Wtf Sup Forums apparently spirit cooking isnt some crazy Satanist shit. Damn I thought we had concrete proof that JP was into some Satanist shit.
Wtf Sup Forums apparently spirit cooking isnt some crazy Satanist shit...
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Also does anyone have more info on Silsby abductin Haitian kids or is CTR still in full affect getting those threads banned.
Yeah drinking an elixir of breat milk and semen then writting on the walls in pigs blood is perfectly normal.
Great article! Glad we cleared that up!
> It was just a normal dinner. It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.”
Hey, how about fuck you?
You are caught.
And the world is crazy, as you say in the article, because of people like you.
You want the world to be less crazy maybe you should have become a librarian, or a pastry chef, or a housewife.
Die, elitist scum.
What did he mean by this?
We have to attack Jayz and Beyonce for being part of this satanic cult. This will sway blacks into not voting clinton. It also has the added advantage of ruining jayz and beyonce.
But how do we do this?
Has Sup Forums tried using the Illumanti angle yet? Black people have an insane obsession with illuminati/triangles etc and constantly accuse rappers of being illuminati and such; Jay-Z is a prime example. Just google "Jay-Z illumanti" and there are a zillion hits and a ton of "exposed" videos on him done by black Youtubers that also tie him to Satanism etc
Making some nice propaganda that appeals to the black illumanti crowd could definitely blow up.
The mere fact they feel they need to respond to it should show you that it's not just harmless "art."
wtf, why did the photo I posted get removed? The thumbnail is still there but I get a 404 when I click it. Anybody else able to see it/open it?
The fact that they have to write articles saying it's not true is all the proof I need.
>spread false claims
>they say the claims are false
>lol you responded therefore they are true
are you 12? with your logic trump actually did molest all those women since he responded to the claims.
"Don't believe what you see, believe my bs"
She's got a big nose
LOL dumbfck Jay Z had nothing to do with that remix of his album.
Typical performance art shit
This is pretty much what the people spouting polls as the only objective reality are doing.
>p-p-please stop saying these things you're going to hurt our election turnout
t. CTR
I can still see it user.
>The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using pig’s blood as a way of connecting with the spiritual world, to cook up thoughts rather than food.
Ah yeah, just like grandma used to make...
Goddamn, that fucking nose...
Can't stop the Jigga-man!
Tbh thats what the average libtard will see it as. Just some SJW performance shit. Just like pizza emails we need more concrete evidence. Not just some infowars bullshit. I just want some more solid dirt on Hillary that libtards cant scoff at