Nothing is going to happen. None of our pol conspiracies are going to happen. Shes going to win, people will whine like every other president before and she will just be Obama for another eight years. We have all been on this site for too long and it has skewed our vision. She's going to win, nothing is going to change, she's not going to get arrested or assassinated. There's nothing we can do guys it's over and there's nothing anyone can do about it. It's all fake and we just need to get off this site and make America great ourselves.
Yknow I just figured it out. If trump wins we a just going to stay up here and shitpost.
If Clinton wins we will be so embarrassed and ashamed of the past year wasted that we will go out and start lives and contribute to society. Maybe it is best if she wins.
Push this and getting stein over 5%
Why would you ever trust a Jew OP?
The only thing you can ever trust a Jew to do, is to Jew you over.
With the actual pedo crimes you ctr are covering up, you won't last past Christmas. Either Trump's fbi quietly arrests you, or hilary kills you. After all, if hilary truly has a pedo island with Amber alert cover up, barrelling some nerd virgins is nothing. You are a loose end, hilarys forgotten SS
>tfw CTR is either covering up the pedo stuff or spamming it to distract from actual corruption, but either way they're terrified about where they're going to sleep next month
Surprising absolutely no-one.
Sanders was a good little insider who played by the rules and got a handsome payoff at the end of his run. His supporters were, from the start, naive fools who wasted their time and money on an empty dream of a Washington man who would somehow fight Washington.
Bernie was DC through and through. A con-man on the inside, playing the role of an outsider. A mask an actor might wear.
And what a performance! Hate him or not, you've got to admire the Showmanship.
Here comes the Wiener!
>be an independent senator for years
>lots of principles, lots of integrity, not much accomplishment
>try to do something substantial
>saddled with ridiculous rules
>the nomination is stolen from you
>end up on a kill list
Bump for interest
You're right about her not getting assassinated. She is going to have a stroke on stage just before being sworn in. The death will be ruled as natural causes. Just like Scalia.
when he said "ive heard enough about these emails" at the debate it was apparent that he was a plant
he now has a mansion by the lake, a sportscar and a few hundred thousand in the bank thanks to his donators
>Bernie sanders: reddit, pls, i need more $, pls donate
>Redditor: im donating my college fund, anyone wanna match me?
>Bernie sanders: thanks guys, we lost, no refunds
theres an old saying about a fool and his money
I think its what Hillary is doing now with the ramping up of her asking for money
at this point both candidates should be able to coast to the finish line. Shes obviously pocketing the cash and gonna build herself a nice little retirement in saudia arabia away from extradition treaties.
Thats the biggest giveaway that a Trump presidency is inevitable
I feel violated in a way that she and her associates get to walk free and continue their lives, completely above the law, rather than in chains where they belong. To know, directly, that we are just peasant prisoners in reality is pretty disheartening, and moreso knowing we have almost no chance to fight it.
The only people who didn't know this were Bernie Bros sending money.
Bernie was a miscalculation
He's the reason hillary isn't landsliding or even winning , they were counting on the Bernie crowd to jump on Clinton soon as he dropped out .
I'm reading it and I don't see what you're seeing.
Bernie vaguely went after Hillary's wealth, but not really. And Hillary's campaign staff says they flagged that as a no-no, basically.
So yeah, Hillary's staff apparently didn't want to tolerate even the tiniest bit of talkback from Sanders.
But where does it say Sanders had to agree to something?
I'm not seeing that part
"This isn't in keeping w the agreement"
If not referring to Sanders himself, in what other context does this make sense?
The atmosphere on both sides is too radical for "everything to back to normal".
All a Clinton presidency would achieve is suppress the radicalism until the next election unless she herself does something radical to solve the issue.
Don't lose faith. There are plenty of people going to vote for Trump. A lot of good people feel the evil inside Clinton and know she must be stopped. There is a silent majority backing Trump, people who didn't want the vocal minority to ruin them. But Tuesday, they will make their voices heard and shout them down.
I want more leaks to confirm he was a shill. I'm not completely convinced.
However, it would explain why he didn't go full-bore red menace on her and refused to call out pretty much every horrible thing this woman was doing during the campaign.
Nice pasta
Trumptards are starting to feel the feel of real butthurt.
a thousand times this.
they wanted the grassroots non-degenerate leftist progressives to give their wholehearted support to a new candidate.
>go out and start lives and contribute to society.
fucking lol, what society? This society is a corpse and Hillary will just put the final nail in its coffin.
checked repeating 161. going to have to peroxide my eyes because of pic tho
I'm re-reading it now.
>This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?
It does sound like there's some agreement between HRC and Sanders.
But keeping track of who's talking to who in that email chain is confusing.
For instance, they want to "flag it for him". Bernie attacking Hillary's wealth. They want to "flag it for him". Who? Bernie? They want to talk to Bernie and say
>Hey, see this attack? We flagged this. This is against the agreement.
