out his town. Really great read.

>have an angry mutant faction picking a war with another race who are getting on at least slightly better with humanity, and stand a better chance of surviving to inherit the future.
I would kill to see this.

I haven't read any of the Inhuman books, but how do Marvel civilians react to them and the Terrigen Cloud? And all the nu Inhumans that popped up?

This is all very true. There's also the fact that Spider-Man is not a race. Thor is not a race. No matter how much damage they could do, no matter how much you might hate them, there's only one of them, and eventually most superheroes and villains will retire, die, or otherwise go away. No-one's recruiting teenage Spider-men into a secret terrorist group and trying to take over the world.

People hate and fear mutants because they fear being replaced.

Look at the real world, and look at how afraid a lot of people in the West are over demographic replacement, and that's just fear of the idea of being replaced by other races of humans outnumbering them in their own countries.

Now imagine being replaced by a race of superhumans against whom you are powerless to fight back or defend yourself. And they're hiding amongst you, they could be anyone.

Mutants, or Cyclops' X-Men, at least, pointedly refused for forgive her, and would rather keep holding a grudge against Wanda than dare start a fight with Doom over it all.

I don't know about powerless to fight back against. Trask did a pretty bang-up job of it.

>head is smaller than boob and hand

Based on what we've seen, people seemed to be happy to see the Terrigen Cloud, and eager to take their chances and see if they were going to become an Inhuman, even though it was a roll of the dice whether they'd benefit from it, or become monstrous-looking or get a useless power.

People don't hate the Inhumans because there are no Inhuman terrorists attacking them. The worst Inhuman villains would be barely known to the public, if at all.

Unrealistic Barbie proportions are exactly how women in comics should be drawn.

Trask was a genius. Your average human isn't going to be able to build his own Sentinels, even they put the blueprints online.

>Based on what we've seen, people seemed to be happy to see the Terrigen Cloud, and eager to take their chances and see if they were going to become an Inhuman, even though it was a roll of the dice whether they'd benefit from it, or become monstrous-looking or get a useless power.
Man, that must've caused massive butthurt amongst the X-Men. Seeing flatscans get all excited over a cloud that could kill mutants while simultaneously giving powers to normies with Inhuman ancestors.


Didn't read lol


If I got these powers when I was 15, I would have me a fucking army amassed and ready to join the brotherhood for just the chance to fuck, well hell the brotherhood doesn't have any good female members, off to the x-men I go to fuck Magik or something like be under muh boy Cyclops.


If I'm full reality warping tier and I gave a shit about Mutants then I could of ended Inhumans vs X-men by making so that every time a mutant died/caught from M-Pox an Inhuman would suffer the same disease. Inhumans would have definitely killed the cloud earlier if it meant that they suffered the same disease they inflicted on others.

If I was a complete memelord then I would become a faceless supervillan that starts WW3 for the shits and giggles. I'd cause Muslims to spontaneously combust whenever they plotted something against America, Jews noses would grow like a cancerous growth whenever they did something greedy. Troll Kamala and her family to go full jihadi or at least get into the mindset and then watch them burn. As much as he's a mutant Magneto+his kids and Kitty need their noses to grow to the point the blood drains from their brains.

If I didn't go full shitkicker then I'd use it as passive luck manipulation.If you cause any form of negative effect against me then somehow your power/action rebounds on you and hurts you much more than it could ever hurt me.

oh look it's this thread again

All we're missing is some jackass piping up to say "X-Men should be their OWN universe!"

None of them were mutants.

Nimrod doesn't mean stupid


Let's be real: Would I even know what to do with this as a fifteen year old child? I'd probably erase myself from existence by accident.

>has no problem with mutates like Spider-Man or fucking alien invaders like Gladiator and Silver Surfer
how to tell someone doesn't actually read Marvel: the post

Don't worry, one of those ten thousand reposted general threads is available for you at any time.

Ever notice no one goes into the Rick & Morty general saying 'oh look, it's this thread again'?

What the hell are you babbling about?

I'm breaking the unspoken rule of Sup Forums.


Holy shit, I was a weeb so I would definitely give myself a name and go about using my gifts for cool shit. Call me "Salvation".

Why didn't they just kill her? And before anyone say that she is too powerful, if she can be hit or even K.Oed, she can be killed. Which do Magneto values more, all of mutant kind or his child?

>Meanwhile you have this egotistical telepath with a swanky mansion who also recruits kids because he thinks slapping on some spandex allows them to "control" their abilities.

There's also all those lessons and courses about ability control. But, y'know, don't let the facts get in the way of your tirade...

I fucking knew the image example for this would be Klaus.

Thor had centuries of training. The average mutant outside of the X-Men has had zero training and no moral obligation to use their abilities safely/responsibly.