Don't worry guys, the remaining episodes will all focus on that lovable wacky Randy

Don't worry guys, the remaining episodes will all focus on that lovable wacky Randy

In the season finale, he will turn himself into a pickle

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand South Park

You know what,
I hope he does, the asshurt will be off the charts

>Stan?! Stan! I turned myself into a pickle! I'm pickle Randy!

Done right it could be on-par with the Family Guy manatees

Joke or not, I can totally see them ripping on Rick and Morty and doing the szechuan bit but with some other promotional food, leading up to people irl buying that.

If he turned himself into a pickle that would be the funniest shit

Every episode featuring this guy is reddit, he's the most flanderized character in the entire show.

I don't get why or how he became such a major character.

I'm calling it right now.

With the foreshadowing of Dinky's death, we will get an It episode next week.

The only reason for that is a part of his normal episodic development is missing in recent episodes.

Typically you would have Randy start off reasonably well, like how he would handle his drinking issues. It’s towards interacting with someone that makes randy take things too far.

Starting off with wacky Randy is like starting off the roller coaster going down.

Randy became more prominent because as the creators got older, they started finding him more relatable.

I do wish they'd mix and match adults instead of just Randy, though.

>butters runs to the gutter.

"I want this to happen because it will make people angry"'

Found the Sup Forumsster.

Just have Terrence and Phillip wearing lab coats and making typical farts joke but acing like its highbrow because their making science fiction puns.

why do south park photos always have that gray outline around them? it seems unnecessary



I haven't watched this show in years but I heard it in his voice, I hate you now

I think you may be right.

Him turning into a butterfly was exactly like and was about as funny as pickle Rick though.

Hey! You got the joke!

Good for you.