If Pennywise the dancing clown existed in the DC universe what rank of villain would he be...

If Pennywise the dancing clown existed in the DC universe what rank of villain would he be? super dangers mastermind level? or street level?
And what heroes would come after him the most?

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Like 6 little kids beat the shit out of him so bad he went into a 27 year coma...he’s not a threat to anyone but babies

Wouldn't Morpheus eventually cross paths with him, get sick of his shit in like 0 minutes and kick his ass?

They had the magic god turtle help them.
Without the turtle they wouldn't have been able to win.
Also Pennywise isn't just an evil clown.
He's a cosmic horror that eats worlds and children.

He's a cosmic parasite leeching off of a larger force he calls the Deadlights, which represent the primal force of consumption and exists outside of the entire multiverse. I'm honestly not sure if power level could apply here.

IT would be cosmic level. You'd need Capital G Gods to deal with IT if It ever decides to stop playing around.

This is true its a bit hard to use powers levels on a cosmic god that lives beyond reality itself.

Pennywise isn't "leeching" off the Deadlights. He *is* the Deadlights. Or rather, he is but the 'mouth' of the thing that is but a mere tendril of the Deadlights (the Spider). The Deadlights and Pennywise are one and the same.

Never mess with turtles.

The only DC entity that could possibly defeat the Deadlights is Anti-Monitor, prove me wrong.

There’s things in DC who’re stronger than the anti monitor.


Batman with prep time.

...So... Sandman can beat him, right?

The guy would be an event villain, but I would say Fate would be the guy trying to keep him from entering DC in the first place

So hold the fucking phone.
You saying supes can't take on this fucking clown?

Since belief is a big part of IT, would the belief Batman can visciously thrash a clown be a weakness to Pennywise?

The only things that could so much as cause IT an inconvenience, let alone actually *harm* It, would be shit like the Presence or the Overvoid. And I'm not so sure about the Presence.

Sandman had a difficult time in Hell, which is also another plane of existence. He does have power sure, and can travel between dimensions and dreams so he could probably travel to the Macroverse where the Spider (It) lives, but he couldn't do anything more than talk to It.

Don’t remember seeing no fucking turtle in that movie bud, pretty sure he just got his ass beat once they stopped being afraid of him

Supes gets jobbed by low level beings like Darkseid and Doomsday, he couldn't do shit to Pennywise.

We're talking about the novel version of IT. The new movie draws most of its design choices from the original book.

That's because you didn't read the book child.

Maturin, the giant turtle who lives in the Macroverse with It. The embodiment of good and innocence, he's the one who vomited up the Universes in King's lore.

and yes there was a fucking lego turtle that Bill dropped on the floor, signifying the death of his innocence.

Of course he can’t get rid of him, but he can thwart the hell out of predations though


Pennywise is nothing compared to Gan.

It even aludes to Gan being the supreme deity who created both himself and Maturin the turtle. That's plot device level power right there.

Gan is also the one who took up protecting the children using their final confrontation with IT, because Maturin bit the dust. Whereas Gan's Adversary, Dis, was doing its best to manipulate events so that IT could devour the children, and usher in the destruction of Maturin's Beam.


Morpheus would take him easily. It despite various fanwank and in-book fanwank, is never shown to be much more than a minor demon. Even major gods live in pants-shitting terror of the Endless getting pissed at them. Morpheus is in the top ten of the most powerful beings in the DC multiverse. Only the Presence, Lucifer, Michael, and two or three other Endless are more powerful when Morpheus is at full strength.

But Morpheus lets LOTS of nasty demons run around and does nothing about them. Unless It intruded on the Dreaming or threatened someone Morpheus wanted to protect, the Sandman would let him go about his business.

The thing is, you don't have to kill IT to beat IT. As powerful as the Deadlights are, the incarnation that we know as Pennywise is trapped in this mortal coil and has only a minuscule fraction of its power available -enough to get done what IT needs to do, but not nearly enough to adequately defend itself or go on the attack against anyone actually able to put up a fight. And that's the crux here; King's version of Earth doesn't have capes. Mortals are just mortals, and can't really put up much of a fight agains't the spooky, otherworldly shit going on.

That's not true in a reality like DC's. Things like IT pop up and get wrecked all the time. There are people who devote their lives SPECIFICALLY to fucking entities like IT in the ass. Most DC mystics wouldn't have much trouble putting him back to sleep, and even most of the street-level metahumans would be successful in at least stopping him from eating anyone.

>liking IT

Do I look like I want to read some long ass book with a child orgy in it?

No thanks, pedo-kun

Didn't he say New IT is good in his review?

>He doesn't want to read a book with child orgies
Reddit is that way.

God this book sounds fucking up its ass retarded

Glad they leave this shit out of the movies

What the fuck I've read It like three times when I was a kid and never heard of Gan or Dis. Never realized the Turtle had a name, either. Where are you guys getting this shit?

*blocks your path*

Sup Forums doesn’t even read comic books, why do you nerds think Sup Forums would read an actual book

Dark tower my dude.

Dark Tower.