??? It's hard to keep track of things in these leaks
We should've seen this coming desu. The establishment always has a trick up their sleeve
It's n-nothing! N-never tweet!!
All these leaks are stolen and counterfit lies
This. I hate indebted delusional redditfags that we told you so, but... actually, I don't hate it, I fucking love it.
>this isn't in keeping with the agreement
How much more clear can you get?
Afterberners completely and utterly BTFO for all eternity
But he did attack her horribly and then emails showed that they had to try to deafeat him. He also told the people not to listen to who he says to vote for.
Not going to lie, my neurons are currently firing at quite rapid speeds.
Guess they don't teach you about DKIM in CTR school
It's time to come back...
>enough about the damn emails
Did you dumb fucking retarded burnouts even try to use what's left of your brain? It was obvious from the fucking beginning.
>Bernie isn't doing what we told him to do
That's how you get clearer. Maybe he lied like the Jew he is to fuck over Hillary in order to make Socialism main-stream again in the U.S. I'm not going to defend him to the death, because loyalty is the sickness of dogs. In the end, he got a bunch of lefties who aren't interested in jerking capitalism off at every turn, and that makes me happy.
The "flag this for him" clearly refers to Bernie in context. The author of that email, Robby Mook, alludes to contacting his campaign through "Welch" (Peter Welch, a Bernie supporter) or if anyone else has a direct line to him, through that. Means to me there isn't a lot of communication between the campaigns, but that there is some agreement in play.
At a guess, the "leverage" referred to is the backing of the DNC and simply more money, so that they could shove him out of the spotlight pretty easily. They'd use this to steer him away from arguments that might get a bit hot for Clinton, and it seems he complied to some extent, re: email-gate.
I wouldn't say he was a stooge: having an "agreement", which they're worried he might breach, and that obvious lack of immediate communication between the campaigns, tends towards the argument that they had him on a leash viz the ability to substantially mute his campaign outside the grassroots and used that, but that was the extent of their control - some minor agreement to avoid particular controversies hashed out in real politic fashion.
a lot of berncucks are still in denial. they're a lost cause.
>Trusting a jew.
With all the stuff from project veritas, has anyone explored this guy
Nice job CTR, (you) got fp.
their day of the rope will come
>bernie is the cuck
>shillary is the woman
>DNC is the negro
Ahahahah spread this knowledge to the berniefags. (I voted for Bernie) I'm going to spread it to all the berniefags I know
I mean it was fucking obvious that Bernie was playing flag football and not to WIN. Even though I voted for Bernie I always told fellow berniefags he was too much of a pussy.
Sanders was a plant see this pdf wikileaks.org
lel BernKEKS sure got played hard.
bernie stood aside for some loud black women, what a surprise he stood aside for what is basically the illuminati
I never understood why he didn't attack her even once, this makes some sense
Not really. I think he'd fall firmly in the camp of the "mentally ill" people that Foval and friends recruited, trained and released into crowds. The schizophrenics and narcissists that get wound up for events aren't as interesting as the people doing the winding up.
Lol this 2bh f@m
>a jewish communist running for president of the United States of America
>a reliable man
Truly, we live in times of wonder. How can anybody stay sane in such a chaotic and irrational world!
Well, if you sit through his drivel long enough, you actually see he retweet Wikileaks somewhat regularly and anti-Hillary memes. Perhaps, he was a bernout that switched side. I know it's tangential to Bernie, but figured it's a potential avenue to look into.
Send this shit to all those berniefags on reddit who gave their fucking paychecks to him. They will feel so much RAGE they won't vote at all, or will vote for Trump.
I always thought it was really strange.
>B-b-but he's a class act! He wanted to talk about the issues! *Tips fedora worriedly*
Riiiiight, a socialist wouldn't attack the face of crony capitalism because he's a "class act". The majority of the country is getting its shit pushed in by the recession we never recovered from, caused by the richest people in the world in the name of profits, a time where socialist rhetoric is at its most effective - and he lets her off easy.
Yeah, he's either retarded, threatened with death by Hillary, or he was a shill.
>This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?
It sounds innocuous, but could it be criminal?
reddit thinks the two black ladies were soros plants as a warning to bernie. thoughts?
All the berniefags I know agreed with me whenever I made comments about Bernie pussyfooting around and not having the balls to WIN. Half the Democratic Party wanted Hillary to be torn to shreds. They really fucking hate her. I fucking hate her.
>>the nomination is stolen from you
Nope. Bernie got paid off. Nothing stolen.
TFW you were a berniebro is the spring but you woke up after bernie dropped out and backed hillary and started looking deeper.
TRUMP 2016
Explain their reasoning? I realize Soros funds BLM and their bullshit "nonprofits" some have started, but what kind of warning do you mean?
