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Don't you stupid faggots understand this is more tangible than occult horse shit?
You're a bunch of dumbasses for letting this slide.
Help a poor idiot out, what exactly does this mean and how does it hurt her/help us?
Bump for interest
Bump you morons.
Didn't the Clinton's just put a large sum of money into a bank there? Really makes the brain go vroom.
Calm down that shit was interesting
Thank god not everyone is an idiot on this board. Can we push this shit instead of the dumb pedo/cult crap? We can always keep that lingering, but it's stalled out and ludicrous unless the FBI pulls through.
fucking bump im tired of this god damn cult shit, this is where we convince normies. not fucking rant about pedophilia child sacrifices jesus fuck
fuck you shill
Qatar honestly isn't as bad as the Saudis when it comes to human rights violations.
The real issue here is that during the draw down in Iraq when she was secretary of state, Qatar was out major entry point to the middle east. So I really wonder what favor she did or is expected to do for them.
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
>Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.
>Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.
>If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.
Shillary LITERALLY lying bold face. On YAHOO NEWS. About QATAR donations. To THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.
Do we have any emails from around the birthday?
Bumping for great justice.
As juicy as it is the occult and pedo stuff should take a back seat to the corruption.
It isn't the human rights violations that are the concern. It's the acceptance of a $1 million dollar donation to her foundation without notifying the State Department. She should be stripped of her candidacy for this. It makes "grab her by the pussy" look like a knock knock joke.
>The Clinton Foundation has said it would no longer accept money from foreign governments if Clinton is elected president
Only IF she's elected president though!
Dumbass. He was pleading the fifth to everyone he was asked about, one name after another after another. This wasn't a Trump-specific answer.
Besides, see the video description here for more details with quotes from detectives and lawyers who already cleared Trump completely. youtube.com
And that fucking child rape lawsuit was literally dropped for a THIRD TIME TODAY. theguardian.com
CTR is scum of the earth, which makes sense because it comes from the Clintons.
This is the proof we need to spread. It demonstrates that Hillary has, and always will be, a blatant liar. Let the occult shit come out if it's true. No one will believe it until the FBI arrests her ass and drags her from her home. Until then, it's just crazy talk to the average American.
This isn't getting enough attention people! Do you all realize this is an actual confession of lying from the Clinton camp? What more do you fucking want?
Bumping this KEK abides
Thank you, this is what we need. We can't sit back and rest on one accusation of occultism. We need to vary the attack.
Kek, now that Trump's child rape lawsuit has been dropped too she's officially fucked.
Post this on the_donald faggots , will get a lot more exposure. Don't let shit like this slide
Exactly what I've been trying to fucking say. It's sliding like crazy when it should be going viral.
> "I will give you 50 camels for your wife"
Keep this thread at the top. Post it on twitter and the_donald. Send it to Hannity. I've already sent out emails.
cucks will just claim that it's bc trump supporters are recirculating rape culture by pressuring her.
till you remind them that jane doe was anonymouse and no one should've been able to pressure her if no one knew who she was
I will leave a bump
Oh shit this is for real.
How is this not disqualifying?
it's already on the_donald. trust us, we're on top of our game too.
Can't wait til she's hanging by her own saggy labia tbhfam
Will not matter after she wins the election.
Stay on top! You're doing a great job! We have three days to move away from illegitimate claims of occultism and into the real corruption. It's coming out in droves and many of us are missing it.
This is what I've been waiting for, not that pizza shit.
eggsellent :DDD
It needs more exposure. This isn't even a smoking gun, it's the fucking ballistics. Their own camp admits she is a lying, corrupt snake who takes bribes from Middle Eastern countries during political upheavals.
ill bump this shit bro dont worry
Nope. Too many cucks in this country for Trump to win.
Almighty Kek wills things such as this to come to light.
it's MUCH harder when fresh shit comes out bc there's WAY too many new threads on the_donald coming out. help us flood new information and keep digging into the emails. we are the reason this cult shit came out. if we can find more, we can help push shit harder before tuesday. it's been a pleasure working alongside you!