What WOULD happen if Superman/The Sentry threw Pennywise into the Sun?
I assume he'd just reform 27 years later?


Yes. Question is, would he reform on Earth or in the sun and immediately get roasted again?

>They had the magic god turtle help them.

John Constatine has Pennywise marked on his calendar to go to the town and beat the shit out of the spirit every 27 years and when he eventually retires his replacement will inherit the calendar.

Wasn't the entire reason he had to go there in the first place that he had only a fraction of his power/self and was collecting it all again?

What was it again? The ruby, the dust, and the mask?

Dark Tower, my dear friend.

Constantine would die if IT ever gets tired of him, user. Do remember that the *entire* town of Derry is a part of IT, and It possesses full dominion within it.

>Don’t remember seeing no fucking turtle in that movie bud, pretty sure he just got his ass beat once they stopped being afraid of him

That's not even how it's supposed to work. The children are meant to use it's own powers against it with their imagination. It's how Eddie was able to hurt it with his Inhaler and seriously injure It with the balls of Silver because kids know that's how you kill a monster. The new film just went for "We ain't scare no mo" and beat the shit out of it which was ridiculous

I'd agree if it was Pennywise's true form, but Constantine has dealt with plenty of things stronger than just his evil clown guise.

In the book Pennywise is just a part of a much larger entity that lives in another dimension.
But inside that dimension with him is a god like being that looks like a giant magic turtle.
Its old wise and slow and created the universe we live in when it threw up.
The turtle is Pennywise's greatest nemesis as while Pennywise is a creature of destruction hate and consumption, the turtle is a being of wisdom love and creation.
It helped the kids in their battle against IT and without its help they would of never been able to hurt It

In the novels pennywise was the equal of a being that created the universe. The only reason why the kids stood a chance because the Turtle was helping, alot. And later when the turtle died, a literal omnipotent god was the one backing them up. In fact there are hints in the book that everything that happens in the novels is set up by Gan, even the losers meeting up and becoming friends .

Aren't we already in the macroverse? The universe and all other universes are contained within it. Morpheus would have to just grow impossibly huge. I think IT is meant to be like 2x the size of the universe.

Maturin is really neat
He is filled with turtle meat

Superboy Prime

>minor demon
>dwarfs the universe itself
>battles gods

No man King's best writing is his coke-fueled psychedelic cosmic Kirby shit.

> is never shown to be much more than a minor demon
it belongs to an different macroverse than the dark tower
in the book the only two macro entities that exist are it and the turtle, the only thing it fears is a third being existing in the macroverse, it is by all definitions the pure escence of death and fear

We all love him, Maaaa Tuuurrr IIiiiiiin!

>turtle god help kids beat an evil kid-eating spider that looks like a clown via their imagination
>people think this is good horror

I think Pennywise is Spectre or Dr Fate level.

That turtle god dies in the second part and the kids are left helpless

Well, actually Gan was secretly helping them, but they or IT didn't know that.

>Gan is also the one who took up protecting the children
is there any reference to roses in the book?

Actually, there are some heavy hints that IT IS actually one of the six Demon Elementals of the Dark Tower, opposites to the 12 Beam Guardians, and rulers over countless hordes of demons and nightmares.

That explains it. I've only gone through the latter part of Dark Tower once and that was before the comics and some of the side stories like 0 and 4.5 came out, so I either missed it or didn't remember.

>later when the turtle died

And Maturin wasn't even *dead* dead, he was just sort of "yo I'mma fade out of existence for a while, catch you in a few thousand years" dead.

What the actual fuck was this nigga smoking when he made IT?

IT, and most of the Kingverse beings, are loosely based/inspired by Lovecraft. IT is a physical manifestation of what amounts to a Great Old One. King references "Outer" powers many times throughout his books, with many of the villains serving those beings in some way. Randall Flagg, for example. In the Dark Tower specifically, King says that as far as KA goes, destiny, not all forces were acting to keep the Ka-Tet *away* from the Tower. Implying some very powerful beings working for good.

As for IT, Pennywise is a physical Aspect of an Outer Being. Very powerful, but also vulnerable on this plane. Several DC characters could dispatch Pennywise easy enough, but could do little to the greater being.

He was literally on coke for like 20 years ans it led to most of his best work.

He was taking ALL OF THE COCAINE.

Just watch Maximum Overdrive sometime.

it's actually kinda strange Gotham doesn't have a IT style monster running around


You mean snorting. And it was cocaine. lots and lots of cocaine.

Gotham does have monsters. Look into Gotham by Midnight

Wait, I thought IT like beings were considered childsplay for Gunslingers?

But then again, I prefer Gamera and the Great Atuin for my Turtle Gods.

In theory, Pennywise is a Cthulhu level villan but in actuality his scope of power is limited for some reason. Pennywise would be smart enough to know to stay away from the super hero's like Dr. Fate and the Justice League.

He would be the kind of monster that John Contantine would have fought back in the 80's.

It does tho...it's name is Batman

That sounds about right.

Though for some reason, probably I'm now thinking of It meeting a demise at the hands of Susan Sto Helit's poker.

