This scene would have gotten really awkward had Peter not actually been Spiderman

This scene would have gotten really awkward had Peter not actually been Spiderman

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Is there any cape series where the superhero and the main civilian guy aren't the same person?
Eg, Batman and Bruce Wayne aren't the same person

He was a good friend.

Wat. Why would the main civilian guy be the main civilian unless he was the superhero? Unless you're asking if there are comics told through the lens of a civilian, but focused on the civilian's perspective of the hero? Or are you saying it would be neat where it's set up so we assume that the civilian is the superhero in the story, but it turns out it was some side character all along?


My guess is something where you have 2 main characters, one's a hero, and one isn't. He was really unclear though, idk.
Maybe like Bay's Transformers, where you have Optimus Prime and Shia Labeuf and they're both main characters but different people.
Again, just guessing.

Uh, Thor and Donal Blake weren't really the same person, I think.

And then Megatron thinks Shia La Beouf is Optimus Prime in disguise

Shazam, maybe? Definitely the Hulk though, the entire point of Hulk is the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde thing.

>Oh, stop flailing around on the floor, that was only a 40mm round, I know you can take more than that, Optimus.

Superman and Jimmy Olsen, of course.

What the fuck are you talking about

>Give it up for Optimus everybody! "Oh no, the human's dead! I sure hope Optimus Prime doesn't show up and save the day!" Is that what you want? This fucking guy...




I can't even remember what gave him away.

When Peter had that suit on it looked like he was about to make a running on empty Food review.

You beat me too it. He's not even the real Lamont Cranston.

I saw this last night and didn't get why this scene is so hyped. It's like the Thanksgiving scene from the first Rami movie but with worse acting from Peter.

god that scene was fucking great

Sandman for many of it's parts
V for Vendetta

But it's a great scene. The whole way it builds up is perfect. It's the moment where the film stops being light fluff and grows some balls.

I don't think it was any one thing, just Toomes figuring it out based on circumstance

I think the fact that most of the movie is light fluff makes it better and gives it more of an impact.

People decry scenes like Pete fucking around over a day stopping petty crime in NYC as "boring," but I thought it made the character feel a lot more alive and ergo become more likable.

The stories his daughters told him about spider-man being in DC and peter disapparearing numerous times.

>peter acting fucking terrified
>all of those convenient circumstances of pete disappearing while spider-man appeared, including him being in DC for some reason at the same time pete is and then being back in NYC at the same time pete came back

Really well written and acted. can feel the cogs whirring and clicking in his brain as he figures it out.

Even then, him being right is still a bit of a gamble.

Why didnt peter just snap his hand? Hes not in his suit, and all hes got is a gun, and peter has his spidey sense.

Also This movie should have had more spidey being spidey scenes. One reason the original trilogy was great was because some scenes were literally just spidey swinging. This movie took the whole, "stay close to the ground" too literally, and it kind of faulted because of that

What was his plan here? Either Peter is Spider-Man and whips his ass, or Peter's just a kid and he just murdered his daughter's date in front of the entire school.

Spider sense probably isn't as effective when the gun is less than a foot away

he just wanted to scare Peter out of being Spider-man, he wasn't planning on killing him right there

You know, Peter could have just yelled RAPE or PEDO and solved the issue. Toomes isnt going to start shooting up a school dance, he's going to get confused and look bad holding a gun


>"Now I'm gonna give you the benefit of a doubt here, because you and I both like the darkies"

Jesus Christ, the dialogue.

I want to marry that girl, But she looks like a teenager.

Have you ever had the "fair warning" talk with your dates' fathers? It's always awkward. If you have a teenage daughter, you'll do it to her dates too.

As for the scene, Birdman wasn't just some dumb guy. If he couldn't connect Parker to Spider-Man, then he wouldn't have accused him of it.

I'm not seeing the issue

Did Peter even gave Spider Sense in this movie? Hit felt like we were on newspaper spider man levels of spider sense

>ywn enjoy an evening of fine cigars, expensive whiskey, and thotty bitches with Michael Keaton

>Now go out there and finger my daughters brains out.
What did he mean by this?

It's too bad Raimi didn't direct this one. I found a treatment he did before Watts was attached to the project

>Now I'm gonna give you the benefit of a doubt here, because you and I both know that they only way to save the negro peoples from themselves is to inject superior genes directly into their women while harnessing their men and using them as cheap labor

>"What the fuck are you talking about, Vulture? I just like dark skin"
>"Don't play dumb with me now, kid."

Peter doesn't have a spider-sense in this movie. He is faster and stronger, though, so your main point still stands.

He was obviously too scared, and probably thinking what to do about the situation. Snapping Liz's dads hand in the parking lot of the school would probably be a bad idea.

He's probably not a pedophile like you are.

