Is katy perry connected with the podesta childabuse ring ? Podesta talks a looot about pizza and " food " in his email... look now at katy perrys video " this is how we do " and tell me if there is a cpnnection... they seem to feel so safe that they put secret messages in musicvideos ...

Secret messages in music videos?1

She married Russell Brand, of course she's into all kinds of sick shit. That guy is a sickening faggot.

Nice quints

Katy Perry was probally groomed for this industry like most of them are. After they're done you're nothing but an empty shell.

Proof is comming

dig deeper and ask yourself, who made Katy Perry, where did she came from

wish i was a child again and get molested by katty perry


She's basically a furry

Its no big deal " pizza " podesta was talking about ...

JonBenet Ramsay


Katy seems to be part of a jew controlled hollywood ring

Musicvideo - this is how we do


>ywn abused as a child by Katy Perry


also chekt

How did she turn from a former christian artist to what she is today?

Seriously, I'm surprised since they tend to be the most devout.

Podesta also thinks .... pizza is no big deal...



So... thats how they do...

Checked, she only did one album that was incredibly unsuccessful. Was turned at the age of 17. Not surprised now, but after reading, basically every facet of her life that she emulates didn't exist until during or after her formative years. She's about as fake as it gets.

Hi everyone, vote for Donald Trump!

Evil... she worships satan now... in an interview she said she flirts with satanism

Caught Russell Brand in a pub awhile ago absolutely hammered, remarked that she absolutely loves anal

she said she sold her soul to satan

>things I wish were true but never happened

She is sick !!!


I just dropped the biggest redpilled and all you drone minded fucks failed to even notice it

Pol is a hivemind full of retards, it only works when enough retards join efforts

nice quints

she has a song called "this is how we do"?

so i guess its mandatory for white pop stars to act niggerish for at least 10 years now

Doughnuts as nipples for a child costume... there is something going on !!!



What is he doing with his left hand

Thats allllll coincidence i guess... im so stupid right ?

All pictures of terry richardson

Perverted !!! Us gpvernment is corrupt !!!

U seriously think im just crazy right ??? There is a connection... i feeƶ it


There is evil in the bush

On sesame Street kids show

Where is chris hansen when u need him ?

I remember when this slut was a Christian artist...I used to laugh about how lame her album covers were when I worked at a music store...

Yep, they pretty much put it out there in the open. But if you asked "for real!?!?" they could just say they are joking.

Vigilant citizen was right all along.

>you will never see katy's tits
kill me now


those titties tho...

sometimes... ded is betah

wtf is going on with that little girl with the blue hair? Cupcake tits wtf?

goku will beat the shit out of that red faggot. donald trump is friends with goku.

Would you take biden's dick to butter those tits with your nut butter once a week?

MK ultra is a helluva drug.

I can believe /pol drools over this coalburner.

that guy looks like whigger filthy frank on a bad day

god just imagining them all in the dressing room with katy gives me a reason to live

She's gonna get fat as fuck in within 5 years. Can't wait to see that ass.



>Always wondered what happened to that show

She has the best tits in the game, In my opinion.