Why are bitches this stupid?
Which type of Hillary supporter is worse? The ones that know exactly what she's doing but don't care, or the ones that remain ignorant to all the proof?
That should say, "This made me nauseated..."
>being smart
>supporting drumpf
Pick one
Because bitches are stupid. It's not rocket surgery.
Jealousy is one helluva thing
this bitch doesnt even know the difference between legal and illegal immigration.
Omg I'm so smart with my "___________ studies" degree. I can't wait to apply "________ studies " degree in real life
Letting women vote was a mistake.
Does that explain why so many Drumpfsters are college drop outs (these are different to people who chose not to attend)?
College is proven to correlate positively with a lower IQ.
How much are they paying you to post this in every thread?
I know, it's like, set the microphone at the height of the expected speaker you dumb cunt.
>College is proven to correlate positively with a lower IQ.
Why would you lie when you can google it?
First result for "IQ and education".
Nothing, I like watching the pol mental gymnastics.
>emails were proved not to be hers
what even
Which is worse: vomit or shit?
would rather be puked on than shat on tbqh
I don't know about that.
Regardless, my point was they're both awful and neither is inherently worse than the other.
All this indicates is that most people graduate without learning much from college.
25% smaller brains
aww she's like a mama bird
why do liberal women have such filthy mouths? literally the only people i see cursing regularly past 30 are liberal women and their non-stop with it.
so 37% of college grads are stupid and all of them are trump voters? and all non college grads are retarded? just kill yourself
>Not being able to use averages
American education
Now post the one with income. Trump supporters make more money because most of us didn't get underwater basket weaving degrees.
>People THIS dumb can vote
Another one for the screenshot ;)
what the fuck are you on about? I know all about statistics
Some college includes people in college too. I've done phone surveys this election season and they specifically tell you that on the phone
we have to repeal the 19th. women are bigger nation wreckers than the jews. i say this as a woman.
Then why post something so stupid Drumpfy?
You can clearly see ON AVERAGE Drumpfsters drop out of college more.
>master cloning
>be homo
>no more women
>problem solved
>young people in college
>voting drumpf
What happened to "muh brainwashing"?
Dude. I'm getting old af. I can't watch this shit anymore. Wtf is wrong with people.
Lol tell that dumb bitch she's dropped the charges AGAIN. He's not going to court.
>proved not to be hers
Excuse me?
That rope is nearing your neck.
never thought of this but I'm definitely a poop guy. I can't pick up vomit w/o almost vomiting myself - and in fact I did vomit once while doing so. That post really made me think, thanks user
hello you sweaty fat virgin
how is it going?
>Caring about women's opinions
they're not people. They're japanese :^)
Fine thanks, how about you?
Where the fuck do people get the idea that Trump doesn't want immigrants?
>I also hate Clinton you guys!
Every. Single. Time.
Vindictive nature, pragmatism, and self absorption are simply features of being a woman, the sad yet bitter truth of life. The 19th amendment needs to be repealed. This isn't subject to debate, it's really quite easy, and this image illustrates a clear image in my mind why: the incessant, yet counter intuitive degree of these contrived posts makes me want to hurl, and they are a reminder to the human race what women stand for. I see this shit all the time "Um, that won't fly in my mind, a differing opinion! Looks like I need to state a condescending point of view in the most ostentatious fallacious way possible in order to try and look and make myself feel better, because my mental condition forces me to be acknowledge by other mentally impaired individuals who have a similar psyche to me," although independent to these particular devout followers of Hillary, can be construed accurately to women as a whole to testify the ridiculous reality of the female nature.
niggers. Also women shouldn't vote.
>"b-but teh emailz"
Holy shit liberals are fucking retarded. It's not the fact that she lost emails, it's the fact that in all her years of experiences she set up a server she shouldn't have made and it got hacked
It's the fact that people within her department needed to find out what those emails were and were deleted within the time of them asking.
That those emails may have involved illegal weapons dealing, use of money, and other treacherous shit
It's the fact that she lied under oath
And these people's only argument is "i-it's all about her emails and no other reason". Since when did the safety and security of a nation come last to hurt feelings?
Nice job printing a 3rd of the story.
Note that Hillary supporters apparently have useless degrees
Liberal white millennial women = literally worse than cancer.
I'm a PhD and I love Trump
>those three phrases don't fit in a sentence together
Not an argument.
>everyone in this country deserves life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, you know other than the thousands Trump wants to deport.
Those rights are for american citizens. Illegal criminals do not receive them. And, it's millions.
>she is 13, the same age as the girl Donald Trump sexually assaulted
What happened to that holier-than-thou Bill of Rights preaching? Innocent until proven guilty? That case is garbage anyway, it was thrown out of three courts, and was pushed everywhere until a court shitty enough to take it was found.