Same here, bumping until people pay attention.
Bump for actual justice
It will go directly into her bank account instead
>that pic
Fuck them and the rest of the shills , hopefully we will see a landslide next week . MAGA lads
for the record though all that satanic shit is very fucking real
>Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that said Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both giving financial and logistical support to the Islamic State
Hillary was funded by the same people who fund ISIS.
yeh, they'll accept children and babies for blood sacrifices to moloch, in thanks for the win
She didn't report it to the state dept. ahhhhh shit.
>The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
>Clinton signed an ethics agreement
>Clinton signed an ethics agreement
>Clinton signed an ethics agreement
>governing her family's globe-straddling foundation
>governing her family's globe-straddling foundation
>governing her family's globe-straddling foundation
>in order to become secretary of state in 2009
>in order to become secretary of state in 2009
>in order to become secretary of state in 2009
>Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.
It may be, but no one will believe it until a major official investigation occurs. That is unlikely to happen prior to the election. We need to focus on what is here and now.
Were not trying to fight satan, we're ousting ritual kiddie fiddlers
checked, and jackpot
EXACTLY. She also accepted a donation of $1 million dollars in exchange for a meeting with her husband, then proceeded to not report it after signing an affidavit that she would report all donations from foreign countries directly to the State Department. She literally lied and committed perjury to obtain $1 million dollars.
Well the Brexit won.... wait nvm.
The reason we're pushing the occult horseshit over this is because things like this have gotten swept under the rug even after she fucking admitted to them before.
Anyone else would've already been tossed in a fucking cell over this and a million other things before this, but she's still out and about.
UK is filled with autists, plus I didn't even vote
you are stupid
Bumping with a funny meme user sent me once
Show a poor religious black/spic the occult shit and they will be afraid for their lives and will not vote Hillary. Show them this and they will ask what the fuck is a Qatar. We already have way more dirt than that on Hillary and she still isn't arrested and normies still don't care, so memes like #DraftOurDaughters and #SpiritCooking are a better bet. Blame the stupidity of the population.
We can continue to push the occult stuff, but you have to push reasonable things as well. Otherwise, we just look like lunatic far-rights and people start to ignore us.
A fuggin leaf
Glorious. And so are those 7s.
>mfw reading those comments on the Yahoo article
Is it ogre now? I sure hope so. Bumping because this needs to be seen.
You don't have a direct admission of guilt 3 days prior to the election.
Doesn't have the same emotional appeal though.
Stuff like this won't grab the average low attention span voter the same way blood recipes about semen on a wall will.
This does has more use with the bluepilled, but the "occult horse shit' is also true, whether HRC's inner circle is directly involved or not.
Although I think the corruption issue is more important, I'd suggest that if the occult angle is to be pushed, the best idea I've heard is to try and push Spanish versions of the memes and Spanish hashtags. Precision memetic warfare.
when's some user finally going to put a bullet through clinton btw?
This really is all about that fucking oil pipeline, isn't it? Everything points back to it. Hillary's state department destabilized all non-compliant governments who weren't on board. It explains all the Russia, Turkey, and Iran shit. They created ISIS by virtue of their careless bungling, and I think that's what they fear most; answering for the tens of thousands of deaths that they have in their hands.
>I'd type this up more eloquently, but I'm drunk
Yeah it's good to work multiple angles. We have the autism
Aside from that too many lives have been lost to those sick cunts already
they literally have slaves
By all means push both. But push this hard, don't let it slide, because even if it amounts to nothing (which it won't), it balances out the rhetoric between accusatory/absurd (even if true) and legitimate. Here, the Clinton camp is admitting to lying and bribery and perjury. It is THEIR confession, not speculation. So it can only help the argument to spread this far and wide.
It hasn't been swept under the rug, her credibility has been dropping even farther than it started regardless of how the media tries to rationalize these acts
If Trump becomes President we've all got a lot to answer for.
777 is Trumps number.
KEK wills it, brother
It's time.
Second this. Anybody look into this?