He said it was good, but it lacked a good identity like the original. IIRC

>Wait, I thought IT like beings were considered childsplay for Gunslingers?
That's only because Gunslingers usually only face the avatars of such entities. Demon Elementals can't manifest in their totality most of the time, which is why they need to act through various and limited manifestations. But due remember that even then, Gunslingers are some *insane* bullshit.

yeah but gunslingers are the cowboy equivalent of wuxia martial artists

>Wait, I thought IT like beings were considered childsplay for Gunslingers?

They fight avatars and small time demons. It's only because the beams are weak that freaks like Pennywise are out if I recall properly

I figure Constantine would be able to take down Pennywise as he was in IT.

Could a kind user tell me the lore of this thing? How does it tie into the rest of the Stephen King verse? Does it impact either the Dark Tower series or Salem's Lot?

The monsters Gotham spawns are filth like Joker, Penguin, Two-Face...Gotham has a darkness much like Derry. It's just a different nature. Some sort of eldritch influence that turns men darker rather than an outright cosmic monster.

>Could a kind user tell me the lore of this thing?
Basically, IT is a cosmic horror that dwells in the Macro verse in It's natural-state as the "Deadlights", a vast, orange mass of writhing soul-destroying lights that *vastly* dwarf the material universe (IT actually mentions that to It, the universe is nothing more than a "tiny egg"). IT is one of six Demon Elementals, powerful demonic gods in opposition to the 12 Beam Guardians, one for each individual Beam of the Dark Tower.

>How does it tie into the rest of the Stephen King verse?
Being a Demon Elemental, IT is one of the key negative forces that afflicts the Dark Tower, and all of Creation as a whole. In fact, IT devouring children was actually impacting the Beam of the Tower that Maturin was safe-guarding. Had IT been allowed to continue in It's feeding, there was a good chance that IT would destabilize the Beam enough for the Red to devour it.

I thought it did? I thought there was some sort of curse that's been on Gotham since its genesis.

Not the guy you responded to but that sounds so fucking fake and retarded I actually laughed out loud reading it.

>that sounds so fucking fake
it's not real user. it's from fictional books.

Pennywise seems like a Parallax knockoff

>that sounds so fucking fake
Have you considered the fact that fiction does not translate into reality perhaps, friendo?

Wouldn't it be the other way around?

I bet you liked the child orgy scene

There is, as I recall they touch on it in Nu52 during the Court of Owls storyline, as well as in All-Star Western. But it's not some sort of spider-monster that influences men, just a general darkness on the grounds Gotham was built on. To my casual knowledge, anyways.

Even if you go back to pre-Nu52/Post-Crisis, though, some early Batman stories touch on the idea that Bruce has been blessed by a primal deity. Look at Shaman from Legends of the Dark Knight as well. Mysticism is a part of Gotham, an undercurrent beneath the madness...there is a good reason why some consider Gotham to be just as much of a 'character' in the Batman mythos as Bruce Wayne or Alfred.

>An evil cosmic magical being that feeds on children enters the DC universe
>Nobody mentions Captain Marvel
Dammit Sup Forums

>>Hangs out in a little down
>>Never does anything of note but kill a few people

Minor demon.

Literally, the whole of Gotham is in and of itself a living entity of thought and presence. Sometimes references to this are done really well, because it should more or less be portrayed as a non cosmic entity of greater than human awareness and some level of chaotic mind, but more often than not it's written as a very old entity who's sort of only vaguely engrossed in anything at the time. Sometimes it actually cares about shit, and that's awful writing.

Even when it's written well, though. The Entity wants to bone the shit out of Tim Drake. No joke. This ancient awareness of like witch death and transgressions against man, this awareness composed of violent thought and nature, really wants to bone Tim Drake. It succeeds like three times as of my last count. On at least one occasion it took over the body of someone else to do it. Apparently, Tim Drake is like really amazing or something, but only not quite cosmic entities created by dark thoughts and worse actions feel that way.

>>Never does anything of note but kill a few people
Only because IT's lazy as fuck. If IT ever wanted, IT could just devour reality, but it won't/can't. The Earth is only allowed to exist because it continues to provide IT with such exisquisite cuisine (children). If that ever stopped. IT would have no reason to keep the Earth around at all.

“Stand back boys, I got this.”

Demons say that sort of thing a lot. "Oh, I'm so great and powerful, but I'll give you such a deal on your worthless soul." Morpheus deals with stuff like that all the time. He MAKES stuff like that all the time. Making nightmares is part of his job.

>Even if you go back to pre-Nu52/Post-Crisis, though, some early Batman stories touch on the idea that Bruce has been blessed by a primal deity.

That's really interesting. I read a Tumblr post a couple of years ago that said that one of the reasons why Bruce doesn't kill is because he knows that if he does, he'll get taken over by some bat demon or whatever warps Gotham and causes its misery.

Is that ever mentioned in the book? I remember his "I am the eater of worlds" line or whatever it was exactly, but I just assumed he was just trying to sound scarier.