How can you be so fucking stupid?
Anyway, ty for the reply
> Didn't even deny being a fat nerd virgin
might as well kys, because they don't let 30 year old men into hogwarts anymore
>Didn't even deny being a fat nerd virgin
Because I'm not 12 lad.
They literally don't care. I've explained to these people that she put national security at risk with her retarded use of the email server. They don't give a fuck; they always fall back on "well trump hurt my fee-fees."
Some of them don't need to go to college for their line of work. Is it that hard to piece these things together for you
Bill Gates is more similar to Hillary. He is a con-man.
Then why did they go in the first place?
Or was it a sudden career change when they couldn't keep up?
>other than the thousands that Trump wants to deport
Well yes, other than them. That's common sense.
He's also smart.
No but you're a dumb fat piece of shit.
Lets run through this together because you're too stupid to form a coherent argument without David Brock's hand up your ass, working you like a marionette.
> Nerd
> Virgin
> Fat
> 30 years old
> Is a wizard, but can't get into Hogwarts because you're old as fuck
I can't believe we're the same species
I was constantly suspended from school/skipped work, but graduated valedictorian as Americans call it (this triggers the drumpfster)
>30 years old
No, I'm 18
I LITERALLY browse this board to laugh at how dumb everyone is.
Womens suffrage was a mistake. It really was.
You're younger than that if you're using "Drumpf".
>Falling for the "le college means your educated" meme
Educated ≠ Smart
no shit. I guess if you think we should maybe follow the existing laws about ILLEGAL immigration you are automatically against all immigration. In fact, I guess it automatically makes you racist as well, because the big problem with ILLEGAL immigration involves Mexicans.
I can tell you didn't graduate as a valedictorian because you're browsing here to laugh at people. If you were a smart nigga you would be doing something.
Or maybe you did graduate as a valedictorian but your competition for that position was with a Muslim, a Gypo, and a goat.
You don't have to be intelligent to get an education. If you didn't get good grades in stem, your degree means nothing.
I'll call him Drumpf all I want.
What you gonna do about it Drumpfy, I'll knock your fucking teeth out.
Nice try
Yes, thank you for proving my point.
Notice the use of the word smart in it's not the same thing.
No bias at all.
>If you were a smart nigga you would be doing something
I can shitpost 24/7 and still get top marks Drumpfy
>Being this retarded
Ad hominems are not arguments. Try harder.
Falling for the college meme, I instantly went to uni after grade 12 because it's expected of you, realised it would be 5 years of torture with an end result that would force me to apply for engineering jobs in places like China, or get stuck with garbage position in Sweden. Dropped and took 1 year education in railway engineering with specialised skills, building new railway and working out on the field, now earn more money than I ever would as a masters engineer and get to travel around for free. If Trump gets elected and possibly starts bringing manufacturing jobs back, a lot of people will be better off with that than college. Also >130 iq, not that it actually matters besides proving the college statistical meme doesn't really mean much out in the real world, but your mind is too simplistic to realize it.
Comedy gold lads, comedy gold.
This is barely above "we wuz kangs"
Try harder.
That last name is Trump's ancestor name. The name comes from Germany. Drumpf changed to Trump when Trump's ancestors came to America.
Congrats! By calling his ancestor last name as an insult, you are being xenophobia.
>Made me nauseas
You became nauseated.
You can HAVE Nausea.
And you can BE Nauseated.
To be nauseous means to induce vomiting if consumed.
You, as a person, are not going to induce nausea if consumed.
She commented, as the rape case was dismissed.
This is sad.
>implying liberals deserve liberty
The irony in the word is pretty funny
If you want to criticize her grammar, go to her fakebook page.
I love you guys we have fun.
>huh duh, I posted something COMPLETELY braindead and can't see why it was braindead
Shut it Drumpfy
These idiots.
>Hillary bullied the victims of Bill
>he was impeached because he lied
Try harder.
The reason it's funny, is because most of pol is to dumb to get why what he said is retarded.
>Shut it Drumpfy
So, you have no argument. An obvious troll is obvious.
Have a beautiful day. I hope you have a good and happy life.
These mooks think they need brain scientists to figure this one out.
I've heard this one IRL.
What's the matter? you can't post your muh younger people meme anymore because we debunked it?
You CAN'T see why what you posted is wrong can you?
I don't know, probably at the very beginning of his campaign? He was shitting on absolutely everybody, he only recently stopped around the time the first debate was going to happen.
IDs buddy. Continuing to out yourself as underage. QED
Try harder.
Come at me Nigel ya fokkin wanka