Other urls found in this thread:
no goal, just the sisyphean struggle that is life.
The coming sacrifice of the entire worlds population to MOLOCH.
And the vile pawns here, nay, the useful idiots that inhabit this board are assisting us every step of the way.
לְמֹלֶךְ שִׁקֻּץ בְּנֵי עַמֹּֽון
Same as any other "conspiracy": Not a fucking clue.
A new form of order. Chaos controlled by we, the Enlightened of Kek.
Invoking kek's will
Memes are more powerful that weapons in the modern day.
>MFW you laugh but we are a major player in this years US election
always being right
Institute eternal chaos and struggle so that no order can completely monopolize power.
Without chaos there is no life.
Crashing this plane
We run AMOK
Ancient Memetic Order of Kek
to be smug
Nothing. We'll continue messing with normies politics till we get bored.
I honestly just want to be able to speak my mind freely in public and to have an imageboard where I can shitpost in peace.
I support Trump and Sup Forums's weird trolling activism because they're the only forces pushing back against a liberal culture that wants to take these things away from me. I'm not even all that conservative. I just want to be left alone and SJWs won't fuck off without a fight it seems.
Chaos desu
The complete destruction of the world.
Nice digits leaf
Praise kek
Sup Forums is a board of peaceful chaos cultists of the memetic warp
If we had an end game, what would it be? I know we don't honestly have one since we're inherently chaotic, but ayyy.
A lot of non-responses here.
Differs depending who you ask. Some say the blacks living in fear, others say God Emperor MAGAing, even still some just want to see everyone burn.
Check em
friendly reminder
with all the recent occult shit we pretty much slaanesh now
Sup Forums has no endgame, the games will continue. Forever.
We are just getting started.
To make gook moot hate us
To secure the existence of the white race and put a end to degeneracy
Revelation 16:13King James Version (KJV)
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Probably hell unless Kek is an Agent of God and isn't this false spirit.
I hope so. I feel the heat though.
Jesus Christ have mercy on our souls.
>shitposting aside....the truth must always be exposed to keep civilization balanced and justice at the forefront of human existence.
Kek will smite someone near you infidel!
to lol
We go where Kek desires
We were just a normal everyday teenage boy looking to have some fun that got caught up in a world-spanning urban fantasy conspiracy thriller.
Even if that's true if we succed our sacrifice is worth it. I'd happily spend eternity in hell to ensure a future for the world.
Tourists: unironically white supremacy, Emperor Trump
user: Pool's closed, anarchy, equilibrium, memes
1. Chaos
2. Shifting the Overton window
Openly shooting leftist in the streets.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't have tzeentch written all over it
the fuck you on about?
>It was always for the lulz
Never forget where we came from
Don't let the newfags change this.
This, there is a good intention in all this but it started because we were bored and wanted to mess with something.
>yfw kek is tzeentch
Making memes, and living dreams.
To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Hail Victory ! Is the most powerful meme ever created. It was meticulously crafted by NatSoc engineers in Germany who harnessed it's power to rise from nothing to then defend itself against the entire world. In the end they were jewed, but now we tap into the powers of this forbidden meme to shape a new timeline for ourselves!
bad wording, by "we" i meant society as a whole not pol
the weak should fear the strong
Fuck off
The end of days
A white ethnostate
A world-altering Memetic missile.
expose the oculist elitist fucks that create war by using societies as puppets through religion.
..atleast that was the past day or so
>yfw kek is tzeentch
>mfw it's all related, instead of Tiberium we have our own green world-changing force, Pepe.
A mix of transhumanism (with the human race purged of the Lesser Races) and dank memes.