The entire point of The Hulk is that Hulk and Dr Banner is the same person. You completely misunderstood everything.

What if we had a movie where it's set up so you think the main civilian is the superhero but he's actually the supervillain

Liz was telling him about all the times Peter disappeared, and realized they coincided with when Spider-Man showed up

It was a fucking great homage to Raimi you faggot

Steven Universe

I just watched this movie for the first time. That villain has to be one of the best I've seen in a while.

She's 20 something

I mean, it's Tokusatsu, but some Ultramen have hosts. Same with Diamond Eye, Gridman, and Barom 1.

>your date
What did he mean by this?

>"Peter, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
>"I ask that of all my prey. I just like the sound of it."
>"That's funny, my uncle said exact same thing in his dying word"

I don't remember that part in the movie?

Actually its Native American.

Either dual personalities, a la Yu-Gi-Oh (first thing that came to mind) or perhaps a farce - they just happen to look very similar to one another. Maybe they live together, and the main villain mistakes the civilian for the hero and attacks the civilian, doens't believe him when he says he's not actually the hero.

I figured it was his voice too.

This was definitely the most intense scene in the movie. Love it.

>Vulture looks directly onto the camera
Someone write an AnCap manifesto for this disenfranchised worker

You took his know who he is!

It's been a while since I saw this scene, but maybe he could just play it off as "fucking with you because I'm the dad of the guy you're dating".

he did nothing wrong
everything that went wrong was peters fault
vutlure went out of his way to make sure what he was doing was undercover,
he only killed one guy and that was a accident
all he wanted to do was protect his family and his business, even when he had the opportunity to kill peter he didn't instead went after the tech
he is even keeping peters secret

You know with how good they made Vulture, I can't see how they'll top it with anyone else. Like, this is more how I picture Osborn. Fucking top tier.

Somebody explain to me why, after that scene, did Peter decide to go after him into the final showdown of the movie.
Was it because he's stupid?
I mean, peter already knew that Stark and the rest of hero-law-enforcement are investigating him. They would have caught him sooner or later. And Vulture's master plan was literally just "steal some junk from Tony's plane", that would have both made him easier to track down, and would have probably not hindered the avengers all that much.
There was no reason for peter to do anything other than "dance with his GF", "steal her virginity" and then "call Tony afterwards and say 'dude, I know the name of the guy who hijacked your plane'". The only thing that would have changed is that Happy would have lost his job, and he fucking deserved it after his incompetence throughout the entire movie.

>Was it because he's stupid
Yes, t he whole movie is you beating you over the head with how retarded a teen superhero would be. Peter was stupid the whole time because that was the point of the movie.

>vulture lead mcu sin six

This scene would have gotten really awkward had CIA actually shot the man before throwing him out of the plane

IIRC there was an Iron Man suit or two in there along with some shit for Cap and I think Thor. But Pete was pretty stupid. Also:
>Having the movie end there would defeat the purpose of Pete not needing other heroes to do his thing, making the movie pointless.
>Solving the issue of Vulture offscreen or in a different movie would be shitty and you know it
>We wouldn't have gotten the lifting scene which is the best one next to the car ride

Stop, I can only get so erect.

I mean, obviously, from the storytelling perspective, it was necessary. But in-universe his actions make little sense.

I think the light fluff was necessary to introduce non-comic book readers to the real dark shit that'd happen in the Spidey comics. I only wish the films would grow progressively darker leading up to it's own "The Death of Gwen Stacy" moment.

It was only awkward because he was spider-man.

Do you even responsibility?

It's like a girl you drug to rape late but consensual.

>people still don't get why he went after him straight away.
Tell me what happened the last time Peter let a criminal get away with his crime?


I dunno, it wasn't in the movie

This scene would have gotten really awkward had Gwen left early to London and miss the sign

You're right, they should have included some stupid flashback to Uncle Ben in that scene cause people are retarded. The movie already ruins other scenes with beating you over the head with its meaning, why not do it in another.

Not Sup Forums (but still capeshit) but My Hero Academia. Granted, Deku is a "superhero" too but not in the real sense.
All Might is the real deal — a superhero, a sensation and a celebrity. Deku is just a civilian, powers or not.

Really depends on what you even mean.

Because the plan was to trick him into thinking he accepted the offer so he could the track him down by leaving his phone in the car and stop him somewhere his identity and civillians wouldn't be at risk?

I mean, arms dealing reverse engineered alien weaponry to the crooks of New York, putting a fair portion of the population at risk, is probably wrong.

What motivation would he have to lead them? Maybe get strongarmed into it because one of the other guys says they'll go after Liz and Doris if he doesn't chip in, but lead them? I don't think he holds Spidey stopping his plans against him to that extent. Especially since he tries to keep Gargan from having him killed.