tell me why this wont happen
Tell me why this wont happen
because trump is winning nevada and NH you cuck sucking nigger
Maine is completely blue.
NY's going red
we will will it to happen
Hillary won't even win PA.
Trump will win Mi, PA, VA and probably WI & CO
Michigan is in play.
he's currently ahead in NH and NV
he'll take NH and NM
You really don't understand this whole "politics" thing, do you?
>not red
Go back, paco
If Trump wins
He wins
Washington is going democrat
You forgot to color Michigan red.
what are the chances of NY, California and Hawaii going Red?
Trump will not win Wisconsin.
Almost zero. New York and California are guaranteed blue. The surest things apart from Massachusetts.
Thanks CTR
Can anyone explain why Maine is the only state with both red and blue markings?
Maine has a 2nd district with 1 electoral vote that can be different from the rest of Maine. 2nd district is for Trump right now
He only needs two states. He's up in NV, and will probably win CO. IL and PA are likely because he'll win the neighboring states. He's up in NH and could win NJ. VA is a toss up because there isn't good data on it. Any of these brings him over. Flipping PA or VA alone wins him the election