That stunt was awesome, when they called the audience a bunch of racist liberals and got booed, then the cucks with the campaign tried to hush all that up. Shows you that the left are sick of this shit and are hijacked at the top.
The real tragedy is how the left has been high-jacked by these SJW, anti-egalitarian, fuck-the-poor, feminazis, and there's nothing we can do about it.
The well has been poisoned.
I guess the relation is to the 'flag' they wanted to send him after he broke their agreement. bernie did come out of that looking weak.
this is really strange... i can understand not thinking you can win... but he was purposefully staying away from hillary's weak points.
So why run at all?
Maybe he felt cornered. They talk about having leverage against him, it doesn't seem like it was a voluntary relationship where he was helping her win. If he was colluding with her wouldn't he not have to be threatened?
the fucking cocksucker took people's hardearned money, broke motherfuckers' money, completely took advantage of desperate people by giving them a false hope, then didn't play to win. no dirty tricks necessary, all he had to do was tell the truth about hillary. what a cunt (bernie)
they're just the pawns
>Was a Bernout
>Almost donated money because he seemed like a very genuine politican
>Decided not to right before submitting
Dodged a fucking bullet with that one. I can't believe myself, getting lured in by the lies.
>So why run at all?
He's fucking rich now.
Take lefty donations, don't spend it all, and you're set.
Makes perfect sense. The whole time I was always screaming at the TV "Why don't you fucking attack the shit out of her!!" There was so MUCH fucking ammo.
Fuck this gay earth.
probably part of their 'agreement'
oh wait so he was in it to fleece the stupid goyim the whole time. he wanted enough support to get their money (where did the money go? funneled into a superpac?) but it almost was too much so he played nice in the debates. "who cares about the emails???" to a roaring applauding shill audience...
Oh ya I was doing that too.
I just assumed he was too much of a pussy or wanted to focus on policy, because he was a pussy.
I gave him too much credit.
Reddit on suicide watch. A smokeshop I go to still has their cucked little Bernie billboard up. It would be hilarious if I weren't going to be responsible for them on the day of the rope.
Fucking kids saw their nomination stolen from them and they couldn't do shit. Watch Hillary try and bury Trump like she did Bernie. I will make everything fire.
Is anyone surprised?
That's another reason why I'm hoping Trump wins, it will be the failure of identity politics.
I can't wait to call into local lefty talk radio shows, these fuckers harping about the "white privilege" myth, the fucking "gender wage gap" myth, everything is racist, everybody is misogynist, blahblahblah. One of them is actually waking up to this shit, her light in the dark was becoming aware of the left's classism. She heard one of my calls on another show about the affluent liberal's classism affecting all kinds of issues like gun control, illegal immigration, etc.
You have to frame your argument FROM the left to have any chance of penetrating.
I know. I know and it's infuriating.
The entire country is suffering as more and more jobs are moved overseas, leaving millions of Americans out of work, and out of cash to spend. I watch as state governments lower taxes on the rich, then to make up for the lost income, take loans from them to make up the difference, and leave it for someone else to deal with down the line- while raising taxes on the poor and the middle class just as an extra fuck you.
I watch as the quality and quantity of higher education has deteriorated, been made more inaccessible (unless you're some minority that the Democrats pander to), and has saddled an entire generation of my countrymen with enormous debt, and all for what? There's no jobs for them to get with those degrees. They all left decades ago. Then they've brainwashed all of these kids into feeling guilty and obligated to take care of these fucking immigrants that they never had a duty to.
This land is fucked.
lay off the pot, friendo
pdf page 1
Reddit just cannot stop getting ass blasted
pdf page 2
That's not the case. He had to agree before they let him run as a democrat to not criticize Hillary. He stabbed them in the back, he outplayed them. That's why they did everything they could to stop him. He wasn't controled opposition, he was supposed to be controled opposition but he went rouge. They were stupid for thinking he wouldn't. He's not their freind or ally. The only way he endorsed hillary is because he lost and they threatened his wife.
pdf page 3
Supported both Bernie and Trump, voted for Bernie because I liked some of what he said and Trump had my state locked down in the primaries. Lost most of my respect for him after he endorsed her, but this just fucking kills it for me. What a fucking loser. This is ridiculous - the corruption runs so fucking deep.
Glad I already cast my vote for Trump. NC will be red, boys.
pdf page 4
Link to Bernie reddit? Want to witness:
The fire rises.
>switch tactics
Like some of us have been saying, Sanders is a cuck, a pushover if you will. Not airlines all honesty.
hillary needs downtime. low energy confirmed.
I told several people I donated $50-$100 to Bernie for their birthday present, but could never pull the trigger because I could see what a fucking pussy he was being refusing to go after Hillary's glaring weaknesses and lies. Glad I didn't I would've wasted about $500.
Literally bent the knee
Democratic socialists forever BTFO
Hillary can only handle staged opposition.